2024:Editing Challenge/Awards/en
Five prizes are planned for a set of gadgets funded by the Contest Partners:
- Regionalny Instytut Kultury im. Wojciecha Korfantego (Wojciech Korfanty Regional Institute of Culture),
- Biblioteka Śląska (Silesian Library).
Criterion for selecting winners
Prizes will be awarded to the next 5 people, authors of the largest total size of editions made as part of the competition, specified in kB.
Commemorative prize
The commemorative prize in the competition is the Silesia Star, which can be added to your page. The commemorative award will be given to all participants who have completed at least one mine-sized edition. 2 kB according to the rules of the competition.
More details about the contest can be found in the Contest Rules available on the Wikimedia Polska website.
Silesian Library Prizes
For the contest participants, the Library of Silesia has provided a book as a gift. The winners will be the first to choose a book from the following list:
- Susitikimai, you know. 100 islands of Ukraine and Poland. I'm not going to say anything. [Text in Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Polish languages]
- The Princes of Czartoryski Museum
- Wujek ‘81. Der Streik und Seine Niederschlagung / Robert Ciupa, Bogusław Tracz [Tekst w j. niemieckim]
- Wujek ’81. Strike and Pacification/ Robert Ciupa, Bogusław Tracz [Tekst w j. angielskim]
- Rzeźba. Sculpture / Michał Batkiewicz. [Tekst w j. polskim i angielskim]
- Krasiczyn. Fotografie / Tadeusz Budziński [Tekst w j. polskim i angielskim]
- Răpirea Europei. Traducere din limba polonă de Constantin Geambaşu, prefaţă de Ireneusz Staroń / Krzysztof Koehler. [Tekst w j. rumuńskim]
- Solidaritatea, "taraba comunistă" și puțină filozofie. Cuvânt-înainte la ediția în limba română de Zbigniev Stawrowski ; traducere din limba polonă și note de Ioana Diaconu-Mureșan / Zbigniew Stawrowski. [Tekst w j. rumuńskim]
- Literatura polonă. Reflecţii critice / Constantin Geambaşu. [Tekst w j. rumuńskim].
- Недовершений час. Nedoveršenij čas / Броніслав Вільдштейн, Bronìslav Vìl'dštejn. [Tekst w j. ukraińskim]
- Arte na PUCPR : www.artenapuc.pucpr.br / Ivens Fontoura [Tekst w j. portugalskim].
- Il museo delle meraviglie. Guida pittorica al museo Łazienki Reale /Anna Zajda, Lidia Iwanowska-Szymańska Ivens Fontoura [Tekst w j. włoskim].
- Theatron Istria. Esej, Saggio, Essay / Igor Zirojević. [Tekst w j. chorwackim, polskim, angielskim]
- Kopice : a story of beauty lost / Janusz L. Dobesz, Irma Kozina, Maciej Mischok . [Tekst w j. angielskim]
- Sam / Uładzimir Niaklajeu [Tekst w j. białoruskim].
- Francuska 12 / Anita Tomanek [Tekst w j. polskim].
- Pamięć pogranicza. The Borderland Memory / Karolina i Piotr Jakoweńko. [Tekst w j. polskim i angielskim].
- Lizystrada / Arystofanes. [Tekst w j. polskim i greckim].
- Nie damy się wysiedlić. Bojowniczki i bojownicy żydowskiego ruchu oporu w Będzinie i Sosnowcu. [Tekst w j. polskim i angielskim]
- Żaby / Arystofanes. [Tekst w j. polskim i greckim].