2030:Expressions of Interest/Brazil
Expression of interest: Brazil
[edit | edit source]Abstract/description
[edit | edit source]In a few sentences tell us about your submissions. What made you and your community want to host the next Wikimania?
Wikimedia in Brazil has been contacted for many years to host Wikimania. We are a large, well-organized community, with activities and partnerships spanning a wide range of topics and hosting a large national affiliate. In our last strategic cycle, 2023–2025, and in the planning cycle for 2026–2028, we have chosen to prioritize strengthening our local community. Given this prioritization, we have decided to decline hosting Wikimania at this time. Our understanding is that by hosting Wikimania in 2030, the global movement will find an energized, capable, and well-structured community. This will enable us to focus on and work collaboratively towards shaping the movement's strategy.
[edit | edit source]Who is submitting this expression of interest? List individuals or groups. Please identify the Wikimedia region or thematic group your group is representing.
[edit | edit source]Interested community groups do not need to have a venue selected, contracts drafted or sponsors lined up. This is why we are starting the process early. Please provide solid information about the points below to help our decision making. We will be taking into account various factors about potential sites and hosts especially the cost, location sustainability, accessibility, security, global rotation of Wikimania, and the capacity of the organizing team.
Venue + lodging
[edit | edit source]There are several cities able to host a conference like Wikimania in Brazil, as they have hosted international events of all sorts, including:
- São Paulo
- Rio de Janeiro
- Salvador
- Belém
Travel + visas
[edit | edit source]Facilities + services
[edit | edit source]- Large Brazilian cities will have top-tier facilities and services. Wiki Movimento Brasil has staff and local partners in several state capitals, that could support conference organizing.
Safety + security
[edit | edit source]- Safety and security concerns are comparable to what you would find in large Global South cities.
Alternate locations
[edit | edit source]- Porto Alegre
- Florianópolis
- Brasília
Hybrid format and remote participation
[edit | edit source]- Technology and internet connectivity are no challenge in larger cities.
[edit | edit source]- July.
[edit | edit source]Any other details that you think would be helpful for the Wikimania Steering Committee.
- This bid is for Wikimania in 2030.