2006:Wikimania/Sandbox/Main Page 1
Wikimania 2006
About Wikimania
Welcome to the Wikimania 2006 website! If this is your first time here, you may wish to take the full tour of the site, or to sign up for updates by email. The site is currently under construction; please leave feedback and layout/content suggestions on our feedback page. To help with copyediting or translation of content you see here, sign up on meta.
News and Highlights
Project of the week
The current project of the week is laying out a main page for the wikimania site.
Discussions across the web
NB: These portals likely should be developed on meta, and simply linked to from the 'mania site, unless we can think of a way to actively direct people's discussion and brainstorming along lines that could be integrated into Wikimania events.
Remote participation
See also:
Past discussions
Ongoing research and project portals