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Wikimania 2006 Program

The Wikimania program will consist of five to six tracks of presentations, panels, discussion sessions, workshops, posters, and outside events, focussed on the themes of Wikimedia projects and content; project contributors and social science; technical infrastructure; law and policy; free knowledge and access to information; and wikis and education.

To suggest a presentation or event idea after April 30th, or for questions, please send email to cfp<<at>>wikimedia.org. Submissions received after the Call for Participation deadline will be considered on a space available basis. However, submissions for posters and lightning talks, particularly focussed on the Wikimedia projects, their challenges, current status and future plans, are welcomed. There will also be opportunity for informal birds of a feather discussions to be organized on site; sign-up sheets and materials will be provided. Discuss ideas on the program ideas page.

Speaker notifications have gone out. If you submitted a proposal, and have not gotten a reply from us, please contact wikimania-program<<at>>wikimedia.org. If you have questions about conference stipends, please contact wikimania-info<<at>>wikimedia.org.

Featured Speakers

Speakers at the conference will include:

  • Jimmy Wales (founder, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Foundation)
  • Brewster Kahle (founder, Internet Archive)
  • Michael Eisen (co-founder, Public Library of Science)
  • Paul Ginsparg (founder, arXiv.org)
  • Larry Lessig (chairman, Creative Commons)
  • Eben Moglen (general counsel, Free Software Foundation)
  • Yochai Benkler (expert in communications law, Professor of Law at Yale University)
  • David Weinberger (author)
  • Paul Kobasa (editor-in-chief, World Book)
  • Dan Gillmor (journalist, Center for Citizen Media)
  • Karen Christensen (CEO, Berkshire publishing)
  • Fernanda Viegas (visualization researcher, IBM Research)
  • Jim Giles (News and features reporter, Nature Magazine)
  • Judith Donath (Associate Professor of Media Arts And Sciences at MIT)
  • Clay Shirky (technologist and faculty, Interactive Telecommunications program at NYU)
  • Meredith Farkas (Librarian and founder of the Library Success wiki)
  • Ross Mayfield (Socialtext)
  • Jonathan Zittrain (Oxford Internet Institute)
  • Jenny Preece (online community researcher and Professor, Information Systems program at UMBC)
Schedule and Calendar
  • Full schedule coming soon!
  • The main conference will be August 4-6th, 2006
Program Committee

The program would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of the Program Committee volunteers, who have put in long hours writing program materials and soliciting and reviewing papers and presentations. Every submission to the conference has been reviewed and discussed multiple times. Questions should be addressed to wikimania-program@wikimedia.org.

Program Leads
2006 Program Committee
  • Angela Beesley - Wikia, Inc. / Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Nicholas Boalch - University of Durham
  • Andrea Forte - Georgia Institute of Technology
  • David Moreno Garza
  • Ivan Krstic - Harvard University
  • Cormac Lawler - University of Manchester
  • Joseph Reagle - New York University
  • Dirk Riehle
  • Martin Roell
  • Alex Schenck - University of Rhode Island
  • Jean-Baptiste Soufron - CERSA
  • Jeremy Tobacman
  • Alexander 'Sasha' Wait - Harvard Universit
Hacking Days
  • Hacking Days: Hacking Days will be held from 1-3 August at the MIT Media Lab. It will be a chance to meet the MediaWiki developers, hear technical presentations, and work on projects. Registration is separate from the main conference. For more information, contact wikimania-info@wikimedia.org.