2019:Eventos sociales

Wikimanía 2019 ofrecerá dos eventos sociales para los asistentes: una recepción de apertura el viernes por la tarde y una fiesta de clausura el domingo por la noche.
Viernes 16 de agosto - Recepción de bienvenida

The welcome reception will take place in the Blue Hall ("Blå hallen") at the Stockholm City Hall! We are cordially invited by the Stockholm City Council to their seat, for a welcoming mingle and reception. Blå hallen is a famous hall in Sweden: it is the banquet hall for the annual Nobel Banquet, and also used for state visits, jubilees and large events.
The Stockholm City Hall, in which the Blue Hall is located, is situated on the island of Kungsholmen. It is built in a national romantic style. It was completed in 1923, and inaugurated on 23 June 1923 - on the day 400 years after the king Gustav Vasa arrived in Stockholm. On the building's southeast corner, a tower is crowned by what is called the Three Crowns, an old Swedish national symbol. We are truly honored to have been invited to a reception with Stockholm City.
Note that buses will leave directly from the University to the City Hall, and that there will be no time to get home and change clothes. There is no formal dress code, but if you do wish to dress up, you will have to do that at the University (or be dressed up the whole day).
- Programa
- 18.00 Se abren las puertas. Se sirve mezcla de comida y bebidas.
- 18.30 Discurso de Cecilia Brinck (Q4940657), Presidente del Ayuntamiento de Estocolmo.
- 19.30 Foto grupal.
- 20.00 Cierre del evento.
Domingo 18 de agosto - Fiesta de clausura

We have the pleasure to announce that the Closing Party of Wikimania 2019 will take place in the Large Hall at the Nordic Museum, one of the Wikimania 2019 Partners. The Nordic Museum ("Nordiska museet") is located on the island of Djurgården, and is dedicated to Swedish cultural history and ethnography. The building was completed in 1907, and is influenced by the style used for i.e. the Frederiksborg Palace. The party will take place in the Main Hall, which is the core of the building, 126 meters long! The Main Hall is dominated by a large sculpture of Gustav Vasa, an important Swedish king in the 16th century who is usually said to have founded Sweden.
Due to venue regulations around serving alcohol, the closing party is 18+. However, if you are a minor (16+) but feel strongly about attending, please reach out to us.
Menú: salmón ahumado, entrada de vegetales y papa con salsa, pan y mantequilla, frutillas con crema.
2 drink tickets will be issued to each guest. These may be exchanged for beer, wine, or a soft drink at the bar. If both tickets have been used, guests will have the option to purchase additional drinks with a credit card only (no cash).
There is a quiet space downstairs to the left from the lobby. Signage will show the way.
- Programar
- 20.00 Se abren las puertas. Se sirve Cena y bebidas.
- 22.00 DJ.
- 23.30 Cierre del Bar.
- 24.00 Cierre del Museo.