2019:Technology outreach & innovation/Exploring Wikidata new schema extension
![]() | This is a Closed submission for Wikimania 2019. It has been reviewed and was not accepted. |
[edit | edit source]Retracted: On second thought I think this proposal fits better in the Quality session.
[edit | edit source]On May 28th Wikidata was extended with the EntitySchema extension. I am really excited about this extension, since in Gene Wiki we have been using Shape Expressions (ShEx) to first capture the schema of data in Wikidata in a formal language, which ShEx is. Having these data shapes formally described allows us to document design decisions (which property use, in what order, etc), Secondly, with these schema we are able to test for conformance of the data in Wikidata. Inconsistencies are then evaluated leading to updates in both data and schemas in Wikidata. In this session I would like to give a tutorial on how to write Shape Expressions and how to deploy them on Wikidata.
Relationship to the theme
[edit | edit source]This session will address the conference theme — Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and the Sustainable Development Goals — in the following manner:
Capturing schemas in a structure manner allows putting data in wikidata into context
. Currently Wikidata is often seen as one community, but one community where disagreement or difference of the required level of granularity exists. Schema's allow providing a template for the different communities to capture the different views that can co-exist in data in Wikidata. With respect to the SDGs, Shape Expressions as the means to provide insight in structure and expectations in underlying data help in improving most if not all SDGs, although in a secondary role. It allows institutions and individuals to understand what is available as data to support working towards meeting the SDGs:
Session outcomes
[edit | edit source]At the end of the session, the following will have been achieved:
An introduction and understanding of the need of schemas and how they are authoredA collection of new schemas for Wikidata
Session leader(s)
[edit | edit source]
andrawaagLeader 2
[edit | edit source]
Email 2
Session type
[edit | edit source]Each Space at Wikimania 2019 will have specific format requests. The program design prioritises submissions which are future-oriented and directly engage the audience. The format of this submission is a:
Computer-based training
[edit | edit source]The session will work best with these conditions:
45-60 min hands-on
a small classroom
For this session knowledge about Wikidata and its ecosystems is expected.