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Selamat datang di Wikimania 2021,
Bergabunglah dalam perayaan hal yang telah terjadi untuk sampai ke tempat kita sekarang, dan bersiaplah ke mana kita ingin pergi di masa depan.
Wikimania dimulai pada 13 Agustus dan berakhir pada 17 Agustus 2021.
Registration for Wikimania 2021 is now closed.
If you were not able to log into Remo or were not able to register through Eventbrite within time, please feel free to send an e-mail to communityevents@wikimedia.org, so that we can help you register.
You can still join most of our sessions live through YouTube. Check out the Program for all sessions and links.
Lihat Pernyataan Privasi Wikimania 2021 by Assalamu Alaikum 4884