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2021:Submissions/Magic as an educational and promotional tool of Wikimedia projects

From Wikimania
Template for Magic Journey through Wikimedia projects
Starting numbers for second magic trick


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  • Miquel Duran and Fernando Blasco (@quelet and @fblasco)
    • MD: University of Girona and Amical Wikimedia
    • FB: Polytechnics University of Madrid


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One of the main problems facing by Wikimedia projects is the need of new, young editors - and indeed women, while keeping them active and community-involved. We have come up with a series of magic games involving Open Knowledge tools in general, and Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons and other Wikimedia projects in particular. Those games are quite attractive for the general public, and may allow to gain a better insight into the usefulness of becoming an editor in Wikipedia (slightly complex issue) or in Wikidata (much simpler). Q-number play, image games and wordplay examples will be provided, along with an assessment of their likely interest. Fun and mystery are guaranteed, and participants will be able to interact with presenters.

Session Outcomes

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  • Application to Understanding of the basics of Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikicommons.
  • Application to awareness of opposite properties in Wikipedia (simple to read, complex to edit) and Wikidata (simple to edit, complex to query).
  • Application to knowledge of simple tools to contribute to Wikimedia Commons and sister projects (e.g., Wikishootme).

What you will find in the recorded video

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  • A trick involving a magic journey through different Wikimedia projects... and Wikimania indeed (how does it work: check a similar trick involving the Periodic Table: https://52gamespt.wordpress.com/2019/03/19/12-mg-journey-thorugh-latin-europe/ (in Spanish, Catalan, and English). See template in this page.
  • A trick involving the prediction of a Wikidata Q-number (how does it work: check a similar trick involving the Periodic Table: https://52gamespt.wordpress.com/2019/04/16/16-s-cajones/ (in Spanish and Catalan, only. Translation to English pending). The eight starting numbers are provided in an image in this page.
  • Some hints on further magic tricks, e.g., on the similarity between Element Chemical Symbols and Language ISO two-letter codes. SPARQL query at https://w.wiki/3s$6
  • And a lot of fun during the conversation between the two speakers.

Why using magic to promote Wikimedia projects or to use them in Education environments?

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  • Magic is a catalyst for grabbing attention (sometimes even too good a catalyst).
  • Everyone loves mystery
  • One may handle some secrets (people love them!)
  • This is a way to lure new, young editors - and bring women to the editing community (when properly addressed, of course)

So what will you take away after watching this video?

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  • Fun with two magic tricks involving Wikimedia projects
  • Ideas about using magic (or other entertainment-prone activities) to promote Wikimedia projects, in particular in Educational environments.

Further references:

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  • Project "From the Magic of Science to the Science of Magic": https://magsci.eu (mixed languages)
  • The Magic of the Periodic Table of the Elements: 52 games with the Periodic Table (#iypt2019): https://52gamespt.wordpress.com (English, Spanish, Catalan)
  • Twitter: @miquelduran and @fblascoxyz

Contact: info --at-- magsci.eu