2021:Unconference/Ask A Language Nerd
Some of the WMF Language Nerds are hosting an "Ask Us Anything" session—so come with questions on any topic related to wikis and language, and we'll do our best to find answers!
Session Info
[edit | edit source]Date: Monday, Aug 16th, 2021, 13:00 UTC
Place: Unconference, Floor 1, Table A
Hosts: Trey Jones (WMF), Amir Aharoni (WMF)
Audience: Anyone who is interested!
Meeting link: https://meet.jit.si/LanguageNerdsAtWikimania
Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/LanguageNerdsAtWikimania
Feel free to add questions to the Etherpad if you think we might need time to prepare answers—or just show up the day of and try to stump us!
[edit | edit source]Come with questions about anything related to languages and wikis including:
- the process for creating new wikis in a new language
- how to improve search in your favorite language
- Content Translation
- why English spelling is so ridiculous (😝)
- etc., etc., etc.!
[edit | edit source]None of these are required reading or viewing for coming to talk to us, but the are fun and/or informative:
- The English Language as a Privilege: Seeing It and Dealing With It (YouTube, ~45 minutes)
- Search Support for Minority Languages (YouTube, main content ~6 minutes + ~10 minutes of Q&A)
- Bare-Bones Basics of Full-Text Search (Commons, ~45 minutes; more languagey at the beginning, more indexy at the end)
- The anatomy of search (5–blog post series about search; the first three are very languagey and cover tokenization, normalization, stemming; mostly a more in-depth version of the Bare-Bones video above)