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2021:Unconference/Ask Us Anything About Search or Wikidata Query Service

From Wikimania

The WMF Search Platform Team is hosting an "Ask Us Anything" session—so come with questions on any topic related to on-wiki searching, CirrusSearch, or WDQS, and we'll do our best to find answers!

Session Info

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Date: Tuesday, Aug 17th, 2021, 17:00 UTC

Place: Unconference, Floor 2, Table A ... Please meet us in Jitsi ⤵︎

Meeting link: https://meet.jit.si/SearchPlatformAtWikimania

Hosts: Search Platform Team

Audience: Anyone who is interested!

Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/SearchPlatformAtWikimania

Feel free to add questions to the Etherpad if you think we might need time to prepare answers—or just show up the day of and try to stump us!


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Come with questions about anything related to search or WDQS, including:


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None of these are required reading or viewing for coming to talk to us, but the are fun and/or informative:


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Trey Jones (WMF), Guillaume Lederrey (WMF)