2022:Submissions/How to promote your activities and why having a PR and fundraising specialist makes sense

- Language: English
- Status: Prerecorded
[edit source]Natálie Schejbalová (WMCZ)
Klara Joklova
[edit source]

We want to show our one-year experience with the in house position of PR and fundraising specialist and evaluate what this change has brought, how we have moved forward, what are examples of our good practice, how we connect PR with fundraising . We will run through our Christmas fundraising campaign and how we used it to support our activities. You will see how we use video content to promote our events and activities - particularly editathons and competitions and what our overall PR and its impact looks like on an annual basis. You can also look forward to seeing some of our video content.
Learning Outcomes
[edit source]Benefits of having a PR and fundraising specialist in Wikimedia affiliate.
How we did a successfull fundraising campaign and how you can do it too.
Examples promoting events and activities on a limited budget.
[edit source]Natálie Schejbalová has been working part-time as a PR specialist in Wikimedia Czech Republic for year and a half, she also took over fundraising 8 months ago. Outside of Wikimedia she is a freelance copywriter, social media manager and an artist.
Klára Joklová has been the Executive Director of Wikimedia Czech Republic since March 2018, before that she had worked maily in the non-profit sector, but also for some time in the state administration, at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. She is interested in social issues, human and children's rights, equality and similar topics.