2022 talk:In-person events
Add topicAdding a dot to the map
[edit source]Why did you decide to transform the events into dots on the map? From an anthropological perspective looks like a process of anonymization and of literality adding points to the map (which states "i'm here" rather than "they are here"). I sincerely find it the wrong message. I think it is important to do things according to the message we want to produce and i'm not aware that conquering the map (which doesn't recall the best period in the history of humankind) is the wikimedia approach or the way we become more inclusive and diverse.
- if the message you want to make is that Wikimania 2022 is the most international event ever produced you are doing it right, but it is actually true?
- if the message is "thanks to the volunteers who are organising events around the world", this is not the right approach since you are putting the emphasis on Wikimania and not on them.
This is not the most international Wikimania we ever had. This is the third year of online events and people are very tired to meet online and they are looking forward to an in-person Wikimania, trying for current existing alternatives. Maybe we should highlight people, teams, locations... thanks Iopensa (talk) 12:17, 6 August 2022 (UTC)