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2023:Meetups/Wiki Loves Folklore - Community Café MeetUp

From Wikimania

Feel free to ask the organizers if you have any questions regarding the program.

[Wiki Loves Folklore - Community Café MeetUp]

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The WLF Café MeetUp is to engage with the community, interact with possible institution in GLAM related work and discuss the future of Wiki Loves Folklore and Feminism & Folklore activities. it will also be an opportunity to answer burning questions from aspiring communities who wish to support the campaign.

Expected type of participants or demographic

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Wikimedians, institutions and groups with interests on Folklore activities be it audiovisual, content and photography

Contact person(s)

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Joy Agyepong & Tiven2240

Date and Time (From hh:mm to hh:mm UTC+8 )

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17 August 17:00 PM to 17:30 PM

Time length

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30 minutes

Room 309


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Social activity, planning, discussions and brainstorming

Are there remote participants dialing in?

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Yes and about 15+ joining in person

Interested participants

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