2023:Program/ESEAP Region/SQH3KN-Engaging with Youth
Title: Engaging with Youth
Youngjin Ko
Administrator in Korean Wikipedia as well as Board member in Wikimedia Korea. Also being specialized in the community facilitation in Korean community, including the engaging with diverse generation of users with diverse background
Room: Room 325
Start time: Sat, 19 Aug 2023 14:15:00 +0800
End time: Sat, 19 Aug 2023 14:35:00 +0800
Type: Lecture
Track: ESEAP (East, South East Asia, and the Pacific) Region
Submission state: confirmed
Duration: 20 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: en
Abstract & description
[edit source]Abstract
[edit source]Korean Wikipedia is one of wikis that has a large significant numbers of teenagers, we will introduce engagements inside Korean community, then providing open space for hearing your experiences about Youth engagement.
[edit source]Korean Wikipedia is one of wikis that has a large significant numbers of teenagers, we will introduce their engagements for the Korean community and how Wikimedia Korea is supporting them. As well as we want to hear the experiences from you.
Session will divide in two parts 1. 10 minute presentation about background and initiatives from Korean community 2. Open discussion - How they your communities are doing with engaging with Youth
Further details
[edit source]Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
This presentation will meet the Diversity and Future,
The most powerful engine to maintain and grow the sustainability of our movement is having diversity of age groups including Youth. Although it may be very immature at first, Youth age groups are potential new contributors and becoming the new generation of leaders, as they are the one of new groups of users that can able to lead the community. Also It is also a very important activity to create a space to work in cooperation with existing users.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Average knowledge about Wikimedia projects or activities
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?
Onsite in Singapore
Remote online participation, livestreamed
Remote from a satellite event
Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
Pre-recorded and available on demand