2023:Program/Governance/JLHZA8-Wikimedia 2030 Strategy - Hubs: A joint framework on working together, but apart
Title: Wikimedia 2030 Strategy - Hubs: A joint framework on working together, but apart
Anna Mazgal
I am acting executive director of Wikimedia Europe, an umbrella organisation for Wikimedia affiliates in Europe. Based in Brussels, she has been a Senior EU Policy Advisor at Wikimedia Deutschland. I’m currently involved in policy discussions employing both a human rights perspective and the experience of Wikimedia. Previously, I carried out advocacy on copyright reform and terrorist content regulation.
Philip Kopetzky
Originally from Vienna, Austria, now living in London, UK Started editing Wikipedia in 2005 Involved on the international level since 2013 Former board member of Wikimedia Austria Former member of the simpleAPG committee Currently steering committee member of the CEE Hub project
A Wikimedian from Indonesia. I have been active in Wikimedia projects since 2012, after I joined Wikimedia Indonesia. I have been involved in digitization work that Wikimedia Indonesia initiated in 2014. At the moment, I serve as the Chair of Wikimedia Indonesia.
Room: Room 325
Start time: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:50:00 +0800
End time: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:20:00 +0800
Type: No (pretalx) session type id specified
Track: Governance
Submission state: confirmed
Duration: 30 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: en
Abstract & description
[edit source]Abstract
[edit source]A workshop designed to start the process of aligning ways and means to exchange ideas and knowledge between different geographical regions and the challenges within each region that need to be taken into consideration
[edit source]The CEE Hub project has been working on establishing a regional hub for the last 3 years and is now lead by two staff members for the last seven months. There have been exchanges with other regions of the world for the same time period, but there have been issues around finding the time and taking every region’s current development into consideration. This workshop aims to establish a baseline that regions/hubs can work with and establishing a more reliable way of talking to each other and exchanging knowledge. Ideally we would have attendees from the current list of hubs (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Hubs/Ongoing).
Further details
[edit source]Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
Decentralisation is a cornerstone of the 2030 strategy - it helps put the tools in the hands of people who are currently directly affected by decisions made elsewhere halfway around the globe. Regional hubs (at least the way the CEE Hub is designed) are there to support those communities who have been underrepresented so far, and coordination among those hubs would lead to a more effective implementaiton of the decentralisation aspect.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Some experience will be needed
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?
Onsite in Singapore
Remote online participation, livestreamed
Remote from a satellite event
Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
Pre-recorded and available on demand