2023:Program/Lightning talk showcase/UY7PRU-'Population From Wikidata' module for place articles
Title: 'Population From Wikidata' module for place articles
Maia Williams
I am a relatively new Wikimedia project contributor. My professional life is all about spatial data analysis using open tools, and I am interested in open and linked data across all contexts. I am interested in the workflows and tools that facilitate connections between Wikimedia projects and beyond to external datasets/sources.
Room: Plenary Hall
Start time: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:20:00 +0800
End time: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:25:00 +0800
Type: No (pretalx) session type id specified
Track: No (pretalx) track id specified
Submission state: confirmed
Duration: 5 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: en
Abstract & description
[edit source]Abstract
[edit source]The ‘PopulationFromWikidata’ module for English Wikipedia was developed to facilitate the use of Wikidata population values in Australian place article infoboxes. This talk outlines the core components of the module and associated workflows. The project documentation will be highlighted so that other contributors can find and work with the module.
[edit source]The ‘PopulationFromWikidata’ module for English Wikipedia was developed to facilitate the use of Wikidata population values in Australian place article infoboxes. Australian Wikimedians have developed systematic methods for uploading Australian Bureau of Statistics population data to Wikidata. This module was the next stage in a workflow intended to (partially) automate the use of this data in Australian place articles. When called from the ‘Infobox Australian place’ template this module selects an appropriate population value from the associated Wikidata item before passing the value and reference information back to the infobox.
The module development and key components are well documented, with the intention that this method of using Wikidata may be replicated in other contexts/Wikipedias/countries. There are ongoing discussions around module improvement and expansion in Australia.
Further details
[edit source]Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
This talk relates to the theme of collaboration. The module development evolved out of a collboration between Wikimedia Australia and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The ABS makes their data available under open licences and is actively supportive of the use of their data in Wikimedia projects.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Average knowledge about Wikimedia projects or activities
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?