2023:Program/Poster sessions/NMZZ9X-Advancement Within The Wikimedia Space Beyond Book And Pen
Title: Advancement Within The Wikimedia Space Beyond Book And Pen
Lookman Sunday Ibrahim
My name is Lookman Sunday Ibrahim. A 26 years old Ghanaian. I am a Registered General Nurse who holds Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from the University for Development Studies, Tamale. I am an industrious young man with the zeal and passion to take on challenges and excel. I possess great professional skills in providing holistic nursing care to diverse populations. I am a hardworking and responsible individual always on the look out to broaden my skills and experience to work in any healthcare setting. I possess good communication skills which helps to enhance my ability to communicate effectively. From the inception of my education, I attended Bright Horizon International School in Tamale from the year 2000 to 2013 where I served as the Assistant School Prefect and gained admission to Business Senior High School in 2013. At the Senior High school, I held the position of Assistant Advisor to GMSA (Ghana Muslim Students Association) from 2015 to 2016. I proceeded to the University for Development Studies, Tamale in 2016 where I offered Bachelor of Science in Nursing. During our Third Trimester Field Practical Program in 2017, 2018, I lead my group in gathering data, entering of data, analysis and presentation of the study. At the climax of my university studies, I graduated with a Second Class Honours in Nursing. Furthermore, after being entitled to practice as a Registered General Nurse by the Nursing and Midwifery Council, during my mandatory national service or rotation, I was elected as the Regional Vice President for Rotation Nurses and Midwifes Association (RNMA), Tamale, Ghana where I carried out my duties satisfactorily and exhibited good leadership qualities. I am an open knowledge advocate, Wikimedian, researcher, interested in education and development, focusing on bridging gender gap, knowledge and social gaps in open knowledge space. I have conducted studies or research during my final year in the university and post completion. My first study was conducted among 479 female students in the University for Development Studies, Tamale to assess the prevalence, impact and medical management of premenstrual stress. I participated in a SeroCov study with KCCR (Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine) to assess the prevalence of Covid-19 among people in the Sagnarigu and Tamale Metropolitan area. I also participated in a cross sectional survey to access ventilation in health care facilities in Tamale.
Ziblim Abdul-Rahim
A young man fulfilling duties as expected.
Room: Expo Space
Start time: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:18:00 +0800
End time: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:20:00 +0800
Type: Poster session
Track: No (pretalx) track id specified
Submission state: confirmed
Duration: 2 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: en
Abstract & description
[edit source]Abstract
[edit source]Poster Category: Equity and Community Health Session Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Singapore
Our proposal seeks to conduct a study into the awareness, knowledge and advancement of free knowledge within the Wikimedia space in Africa among individuals, communities, schools or organizations in order to enhance their skills on the open knowledge and tackle challenges they might encounter.
[edit source]This session will be a 5 minutes virtual poster presentation on a proposed study on the awareness, knowledge and advancement of free knowledge within the Wikimedia space in the Africa, northern Ghana to enable people make contributions and impact in the digital world. In our day and age, internet usage and access in Africa has improved massively, yet a vast majority of people in Africa are still behind when it comes to accessing educational contents or materials on the internet for free due to lack of education or information on Wikipedia offline software’s (Kiwix 4 school app, WikiTaxi, Zipedia and DokuWiki software), poverty and high cost of internet data.
Aims 1. To increase the awareness of free knowledge on Wikimedia to have better understanding of how Wikimedia movement and projects are operated. 2. To eliminate barriers to educational content in areas with limited internet access or connectivity. 3. To enhance Wikimedia tools and projects. 4. To preserve knowledge, culture and improve content. 5. To engage, collaborate, solve problem and empower each other. 6. To join the open knowledge movement (Wikimedia), a vehicle through which knowledge is delivered to everyone for free.
Objectives This study seeks to conduct a research into the awareness, knowledge and advancement of free knowledge within the Wikimedia space in Africa among individuals, communities, schools or organizations in order to enhance their skills on the open knowledge and tackle challenges they might encounter.
Further details
[edit source]Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
This session seeks to diversify the awareness of free knowledge on Wikimedia aimed at making educational resources accessible to African communities for free to enhance their learning outcomes and bridge the African content gap online through Wikipedia movement and projects.
Collaboration: The session will enable Wikimedians, educators, individuals, volunteers, communities, schools or organizations work together towards the goal of disseminating free knowledge to areas of the world that are marginalized by the dominant knowledge system.
Future: Our session will plan to promote skills enhancement on the Wikimedia space for the future of our new contributors without having to depend solely on textbooks for teaching and learning.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Everyone can participate in this session
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?