2023:Program/Submissions/تقديم أفكار في كافة مجالات الحياة - GEERTS/en
Title: Provide ideas in all areas of life
عبدالرحمن النبهاني
أنا عبدالرحمن النبهاني من سلطنة عمان ، دائما ما أحاول أن أستغل الفرص لكي أضع بصمة في مجتمعي ، وبفضل الله بعد كل التعب والإستمرار ووضع الخطط والأهداف العالية تمكنت من كسب الكثير من الأشياء مثل الإستراتيجيات الحياتية المختلفة والخبرات في شتى المجالات مثل مجال النقاش الذي سأتطوره وأستغل هذه الخبرة في وضع الجلسات وغيرها من الأهداف المستقبلية .
Start time:
End time:
Type: Lightning talk
Track: Wild Ideas
Submission state: submitted
Duration: 10 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: ar
Abstract & description
The session is a simple discussion between the owners of the session and clients or customers, and we will present to them some or many ideas that we can present to visitors from different cultures, and it is better if they are from Arab countries. Ideas are a very important part in the beginning of many things, such as starting a business or planning to build a house and other things that require various and optional ideas in all fields, whether they are in design or life issues or other fields.
The session is a simple discussion between the owners of the session and clients or customers, and we will present to them some or many ideas that we can present to visitors from different cultures, and it is better if they are from Arab countries. Ideas are a very important part in the beginning of many things, such as starting a business or planning to build a house and other things that require various and optional ideas in all fields, whether they are in design or life issues or other fields.
Further details
Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
According to my understanding of the question, my session is related to topics that have a wide spread in the world in several fields, or any important event that will happen in the future.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Average knowledge about Wikimedia projects or activities
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?
- Onsite in Singapore
- Remote online participation, livestreamed
- Remote from a satellite event
- Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
- Pre-recorded and available on demand