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2023:Program/Submissions/Diversity, colaboration and future of the indigenous languages in Bolivia: case of Aymara - ADUL3Q

From Wikimania

Title: Diversity, colaboration and future of the indigenous languages in Bolivia: case of Aymara


Ruben Hilare Quispe

Ruben Hilari Quispe (Jilalu Qhisphi en Aymara) es miembro de la nación Aymara de Bolivia y es lingüista por la Universidad Pública de El Alto. También estudió Ciencias del Desarrollo. En la última década se ha hecho conocido como ciberactivista, trabajando junto a la comunidad virtual Aymara Jaqi Aru. Actualmente trabaja como profesor universitario, traductor, escritor e investigador.

Pretalx link

Etherpad link


Start time:

End time:

Type: Panel

Track: Community Initiatives

Submission state: submitted

Duration: 60 minutes

Do not record: false

Presentation language: en

Abstract & description

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Diversity, colaboration and future of the indigenous languages in Bolivia: case of Aymara, is a work which we have been doing as aymara communities organization based in El Alto city, one of the aymara city with a more than a million of inhabitants related to Information Communication and Technology. At the end of last century and at the beginning of this era many studies showed that Aymara was desappearing, currently the dilema continuos but ICT is supporting survive alot in many ways.


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I am part of Jaqi Aru Aymara virtual community which in the laste decade grow significantly. At the beginning around ten aymara Young people we got together in order to bring our language and culture to the internet. So we found many free platforms on the internet to promote and strength our porpuse, among them is Wikipedia Aymara and another projects of Wikimedia. During the session I will enfasize about how female and maleo or from other communities were involved in different ICT projects, how was the colaboration, and how is the future look like about the indigenous languages. All those components help to take flights with aymara language and culture on the ciberspace. Today we can enjoy articles of the Wikipedia Aymara, Facebook Meta in Aymara, Telegram in Aymara, Orbot in Aymara, Google Translator incorporated Aymara, subtitles of Youtube in Aymara, and many many pages and groups specially on Social Media. There are Facebook pages with more tha 240.000 followers: case of Aymar Yatiqaña.

Further details

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Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?

Venimos trabajando desde 2009 con temáticas de la lengua originaria aymara y cuestiones de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación. Encontramos en este trayecto componentes como la diversidd cultural, colaboración de miembros de diferentes comunidades digitales del interior y del exterior. Por otro lado, también podemos visualizar el futuro de las lenguas originarias: caso aymara.

Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?

  • Tick Onsite in Singapore
  • Empty Remote online participation, livestreamed
  • Empty Remote from a satellite event
  • Empty Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
  • Empty Pre-recorded and available on demand