2023:Program/Submissions/Laboratories of image and sound recording projects for community building - QJHB3H
Title: Laboratories of image and sound recording projects for community building
I was born in Lima, Peru, but I have been living in Huaraz for more than 20 years in the Central Andes of the country. In 2007 joined the Spanish Wikipedia as user Cbrescia but since 2017 I have been editing more actively in Wikimedia projects, mainly in Eswiki, Wikidata, Commons and Wikispecies. I studied Engineering in Peru, I have a MSc in Project Design and Management in England, and MA in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies in Belgium. I am an environmental activist, documentary filmmaker, project designer and cultural manager.
Start time:
End time:
Type: Lightning talk
Track: Community Initiatives
Submission state: submitted
Duration: 10 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: en
Abstract & description
[edit source]Abstract
[edit source]This lightning talk presents an experience implemented and on-going that not only transfers Wikimedia events organizing, reduces knowledge gaps related to cultural and natural heritage, and project management skills but also intends to build community.
[edit source]WikiAccion Peru is a project created in 2021 with the main goals of expanding the Wikimedia movement in our country through the organization of capacities-building activities such as workshops, contests, walks and other events, and the reduction of knowledge gaps about Peru related to culture, gender and ecology in Wikimedia platforms.
In September 2022 we organized the first Projects Lab dedicated to photo walks that register cultural and natural heritage. We selected 20 ideas from different collectives and regions of the country that were developed through the lab sessions into project proposals. An external committee in the sixth and last session selected three of them and the following months these were implemented.
In June 2023 we are organizing a small activity dedicated to the recording of quechua language and related cultural sound records in Cusco in alliance with a local organization. This pilot will serve as a learning experience that helps to organize the first Projects Lab dedicated to sound recording of indigenous language and cultural landscapes in the first months of 2024.
This lighting talk presents the experience: its objectives, impacts, feedbacks and challenges.
Further details
[edit source]Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
This talk addresses the Collaboration theme. The goal of the talk is to share a process designed in Peru that addresses the need to reduce knowledge gaps, to transfer Wikimedia activities skills, to build alliances and to expand the Wikimedia communities in the country.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Everyone can participate in this session
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?
Onsite in Singapore
Remote online participation, livestreamed
Remote from a satellite event
Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
Pre-recorded and available on demand