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2023:Program/Submissions/Programming Languages Diversity Project - 8GQ8UH

From Wikimania

Title: Programming Languages Diversity Project


Mohammed Kamal-Deen Fuseini (Dnshitobu)

My name is Mohammed Kamal-Deen Fuseini from Tamale, Ghana. I am a co-lead for the Gurene Wikimedia Community and a trainer at the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group. I have been involved in the digitization of the 16 Mabia languages and other underrepresented languages since 2016 and became a Wikimedian for the same reasons. I have been involved in the incubation and finally helping to get language Wikipedia for the Dagbani and Gurene languages. I have also supported other Wikimedians in Ghana and across in the digitization of minority languages. I am also Wikimedian in Residence for the Wikidata for Education project.


Interested in making programming accessible for Non-English-Speakers and people who like natural language programming. Also in the fincials of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Form 990.

Pretalx link

Etherpad link


Start time:

End time:

Type: Roundtable / open discussion

Track: Wild Ideas

Submission state: submitted

Duration: 90 minutes

Do not record: false

Presentation language: en

Abstract & description

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The Programming Languages Diversity Project aims to address the language barrier that exists in programming by collecting and promoting non-English-based programming languages. Currently, most programming languages are based on English keywords, making it difficult for non-English-speaking individuals to engage in programming activities. This session will explore the goals of the Programming Languages Diversity Project, highlighting its efforts to make programming more accessible for non-English-speaking persons within Wikimedia projects.

The session will discuss the challenges faced by non-English-speaking individuals when engaging in programming activities and how the use of non-English-based programming languages can help overcome these challenges. The session will provide an overview of the Programming Languages Diversity Project's activities, including its efforts to collect and promote non-English-based programming languages, as well as its initiatives to provide support and resources for individuals interested in programming in their native language.


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The Programming Languages Diversity Project aims to make programming more accessible and inclusive by collecting and promoting non-English-based programming languages. The session will provide an overview of the project's goals, objectives, and activities, highlighting the challenges faced by non-English-speaking individuals when engaging in programming activities. The session will explore the benefits of using non-English-based programming languages, including their potential to make programming more accessible for individuals who are not fluent in English. The session will also discuss the importance of linguistic diversity in technology and how the use of non-English-based programming languages can contribute to this diversity. Attendees will learn about the Programming Languages Diversity Project's efforts to collect and promote non-English-based programming languages, as well as its initiatives to provide support and resources for individuals interested in programming in their native language. The session will showcase some of the non-English-based programming languages that have been collected by the project, providing examples of how these languages are being used in Wikimedia projects. The session's objectives are to raise awareness of the importance of linguistic diversity in programming, highlight the benefits of using non-English-based programming languages, and provide attendees with an understanding of the Programming Languages Diversity Project's goals and activities. Attendees will leave with a greater appreciation for the challenges faced by non-English-speaking individuals when engaging in programming activities and an understanding of the potential of non-English-based programming languages to make programming more accessible and inclusive.

Further details

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Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?

The project aims to increase diversity in programming languages by encouraging collaboration between developers from underrepresented groups and established language communities. This collaboration not only fosters diversity but also ensures the development of programming languages that are more inclusive and accessible to diverse communities. By promoting diversity and collaboration, the Programming Languages Diversity Project is contributing to a more equitable and innovative future in the field of programming.

Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?

  • Tick Onsite in Singapore
  • Tick Remote online participation, livestreamed
  • Empty Remote from a satellite event
  • Tick Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
  • Empty Pre-recorded and available on demand