2023:Program/Submissions/Project Korikath: Bringing commons closer to our daily life - ULVT9F
Title: Project Korikath: Bringing commons closer to our daily life
User:Mrb Rafi
I usually work as a project manager and an organizer in the Wikimedia Movement locally and globally. I'm very much interested in the outreach activities and working with the newbies in the movement. I'm also interested in creating leadership and skilled volunteers in the communities. I'm the founder of NDEC Wikipedia Editorial and Research Team. Besides I'm a certified Media & Information Literacy trainer of Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program.
Wasiul bahar
Hello there I am Wasi from Bangladesh. Currently learning UX design, web dev. To implement my skill in a broad way, I am working with a local Wikipedia Editorial team called wert in order to broaden the application of my skills. I feel proud to contribute in the vast area of knowledge.
Start time:
End time:
Type: Lightning talk
Track: GLAM, Heritage, and Culture
Submission state: submitted
Duration: 10 minutes
Do not record: false
Presentation language: en
Abstract & description
[edit source]Abstract
[edit source]The session will be about “Project Korikath” which is being founded and maintained by some young Wikimedia volunteers from Bangladesh. I will discuss about our work process of maintaining a commons-based project with very limited recourses and how other communities can follow our system.
[edit source]The session will be about “Project Korikath” which is being founded maintained by some young Wikimedia volunteers from Bangladesh. I will discuss about our work process of maintain a commons based project with very limited recourses. I'll describe the analysis we're doing to identify the areas where photographs are deficient and conducting physical photowalk in Bangladesh to fill the content gap. I will try to give a overview of how we are attracting young people and utilizing their passion to enrich commons by uploading 1500+ images in just 4 months and aiming to upload more than 5000 images in the first phase. I'll discuss some of the things I've learned that discourage beginners from contributing to commons and how to fix them. I will share my thoughts on how enabling young people can make a major change in commons overnight. After the event People will learn how to plan, organize and evaluate a photography event with very limited resources. People will learn how to make young non-wikimedia people interested in contributing to commons and the overall movement. People will get familiar with different useful tools to use in commons. People will learn to plan and organize offline photowalks. People will get familiar with the image processing(Capture, edit and upload). People will learn how to contribute in commons effectively People will learn why a typical photo contest cannot fill the content gap fully in wikimedia commons. People will learn how to treat with the newcomer to increase their spirit to contribute in commons.
Further details
[edit source]Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?
As project korikath is being fuelled by mostly young contributor, And most of them are from different part of the country, we work with a very diverse team. In our team there are member from different cultures, ethnic, and religions. We work to include all different cultures in wikimedia commons. From the very beginning we are trying to collaborate with different organizations, groups, affiliates so that we can fullfill our goals perfectly not only in bangladesh but also in every part of the world. Before initiating our project, we identified some recommendations of movement strategy which will cover our work like Invest in Skills and Leadership Development,Manage Internal Knowledge and Improve User Experience. thus we are working for the future of wikimedia movement. And I will share these ecperiences in the sessions.
Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Everyone can participate in this session
Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?
Onsite in Singapore
Remote online participation, livestreamed
Remote from a satellite event
Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
Pre-recorded and available on demand