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2023:Program/Submissions/Recovering photographic heritage from the Land of Valencia - RLDVJ7

From Wikimania

Title: Recovering photographic heritage from the Land of Valencia


Francesc Fort

Mainly editing in Catalan Wikipedia

Pretalx link

Etherpad link


Start time:

End time:

Type: Other

Track: GLAM, Heritage, and Culture

Submission state: submitted

Duration: 25 minutes

Do not record: false

Presentation language: en

Abstract & description

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Since 2015, l'Arxiu Ismael Latorre Mendoza has been releasing their collection in Wikimedia Commons. Averaging more than 200K weekly views, it is probably one of the most unique, long-running and important GLAM projects in the Land of Valencia, the Catalan-speaking areas and Spain.

And also, it's the only project that has been managed by a family with their own means, and by themselves.


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This is the story of a man who received a photocamera in 1935, one year before the Spanish Civil War started, and who kept taking pics of his town, their peoples and livelihoods up to the XXI Century.

It's also the story of a family, his own family who took care of the archive with his works, and expanded it with their own creations. But only that: the family also released those works in Wikimedia Commons to share and to preserve the pictures and all the different topics covered by the pictures.

This Wikimedia Project grew by 2021, when more descendants of professional photographers from the region discovered the project and started sharing their own works, covering now 5 different photographers and townships.

Further details

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Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?

Diversity: This project is an example of grassroot project which can be replicated elsewhere. It covers the livelihood of Valencian people trough the XX century, the everyday lives of Alginet, an emintently agricultural town, and their peoples. The lives of common folk and their jobs is not something usually properly documented by bigger GLAMs. We're covering the traditional life of the Valencian people, and some of their prominent figures.

Collaboration: The user who makes the proposal is the WiR in the archive, helping the family with specific-issues and providing know-how about GLAM, but it's the family itself who took care of the original amterials, curates, edits or scans when needed and also shares in Commons. Also, now the project has been expanded to more and new families and archives, which is a collaboration itself.

Future: One the very oldest pictures in the archive documenmts the Alginet weapons factory, from the SCW. It was one of the few places where specific types of guns were made by the legitimate Spanish Government. Since 1936, lots of years and things have happened. Now we can illustrate that unique building which belongs to the (sad) history of the Valencian People thanks to the project. And the 500.000 documents available, yet not released, in the archive, allows us to foresee that we will be covering a lot of history in the future.

Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?

  • Tick Onsite in Singapore
  • Empty Remote online participation, livestreamed
  • Empty Remote from a satellite event
  • Empty Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
  • Empty Pre-recorded and available on demand