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2023:Program/Submissions/Sharing Wikiaudio or voice on all wikimedia platform. - NWU3SL

From Wikimania

Title: Sharing Wikiaudio or voice on all wikimedia platform.



Aline NDACYAYISENG is A Rwandan lady joined WIKIMEDIA USER GROUP RWANDA in 2021. She has been involved in different activities of WIKIMEDIA USER GROUP RWANDA. She hold bachelors degree in Accounting from University of Rwanda. She is passionate about improving community health. She belong in Different activities of Youth volunteer such as Young African leadership Initiative (YALI) committed to transform Africa, RWANDA GIRL GUIDE And more. She is always looking for making world a better place.

Pretalx link

Etherpad link


Start time:

End time:

Type: Lightning talk

Track: Equity, Inclusion, and Community Health

Submission state: submitted

Duration: 10 minutes

Do not record: false

Presentation language: en

Abstract & description

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Wikimedia has many platform that provide information needed by all people not only reader one but also blind one. the audio search and voice reply are needed.


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Wikimedia has been designed to provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge at all. But there is a challenge for people with blindness or inability to type anything they want to know (People with disability). Recently, i don't know how wikiaudio work but i have an ideas of adding voice to all wikimedia platform in order to help people with disability. where anyone can open the platform and then use the voice to ask what kind of information needed and also replied by voice too.

Further details

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Qn. How does your session relate to the event themes: Diversity, Collaboration Future?

This session will work on this themes because it is an ideas that will help to provide the information at all. This will will help in collaboration of all people especially people with disability and it it will help wikimedia in better future at all.

Qn. What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Qn. What is the most appropriate format for this session?

  • Tick Onsite in Singapore
  • Empty Remote online participation, livestreamed
  • Empty Remote from a satellite event
  • Tick Hybrid with some participants in Singapore and others dialing in remotely
  • Empty Pre-recorded and available on demand