
The Poster session at Wikimania Katowice will will occur on 9 August from 17:45 - 19:00 local time. It will be one of the prime events in Wikimania--refreshments will be served, and attendees will be encouraged to mingle and discuss ideas with poster authors. It will feature all posters accepted through the program submissions process. It is an opportunity for participants to interact with their audience one-on-one, for a longer time, and in greater depth. It will be the primary venue for attendees to showcase their own projects at the conference.
Poster authors will submit their posters using the correct Commons category by end of day 22 July. Event organizers will print the posters and hang them in the Main Hall for the session.
Poster authors who will be present in Katowice are encouraged to stand by their posters during the session in order to discuss with attendees. Poster authors who will not be there in person are encouraged to include contact information on their poster where attendees can reach out with questions and feedback.
ウィキマニア2024 Postersの公式のウィキメディア・コモンズのカテゴリです。
- 指定された日までにポスターを作成しc:Category:Wikimania 2024 Postersにアップロードします。
- カトヴィツェでポスター作者は、会議中にポスターのそばでまわりの人とその内容について話し合うよう奨励されます。
- リモート参加の場合、ポスター作成時にメールアドレスやウィキページなどの連絡方法を含めて、ポスターセッションの後、参加者がどんな考えや質問でも連絡を取ることができるようにしてください。
- 認められた内容ごとにポスター1枚
- ポスターは複数の言語で作成できます。
- ポスターサイズ/フォーマット: A1、ポートレート。
- All images are freely licensed with the author credited. Remember, we set the standards we expect on reusing our content.
- Limit the text used. Include one or more QR codes to link to more detailed information, reports, instructions, or presentation videos (e.g., on Wiki-Meta, Wikimedia Commons, etc.).
- Deadline: We ask that all posters are uploaded to Wikimedia Commons until 22 July (inclusive). This allows time for review and printing.

Once the participant chooses the topic they want for their poster, lay out the story in a way that lets other people know what happened, what were the key results, and what (if any) is their advice to the audience. They can also use the ABCDs of Storytelling as a guide to creating the poster. Find more detailed guidance at this Posters that work Learning Pattern, and also by looking at posters shown at previous Wikimedia events:
- Posters created for Wikimania 2023
- Posters created for Wikimania 2019
- Posters created for Wikimania 2018
- Posters created for Wikimedia Conference 2018
- Posters created for Wikimania 2017
- Posters created for Wikimedia Conference 2017
There are many programs/templates the participant can use to create a poster. It is suggested that Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice Presentation, and LibreOffice Draw are the easiest to use, and make good-looking posters. Other programs like Inkscape have more features, but they are also more difficult to learn, and tools like Adobe InDesign & Illustrator are expensive. Another option is to use Google Draw.
Whichever program/template the participant chooses, organizers request the participant to set the size of the poster before they start adding words and pictures. This will help the participant make sure that the fonts they are using are the right size, and that the pictures they include have a high enough resolution to print properly.
Here are some links that may help participants create a poster of the correct size:
Visual assets
Poster authors can choose to use Wikimania Katowice designs, but are also free to stick to any branding they prefer. For those interested in adding elements from Wikimania Katowice, see the Designs page.
Final step
Once the poster is complete, the participant must export it to PDF format and open it in a PDF reader to make sure that everything is displaying correctly. Some questions the participant might ask oneself are
- 画像はぼやけていませんか?
- 文章は読み返しましたか?
- Have I used any materials that are copyrighted? As you will be uploading to Commons, please ensure all elements are available under a CC license.