Program meeting minutes, #wikimania, 02-16-06
[edit source]- FKAATI, the cry of the warror librarian!
[edit source]- short CFP announcement for translation
- review of people and groups to contact, and who is contacting them. See Wikimania 2006 Call for Participation/Distribution list. Any major areas missing?
- keynote speakers - ideas? who's contacting whom? see: Wikimania 2006/Program ideas
- adding two tracks to indico -- art & media and hacking days
- program teams -- who is interested in what? (add yourself to: Wikimania 2006/Program Team)
- structure of program teams -- leads, reviewing process, etc.
Condensed notes
[edit source]- keynote speakers:
- Tim Berners-Lee & Lessig/Moglen have been invited per the last meeting by sj & soufron, respectively; haven't heard back yet
- keynote speakers for tracks: still need speaker suggestions for FKAATI (free knowledge..), Social Science & Projects especially
- some discussion of how urgent it is to invite keynote speakers soon -- not a matter of hours, but needs to be done soon as people have busy schedules
- Soufron suggests 2 French social scientists: Christophe Prieur and/or Dominique Cardon (to speak together on a panel?)
- list of poss. speakers is here, pls continue to edit. Wikimania_2006/Program_ideas
- best to wait to decide on track keynotes until the tracks have been filled out; however, discussion should continue on possible conference-wide speakers (like TBL); sj suggests we need more international speakers & women
- Also need to talk about possible panels for tracks
- Indico: (http://cfp.wikimania.wikimedia.org)
- tracks -- no track for hacking days or art/media submissions yet; if people organizing those areas need it we can add a track later. In the meantime non-standard submissions go to email.
- accounts: if you're on a paper reviewing team, you need an account to be able to view submitted abstracts. First, register for an account; then send e-mail to the support e-mail address listed on the cfp page, and request manager access.
- Scheduling:
- a schedule needs to be worked up so we know how many slots we have. Angela, sj & Phoebe volunteered to work on it this weekend.
- Program teams:
- If you're on a team, recruit more people for it
- suggested - try and have at least four people/team by next week (2/22), preferably a mix of wikimedians/non-wikimedians (plus an external advisor)
- SJ & tobacman will work on recruiting this weekend (on village pumps, etc); everyone who's recruited needs to be available mid-april when the bulk of the work will happen
- Program teams will need a program lead
- Advisors:
- SJ suggest recruiting advisors for each of the tracks who can advise on keynote speakers but "not necc. have to deal with processing submissions, contacting speakers, or attending the conference"
- Advisor recruitment process should happen now, with talking about keynotes
- achal prabhala suggested for FKAATI
- Add your advisors here: Wikimania_2006/Program_ideas#Possible_advisors_for_tracks
- CFP:
- needs to be sent out in other channels, esp. other languages; aphaia can help, soufron?
- SJ will post short version for translation here: Translation_requests/Wikimania; pls help with translation & distribution if you can.
- continue to add to & revise the list: Wikimania_2006/Distribution_lists
Future meetings
[edit source]- 22:30-23:00 UTC seems like a good time. Weekdays seem generally agreeable. Put your preferred times here: Wikimania_2006/Planning#Meetings if this doesn't work and we can trade off, so that everyone interested can participate.
- Next meeting: Thursday Feb. 23, 23:00UTC, 1 hour or less
Log (flume)
[edit source][2/16/2006 2:37 PM] <brassratgirl> ok, hi all [2/16/2006 2:37 PM] <_sj_> (yes, tbl was invited; waiting to hear back) [2/16/2006 2:37 PM] <reagleBRKLN> _sj_: want me to ping Ian? [2/16/2006 2:37 PM] <_sj_> no thanks [2/16/2006 2:37 PM] <_sj_> if we don't hear back this week, then yes :) [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <brassratgirl> Ok, so first item -- who's been invited so far -- [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <reagleBRKLN> ok, remind me then [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <reagleBRKLN> (when you want me to send an email) [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <brassratgirl> waiting to hear back from tbl [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <_sj_> sure thing :) [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <brassratgirl> soufron: and we're waiting to hear back from lessig/moglen, right? [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <_sj_> soufron: heard back from lessig, not from moglen [2/16/2006 2:38 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: really? [2/16/2006 2:39 PM] <brassratgirl> ok [2/16/2006 2:39 PM] <_sj_> souf: was that a 'yes' for all days ? [2/16/2006 2:39 PM] <soufron> hello [2/16/2006 2:39 PM] <soufron> stop [2/16/2006 2:39 PM] <soufron> we can't do like this [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> we ned to get organized ! [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> we can't just send mails to people like that [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <_sj_> thanks, souf. [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> it's completely not the thing to do ! [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> so... [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> also we are not in a hurry [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> I just sent a mail [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> first, we should ask ourselves how many people we can invite [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> and hwo many people per track we can invite [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> then... [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <_sj_> in what sense are we not in a hurry? [2/16/2006 2:40 PM] <soufron> we must have a list of people ready [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <brassratgirl> ok, so talking about keynote speakers, who and how many, is on the agenda [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <soufron> _sj_, it's not a question of hours [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <soufron> :) [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <brassratgirl> possibilities are here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Program_ideas [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <soufron> this is not complete [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <soufron> we need to complete it [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <_sj_> soufron: this is what we discussed last week. [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <brassratgirl> soufron: it's not a matter of hours but it's urgent in the sense that people will get booked up [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <_sj_> yes, please :) [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <_sj_> but as far as keynotes go [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <_sj_> we need to invite them as soon as possible [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <soufron> please they won't get booked up next week [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <brassratgirl> esp. busy people like Lessig, et al. [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <_sj_> since they are most likely not to be available. [2/16/2006 2:41 PM] <_sj_> at any rate, [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> they WILL BE available [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> the conference is prestigious [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> in a prestigious place [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> about a prestigious website [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> this meeting should not last forever... and is not the right place for questioning the agenda or overall procedure. [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> so we are not in a hurry of days [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> a loong thought should go on its own section or page on the wiki [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> and be discussed at length, [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> we need to invite them, let's say... at march 10th [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> not crammed into 60 minutes [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> how many keynote speakers ? [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> 10 ? [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> 20 ? [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> 40 ? [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> so please, please write such a proposal. [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> soufron... [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <_sj_> we said 5 last week, once per theme. [2/16/2006 2:42 PM] <soufron> ok [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <soufron> so once keynote per them [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <Betsy_Devine> Sorry, is there a URL with our agenda? [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <soufron> are you sure this is enough ? [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <brassratgirl> As _sj_ said, we talked about it last week; this week I'd like to talk about who else to invite [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <soufron> well, I was not informed [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <soufron> :) [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <brassratgirl> yes, here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Planning#Meetings [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <_sj_> please also review old notes before running in with long new ideas :) [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <soufron> ok but where are the notes ? :) [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <brassratgirl> I emailed them to you [2/16/2006 2:43 PM] <_sj_> and on the wiki: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Program/2006-02-04 [2/16/2006 2:44 PM] <_sj_> betsy : you have to run soon, yes? [2/16/2006 2:44 PM] <brassratgirl> beat me to it :) [2/16/2006 2:44 PM] <Betsy_Devine> sj, yes, sorry. [2/16/2006 2:44 PM] <soufron> cool [2/16/2006 2:44 PM] <_sj_> will you be around this weekend? let's try to work out press issues on the wiki. [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <soufron> so we will only launch keynotes [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <_sj_> and your contributions to the program ideas page would be most welcome. [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <soufron> will we have other people invited ? [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <brassratgirl> well, let's talk about it. [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <_sj_> regarding completing the list, we still need more people from other countries; more women. [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <soufron> that was my point [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <_sj_> I talked to esther dyson a few days ago, and she said she would send some suggestions. [2/16/2006 2:45 PM] <brassratgirl> we need keynote speakers especially for the social sciences track; as well as the projects track [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <soufron> for social science I have a suggestion [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <soufron> with a french researcher from the cnrs [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <soufron> a top level guy [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <_sj_> she has a lot of experience thinking about how to balance similar kinds of conferences. [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <soufron> who could team up with someone else [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <brassratgirl> reagleBRKLN, did you have any ideas for social science stuff? [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <soufron> he study social networks in telecommunications at france telecom research [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <soufron> and his name is dominique cardon [2/16/2006 2:46 PM] <brassratgirl> soufron: ok [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <reagleBRKLN> what is wanted in a SS speaker? someone from the SS with thoughts on WP, or someone studying WP? [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <brassratgirl> can you add his name to the list? [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <soufron> with christophe prieur (also director of research at cnrs) they are beginning a project about social networks on wikiepdia [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <soufron> I do [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <_sj_> joe: both [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <soufron> I would not invite them alone though [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <soufron> but as a panel it would be great [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] <_sj_> we will need to have separate discussions about panels. Each theme should identify a handful of panel topics, and come up with people (and alternates) to fill the panels. [2/16/2006 2:47 PM] -->| tobacman (n=Jeremy@ has joined #wikimania [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <Angela> Perhaps we should put together the schedule soon and see exactly how many panels etc we need. [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <reagleBRKLN> sadly, know, i would just peruse the WP researchers page... [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <brassratgirl> hi tobacman [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <soufron> will we have a panel and a keynote speak ? [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <soufron> or a panel or a keynote speak ? [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <reagleBRKLN> s/know/no/ [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <brassratgirl> reagleBRKLN: fair enough [2/16/2006 2:48 PM] <brassratgirl> I'm thinking about outside people, too [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <brassratgirl> soufron: both [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <_sj_> but you can approach this from both ends : defining panels and trying to find people to fill them ; and identifying people to invite and figuring out which (perhaps multiple) panels/events they could be part of. [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <soufron> what do you mean... both ? [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <brassratgirl> soufron: hopefully [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <reagleBRKLN> maybe some folks who have written books on encyclopedias, but not WP? [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <soufron> a panel and a keynote ? [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <_sj_> angela: sounds like a good idea for the weekend. [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <brassratgirl> Angela: it would be nice to know how many slots total we had [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: yes :) [2/16/2006 2:49 PM] <Angela> is this something that can be done in indico? [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <brassratgirl> Angela: I'm not sure [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <brassratgirl> maybe [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <_sj_> (btw : 3 submissions so far) [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: one's junk :) [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <brassratgirl> test submission [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <Angela> could someone give me an account on indico please? [2/16/2006 2:50 PM] <brassratgirl> Angela: sure [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <brassratgirl> We need to figure out who needs accounts on indico [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <Angela> Thanks. [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <soufron> what is indico ? [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <soufron> lol [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <_sj_> yes, indico allows you to set sessions [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <brassratgirl> soufron: the conference submission software, see cfp.wikimania.wikimedia.org [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <_sj_> and rooms, and assign each session to a room [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <soufron> we need some politician as keynote speaker ! [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <_sj_> and [abstracts] to sessions. [2/16/2006 2:51 PM] <brassratgirl> Everyone who wants permissions on indico needs to sign up for an account first, I believe [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <brassratgirl> so your email & name is in the system [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <soufron> brassratgirl, I need an account [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <brassratgirl> (ivan could confirm that) [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <_sj_> please go to indico and register [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <brassratgirl> there's two steps: registering for an account like an ordinary user [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <_sj_> then you'll have an "account" which can be made an admin account [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <neuralis> re: indico, go and get an account. then send e-mail to the support e-mail address listed on the cfp page, and request manager access. [2/16/2006 2:52 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_ :) [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <brassratgirl> hi ivan! thanks, best directions of all [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <Angela> is it still at http://radian.org:8080/ ? I can't access it [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <soufron> ok I am creating [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <_sj_> cfp.wikimania.wikimedia.org [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <tobacman> hi all! [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <soufron> so... [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <neuralis> Angela: http://cfp.wikimania.wikimedia.org [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <soufron> when do we decide who are our keynote speakers [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <neuralis> angela: radian.org:8080 was a test site. [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <soufron> there were a consensus for lawrence lessig I believe [2/16/2006 2:53 PM] <soufron> but after that... [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <_sj_> angela: in case you thought this would preclude background-color wars, you can set background color and text color separately for each session [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <_sj_> hi tobacman [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <brassratgirl> One more indico question, while we're on the subject -- [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <neuralis> fire away. [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <brassratgirl> we mentioned adding a hacking days track last time [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <brassratgirl> I was wondering if we should do that, and also add an art & media track [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <Angela> Ok, I have an account as "angela" there now. [2/16/2006 2:54 PM] <brassratgirl> so that anyone wanting to submit an art installation project, etc., can do so [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] <neuralis> yes, i've been meaning to ask whether we should add the hacking days track. it depends on the structure of it; were there talks during hacking days last time? [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] * _sj_ pokes jeluf [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] <brassratgirl> Adding 'hacking days' would mean that users submitting abstracts could choose that track, right? [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] <Angela> It was more informal. People didn't submit papers for the hacking days I think. [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] <brassratgirl> reclassifying papers within indico as an admin is really easy though [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] <Angela> what do you mean by an art installation project? [2/16/2006 2:55 PM] <_sj_> I wouldn't want to confuse those who would submit to the tech infrastructure track [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <soufron> ok [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: precisely. [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <soufron> my account is "soufron" [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <_sj_> I think all of the unusual submissions can do that via email [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_ - right, but we can change it around afterwards [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <soufron> brassratgirl, can you admin me ? [2/16/2006 2:56 PM] <neuralis> i'm not logging this meeting, and i can't do indico things now; if you need to be made a manager, please send an e-mail to the support address listed on the page. [2/16/2006 2:57 PM] <brassratgirl> sure, in a bit [2/16/2006 2:57 PM] <_sj_> angela: there have been some artistic suggestions -- visualization projects, other interesting art. there is a note about such submissions in the cfp. [2/16/2006 2:57 PM] <brassratgirl> I was wondering if it would be better to have everything in one place, rather than have a few things in email [2/16/2006 2:58 PM] <Angela> There's the danger we go completely off-topic if we have an art theme since people will just submit stuff unrelated to the projects. [2/16/2006 2:58 PM] <brassratgirl> Angela: true [2/16/2006 2:58 PM] <_sj_> right. if we had a "theme" on that topic we could make it clear that it was for project-based art [2/16/2006 2:58 PM] <brassratgirl> ok, what about hacking days though? [2/16/2006 2:58 PM] <Betsy_Devine> sorry, bye all... [2/16/2006 2:58 PM] |<-- Betsy_Devine has left freenode ("Bye from Betsy!") [2/16/2006 2:59 PM] <Angela> the developers will organise the hacking days won't they/ [2/16/2006 2:59 PM] <_sj_> no hacking days abstracts [2/16/2006 2:59 PM] <b4_> hacking days programs could be organized less formally via wiki [2/16/2006 2:59 PM] <_sj_> unless someone specially asks for that to be added [2/16/2006 2:59 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: +1. [2/16/2006 2:59 PM] <_sj_> and no need to over-encourage the art. but there will be at least a couple good exhibits of that nature; so internally we need to be ready for that. [2/16/2006 3:00 PM] <_sj_> history flow will put out a sequel paper this spring, for instance. [2/16/2006 3:00 PM] <brassratgirl> well, I wasn't sure if hacking days organizers would want to take advantage of indico's features in organizing a schedule or not .. [2/16/2006 3:00 PM] <_sj_> again : if anyone asks for it, no prob. [2/16/2006 3:00 PM] <_sj_> right now, we have other things to worry about. [2/16/2006 3:00 PM] <brassratgirl> yes. we have keynote speakers and program teams to talk about [2/16/2006 3:01 PM] <brassratgirl> we touched on keynotes a minute ago; [2/16/2006 3:01 PM] <_sj_> we need to find more people for a few themes [2/16/2006 3:01 PM] <_sj_> (if not each of them) [2/16/2006 3:01 PM] <brassratgirl> I think all of them [2/16/2006 3:01 PM] <soufron> so... [2/16/2006 3:01 PM] <soufron> keynotes ! [2/16/2006 3:02 PM] <soufron> let's go on this [2/16/2006 3:02 PM] <brassratgirl> though projects, tech, and foss are suffering [2/16/2006 3:02 PM] <brassratgirl> the list is here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Program_Team [2/16/2006 3:02 PM] <_sj_> a notice should go out widely, to attract interested people. [2/16/2006 3:02 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: where? [2/16/2006 3:02 PM] <_sj_> I will talk to a number of people about FOSS this weekend [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <tobacman> sorry, what's foss? [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <_sj_> brg: probably a note on larger-project village pumps; also notifying them about the cfp [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <reagleBRKLN> tobacman: free open source software [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <_sj_> brg: which touches on the first topic, short annoucnements for translation [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <brassratgirl> tobacman: in this context, I meant the "Free knowledge and access to information" track [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <_sj_> the other thing we need for each theme is one or two external advisors [2/16/2006 3:03 PM] <brassratgirl> yes! do you have one? [2/16/2006 3:04 PM] <tobacman> got it-- thanks, reagle and brg [2/16/2006 3:04 PM] <brassratgirl> Also, does someone want to volunteer to put notes on village pumps for recruitment and cfp? :) [2/16/2006 3:04 PM] <_sj_> I have one in mind for FOSS (achal prabhala, who offered to help out that way for 2006 when he came last year); would like to find another [2/16/2006 3:05 PM] <_sj_> if people working on each theme can come up with good advisors, we will be in a much better position to balance the speaker lists [2/16/2006 3:05 PM] <brassratgirl> I meant short announcements [2/16/2006 3:05 PM] <tobacman> sj: what would the advisors do? [2/16/2006 3:05 PM] <brassratgirl> sorry [2/16/2006 3:05 PM] <_sj_> tobacman: advise on whom to invite [2/16/2006 3:06 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: do you think finding advisors & getting advice can happen in a timely manner [2/16/2006 3:06 PM] <_sj_> but not necc. have to deal with processing submissions, contacting speakers, or attending the conference [2/16/2006 3:06 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: what are we trying to do with foss? [2/16/2006 3:06 PM] <_sj_> brg: I would place finding advisors on par with finding the rest of our keynotes, in priority [2/16/2006 3:07 PM] <brassratgirl> neuralis: stage a librarian invasion [2/16/2006 3:07 PM] <brassratgirl> (sorry) [2/16/2006 3:07 PM] <_sj_> actually, it is "Free knowledge and access to information" [2/16/2006 3:07 PM] <neuralis> fkaati? ;) [2/16/2006 3:07 PM] <_sj_> there is a global "FOSS" meme which most closely overlaps with that theme [2/16/2006 3:07 PM] <_sj_> but our interest is rather specific [2/16/2006 3:08 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: okay. i'd avoid the foss term if at all possible. [2/16/2006 3:08 PM] <soufron> mmmh [2/16/2006 3:08 PM] <brassratgirl> FKAATI, the cry of the warror librarian! [2/16/2006 3:08 PM] <neuralis> brassratgirl: i was just thinking something along those lines. [2/16/2006 3:08 PM] <_sj_> agreed. apologies for [ab]using it [2/16/2006 3:08 PM] <brassratgirl> 'Twas my fault. So: we need advisor ideas along with great keynote speaker ideas [2/16/2006 3:09 PM] <brassratgirl> Perhaps starting another section here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Program_ideas would be good [2/16/2006 3:09 PM] <_sj_> soufron: to your earlier comments, first set a timeline for finding advisors and finishing the teams; then a timeline for each team to identify a certain # of desired speakers [2/16/2006 3:10 PM] <_sj_> meanwhile we can work out what the schedule will look like [2/16/2006 3:10 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: I think not having an advisor shouldn't stop us from talking about people we would really like to have, like TBL [2/16/2006 3:10 PM] <_sj_> agreed. this is all separate from the ongoing search for keynotes [2/16/2006 3:11 PM] <brassratgirl> keynote discussion should continue, but finishing the program teams is key [2/16/2006 3:12 PM] <brassratgirl> when should we try and have people roped in by? [2/16/2006 3:12 PM] <brassratgirl> submissions are already coming in; the deadline is april 15 [2/16/2006 3:12 PM] <brassratgirl> program teams will need someone to volunteer for program lead, as well [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <brassratgirl> program lead will keep other members on track, make sure all papers get reviewed for your track.. [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <soufron> yes ? [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <soufron> _sj_, sure [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <brassratgirl> by the appropriate deadline [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <soufron> so what is our timeline ? [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <_sj_> how about having lists of at least 4 people ready by next week; which may include people who have not yet agreed [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <Angela> 4 people on the team, or advisors? [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <soufron> we MUST include people who have not yet agreed :D [2/16/2006 3:13 PM] <soufron> on the team or speakers ? [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <_sj_> including at least 1 external advisor [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <_sj_> and at least 3 wikimedians [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <soufron> ... [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <soufron> why ? [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <Angela> why does one of them need to be external? [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <soufron> I don't need an external advisor for law & policy [2/16/2006 3:14 PM] <soufron> :D [2/16/2006 3:15 PM] <soufron> I think it depends [2/16/2006 3:15 PM] <_sj_> Just a suggestion. [2/16/2006 3:15 PM] <_sj_> this does not have to be a fast rule [2/16/2006 3:15 PM] <_sj_> it is good for balance, however. [2/16/2006 3:16 PM] <_sj_> but 4 people per theme should be an attainable target. [2/16/2006 3:16 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: to clarify, do you mean 1 external advisor who isn't actually *on* the team, but just advising it? [2/16/2006 3:16 PM] <brassratgirl> or one non-wikimedian on the team? [2/16/2006 3:17 PM] <_sj_> yes. I think we should focus on speaker selection and solicitation [2/16/2006 3:17 PM] <_sj_> and not on what who is doing on april 30th. [2/16/2006 3:18 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: progress with berners-lee for tech keynote? [2/16/2006 3:18 PM] <_sj_> and mainly advising on finding good keynotes... [2/16/2006 3:18 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: facebook tech keynote, yay/nay? etc [2/16/2006 3:18 PM] <_sj_> no response yet from tbl [2/16/2006 3:18 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: can we be more aggressive? phone? [2/16/2006 3:19 PM] <_sj_> yes... although he says he prefers email [2/16/2006 3:19 PM] <neuralis> preferences are well and good, but if he hasn't responded yet, i think a phone call is fair game. [2/16/2006 3:19 PM] <_sj_> I will at least follow up by email tomorrow. and ping reagle to write ian j if necessary [2/16/2006 3:20 PM] <_sj_> right. [2/16/2006 3:20 PM] <_sj_> as for the facebook... [2/16/2006 3:20 PM] <_sj_> you need to get more people involved to give feedback. I have no opinion about them. [2/16/2006 3:21 PM] <_sj_> I would feel better if there were full teams working on a given theme before the keynotes are selected. [2/16/2006 3:21 PM] <brassratgirl> well, last time we talked about conference keynotes [2/16/2006 3:21 PM] <neuralis> unfortunately, i don't have time to do recruiting. since lack of staff seems to be a general problem, perhaps someone is willing to take recruiting on as a primary role? [2/16/2006 3:22 PM] <brassratgirl> neuralis: good question [2/16/2006 3:22 PM] =-= brion_away is now known as brion [2/16/2006 3:22 PM] <_sj_> wb brion [2/16/2006 3:22 PM] <brassratgirl> people in the specific tracks should recruit people.. [2/16/2006 3:22 PM] <brassratgirl> but some tracks are lower on people than others, like tech and projects [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <brion> wazzap [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <_sj_> I will recruit generally this weekend; [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <brassratgirl> hey brion [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <brassratgirl> bear in mind this is asking people to do work 2 months from now, as well [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <asw> hey all. [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <_sj_> and focus on those three (including fkaati) [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <neuralis> sasha, brion, hey. [2/16/2006 3:23 PM] <brassratgirl> hey sasha! [2/16/2006 3:24 PM] <tobacman> hi sasha, brion! [2/16/2006 3:24 PM] <brassratgirl> so the bulk of the work will come in mid-april when the submissions are all in .. [2/16/2006 3:24 PM] <_sj_> if you're on a short team do think about a good potential advisor, to help in the next few weeks [2/16/2006 3:24 PM] <_sj_> (this could be from within or without the projects; just not necessarily committed for april) [2/16/2006 3:24 PM] <brassratgirl> right, there will be work between now & then contacting keynotes (which is where the advisor comes in) [2/16/2006 3:25 PM] <_sj_> ivan: I can ask if esther d. is interested in staying in the loop re: tech [2/16/2006 3:26 PM] <_sj_> is anyone interested in working on the schedule itself this week? [2/16/2006 3:26 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_: weekend only, for me [2/16/2006 3:26 PM] <brassratgirl> We also missed the top agenda item, which is talking about who else to contact with the cfp [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <brassratgirl> (sorry for being disorganized) [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <_sj_> ok. and angela? or were you just pointing out a needed job? [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <soufron> hop hop [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <_sj_> yes. aphaia is back from vacation and available to help organize distribution in other langs [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <soufron> ... [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <soufron> ... [2/16/2006 3:27 PM] <Angela> sj: what do you mean? [2/16/2006 3:28 PM] <_sj_> are you interested in working on the schedule structure? [2/16/2006 3:28 PM] <Angela> Yes, I am. [2/16/2006 3:28 PM] <_sj_> super. [2/16/2006 3:28 PM] <Angela> Once I can get into the indico thing. [2/16/2006 3:28 PM] <_sj_> ivan, now that you're around.. [2/16/2006 3:29 PM] <_sj_> oh, right [2/16/2006 3:29 PM] <brassratgirl> angela, _sj_, would sunday work for you two? [2/16/2006 3:29 PM] <_sj_> sunday's fine after 5 utc [2/16/2006 3:30 PM] <_sj_> so probably any time angela would be free [2/16/2006 3:30 PM] <Angela> Sunday's proably ok, though I've got another meeting at a time yet to be arranged. [2/16/2006 3:30 PM] <brassratgirl> also, _sj_, you said you'd work on general recruitment... anyone else want to help with that? [2/16/2006 3:30 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: yes? [2/16/2006 3:30 PM] <_sj_> soufron: we need more cfp distribution in french channels [2/16/2006 3:30 PM] <Angela> Not 1-10pm UTC if possible. [2/16/2006 3:31 PM] <tobacman> i'll be out of town this weekend, but i can start pinging people from the list of supporters on the bid page. [2/16/2006 3:31 PM] <_sj_> yes, I could use help with distributing messages [2/16/2006 3:31 PM] <tobacman> where else for general recruitment? [2/16/2006 3:31 PM] <_sj_> I'll work on having translations done by sometime saturday [2/16/2006 3:32 PM] <brassratgirl> tobacman: what page are you talking about? [2/16/2006 3:32 PM] <_sj_> tobacman, can you help with that? [2/16/2006 3:32 PM] <_sj_> we'll work up a list on the Distribution page [2/16/2006 3:32 PM] <brassratgirl> tobacman, never mind, figured it out [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <_sj_> soufron: and I know you have lots of other program ideas; are you content to put them at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Program_ideas [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <_sj_> for now? [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <tobacman> sj, i can help w spanish and bahasa, but don't have much other fluency.... [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <asw> _sj_ when is 5 utc ? [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <soufron> ... [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <soufron> ok [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <soufron> yes [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <_sj_> we can work out how to better structure that [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <soufron> I have very good networks in research [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <_sj_> over email [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <_sj_> excellent [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <soufron> in France and in Europe [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <soufron> so I will forward it [2/16/2006 3:33 PM] <tobacman> sj: oh, you mean distributing messages: yes i can help with that. [2/16/2006 3:34 PM] <neuralis> soufron: your account is set [2/16/2006 3:34 PM] <_sj_> t: great [2/16/2006 3:34 PM] <neuralis> Angela: account is set [2/16/2006 3:34 PM] * reagleBRKLN has to go [2/16/2006 3:34 PM] <_sj_> it's been an hour. [2/16/2006 3:34 PM] <_sj_> are there any last items we need to cover right now? [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <brassratgirl> when to meet next [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <Angela> Thanks neuralis. [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <brassratgirl> is this a reasonable time? [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <neuralis> _sj_: it sounded like you wanted to ask me something? [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <Angela> It's good for me. [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <_sj_> great for me [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <brassratgirl> and if so, what day? [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <_sj_> neuralis: yep [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <_sj_> I wnated to ask if you could set the accounts up :) [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <_sj_> so nevermind [2/16/2006 3:35 PM] <Angela> Not monday. [2/16/2006 3:36 PM] <_sj_> wed and thurs work for me [2/16/2006 3:36 PM] <brassratgirl> anybody else? [2/16/2006 3:37 PM] <_sj_> can we do thurs again next week? and then get on the cases of people whohaven't come [2/16/2006 3:37 PM] <_sj_> and find out what their conflicts are for future meetings [2/16/2006 3:37 PM] <brassratgirl> that works for me [2/16/2006 3:37 PM] <brassratgirl> thursday, 22:30 UTC, hopefully not as long [2/16/2006 3:37 PM] <_sj_> rock on [2/16/2006 3:37 PM] <brassratgirl> minutes will go here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Program/2006-02-16 as usual [2/16/2006 3:38 PM] <_sj_> reagle, good to see you [2/16/2006 3:39 PM] <brassratgirl> so: _sj_ and tobacman are recruiting people to go on the program team [2/16/2006 3:40 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_'s translating a short cfp for translation [2/16/2006 3:40 PM] <_sj_> n: I'll make sure to get some kind of answer from the w3c tomorrow. brg, ang: will find a time by email. tobacman: ditto [2/16/2006 3:40 PM] <brassratgirl> _sj_, where will you put the translated cfp? [2/16/2006 3:40 PM] <_sj_> mako, around? [2/16/2006 3:41 PM] <_sj_> brg: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translation_requests/Wikimania [2/16/2006 3:41 PM] <Angela> Bye for now. [2/16/2006 3:41 PM] <brassratgirl> ok [2/16/2006 3:41 PM] |<-- Angela has left freenode () [2/16/2006 3:42 PM] <brassratgirl> Ok, so people can distribute it from there... [2/16/2006 3:42 PM] <_sj_> must run too. ciao... [2/16/2006 3:42 PM] <brassratgirl> ok! bye. [2/16/2006 3:42 PM] * neuralis is gone. *poof* [2/16/2006 3:43 PM] <brassratgirl> everyone: email me questions, will post minutes soon [2/16/2006 3:43 PM] <brassratgirl> see you all next week!