2019:GLAM/A Futuristic Museum & Platform Nourishing All SDGs
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[edit | edit source]A Futuristic Museum & Platform Nourishing All SDGs - Nutrition, Creativity and Collaborations at the core!
[edit | edit source]The problem: Humanity and our planet face serious problems and nutrition is at the epicentre of these. The way that nutrition** is generally practiced - unhealthy diets, feeding practices and lifestyles - is the leading cause of disease worldwide, and malnutrition is a problem that persists across the globe. Billions of people suffer malnutrition while >1/3 of all food produced goes to waste. At the same time, our food production/ consumption is causing immense stress to the planet. Living healthy and happy lives, meeting the SDGs and relevant international agreements (e.g. Paris-Agreement-targets), to reduce carbon emissions means urgently and fundamentally changing the way we eat/produce food.
Challenges: 1) generally we don´t know/have access to learning about nutrition, 2) access to reliable information is limited specially to the most vulnerable population groups, 3) we think `food` not `nutrition`, 4) women, who play a central role within nutrition; have often limited/no access to nutritional education, 5) currently, nutrition information is biased/conflicting. People feel that nutritional problems are so complex that they cannot take it in; 6) there are several ‘food museums’ mostly incomplete, narrow, un-engaging if not irrelevant to current/future needs.
Opportunities: According to Wikipedia: “Food museums are a part of the emerging food heritage movement” and “help to preserve global and local food heritage.” See THE NUTRIVERSE Nutrition brings people-communities-world together and make us stronger. Nutrition provides essential, highly needed content to be deployed in the artistic-cultural-heritage domains. Therefore, the proposal for a Nutrition museum: THE NUTRIVERSE (independent and not merely about food).
The Wiki-family/Conference has in hand ´all ingredients´ to create a perfect meal (a varied and inclusive smorgasbord) to provide a platform/collaborations with relevant museums: a movement that can spread free knowledge, use interactive tools to use on-and-off-line available to the most relevant/needy audiences. See below the future of museums.
The future of museums: may not have a permanent place allowing flexibility, freeing up resources giving opportunity to establish cooperative relationships with existing institutions. Exhibitions may be appreciated in digital forms on a website, using more media to supplement outreach. In the future, exhibitions or extracts of these may occur in mass transit spaces, on billboards, in schools, libraries, in other art places, services, eateries, galleries and organisations headquarters. Efforts may be largely volunteer driven while ensuring quality and reliable content.
Relationship to the theme
[edit | edit source]This session will address the conference theme: Stronger together: Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and the Sustainable Development Goals — in the following manner:
Our focus is Nutrition as this universal and multi-sectoral subject is recognised as a common thread to all SDGs of the Global Agenda 2030 (1). Bringing a platform to nutrition, Wikimedia movement and relevant collaborations can greatly contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. A Museum & Platform Nourishing all SDGs would address (among other): (4) Quality Education (5) Gender Equality, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reduced Inequalities, (11) Sustainable cities and communities and of course; (17) Partnerships for the goals.Partnerships with other museums, galleries, sources of information, platforms, as well as with innovation related industries to maximise use of resources (SDG 9, 17) with GLAM institutions around the world are the best way to reduce inequality and access to knowledge on essential subjects of universal interest. See more in "Supporting work" below.
Session outcomes (this needs to be shortened)
[edit | edit source]Participants propose how the platform and tools developed by the Wiki-family could promote information and education on Nutrition that supports resilient individuals and communities living on a sustainable planet.
Participants describe how relevant museums and institutions collaborate (rather than compete), merge or diversify (e.g. THE NUTRIVERSE, UNLive Museum and other museums or platforms).
Questions to answer are:
· How do we/the world wish to learn about nutrition? Is a museum a good mean and what is need for this purpose?
· How using Wiki family tools could learning Nutrition be accessible to as many as possible engaging, useful, reliable, pragmatic and adapt to local/global realities?
· How do we ensure engaging the most disadvantaged individuals / groups?
· Emerging economies experience the double burden of malnutrition and disease as they adopt the so-called “western” dietary lifestyle. How can the former learn best practice in a way that is not patronising but inspiring?
· Do the creation of a “Community of Planetary Guardians” could be a first step to quick off such museum? (individuals that are interested and engaged with the subject and wish to create changes in themselves, others and planet and wish invite others creating a ´domino effect´)
· Give concrete actions to enhance opportunities to partner with stakeholders, students, companies all over the world creating a dynamic and innovative culture that prompt sustainable changes and while doing so, we have fun! How to collaborate across the Wiki-family to produce and disseminate nutrition content, create educational material, platforms on specific nutrition related issues (e.g. malnutrition, disease, sanitation, climate change etc.), and exhibitions (on and off-line). This while connecting with people in their homes and communities with particular attention to those disadvantaged/challenging access.
Do participants imagine WikiNutri? What could be the role of THE NUTRIVERSE?
Session leader(s)
[edit | edit source]AGHB / Ana Gerlin Hernandez Bonilla-Måbeck- Nutritionist
[edit | edit source]- AGHB / SquirrelLovesNuts
[edit | edit source]- Affiliation 1: Sweden / Global
E-mail contact
[edit | edit source]- Email 1: anagerlin@icloud.com
Session type
[edit | edit source]- Lightning talk
Requirements[edit | edit source]
[edit | edit source]- Room: Any type of room with projector and equipment to present a Website & slides presentation
- Audience: 15-30, persons working with GLAM institutions
- Recording: yes, recording allowed
Length of session
[edit | edit source]As per Lighting Talks times (10´ minutes)
Supporting work
[edit | edit source]Below some definitions and complementary information:
** Nutrition: explains how the environment, food, culture, our health, confidence and feeding behaviours are interconnected. Nutrition is the foundation and a key indicator of sustainable development: adequate nutrition is a requisite and platform for progress in health, education, employment, equality, reduction of poverty and inequality. Adequate nutrition is also a baseline for secure, peaceful, resilient and stable societies. More recently, the environmental/planetary dimension related to nutrition is becoming more pressing.
*Key Nutrition facts that illustrate the dimension of the nutritional problem:
-2 billion people lack key micronutrients like iron and vitamin A
-2 billion adults are overweight or obese
-207 million children are undernourished (stunted or wasted)
-41 million children are overweight
-88% of countries worldwide face a serious burden of either two or three forms of malnutrition
->1/3 of all food produced globally goes to waste
-In so-called developed countries, over half of all food waste takes place in the home
-1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted every year. Yearly CO2 emissions from food waste is equivalent to that of 3 million cars.
-If food wasted were a country it would be the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gases (after China & the USA)
-Food waste equals 1 trillion dollars in losses, annually
-Last but not least, the world is off track to meet all global nutrition targets…
How food/nutrition connects all the SDGs:
In addition, specific to nutrition (2): Nutrition is essential for the success of all SDGs. Without adequate and sustained investments in good nutrition, the SDGs will not be realised. The ambition to ‘End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture’ is captured in SDG 2, however, at least 12 of the 17 Goals contain indicators that are highly relevant to nutrition.
We cannot be “stronger” nor “together” in a malnourished planet! Malnutrition will represent an often invisible impediment to the successful achievement of the SDGs. Not just from a lack of sufficient and adequately nutritious and safe food, but from a host of intertwined factors linking health, care, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, access to food and resources, women’s empowerment and more. See: https://scalingupnutrition.org/nutrition/nutrition-and-the-sustainable-development-goals/
In a nutshell, THE NUTRIVERSE is a museum & platform for everything about nutrition. We use on- and offline ways of learning, experiencing and sharing nutrition. Its name comes from Nutrition, Universal and Universe (something bigger)
The vision of the NUTRIVERSE is a world where, through improved nutrition, people will live healthier and happier lives within planetary boundaries. We raise awareness about nutrition and sustainability. We explain why and how these are intertwined and will promote dietary patterns that are sustainable for everyone. Our approach is: a) science based, b) people centred and; c) enjoyable.
THE NUTRIVERSE wishes to bring a new/complementary nutrition narrative to that of the academia, politicians, social media, activists. One of THE NUTRIVERSE primary tasks, in addition to educating and enlightening on nutrition to the largest possible audience; is to gather and document the community´s contemporary stories, lessons learn, know how, objects, images. The stories are also collected directly in the web page where visitors are invited to ‘design’ the future of nutrition and to exercise their power as consumers.
Members can become “Planetary Guardians”; individuals who wish to produce positive change in themselves, society and the planet. They would have the role of disseminating the existence of the museum and spreading nutrition knowledge. Going virtual allows us to reach people who cannot afford to visit a physical museum. Our focus will be on children and young people, especially women, as they play a central role within nutrition.
THE NUTRIVERSE invites participation through its own and other digital channels, making it inclusive, diverse and interactive. There will be three main components:
1. Digital museum featuring key facts about nutrition in several exhibitions, mini- games, and collections.
2. The Lab, providing an experimental ground to play, learn, and test concepts and flavours.
3. Pop-up events heightening awareness of the website and the Lab. Relevant exhibitions, curated by the digital museum and translated into physical content (e.g. printouts, master classes), could travel to various locations. We do not speculate about the future of nutrition, we create it and produce measurable outcomes. We contribute to the SDGS-Global Agenda 2030, the Lancet Planetary Health Diet and to the Reduction of Food Waste. Through the “Consumers platform” we exercise the power of our choices.
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