2019:Multimedia knowledge
Multimedia knowledge Space

Welcome to the landing page for the Multimedia knowledge Space at Wikimania 2019 in Stockholm!
Bienvenida a la página inicial del Espacio de Conocimiento Multimedia en Wikimania 2019 en Stockholm!
- Hosted by MB-one (matti.blume
wikipedia.de) & DarwIn & Caleidoscopic & Sannita
Short description
[edit | edit source]- Free knowledge does not only use text as a medium but is increasingly shared in the form of graphics, photography, video and sound to name just a few. Especially minor languages profit a lot from non-written material, which helps to strengthen inclusivity and diversity and Wikimania should include a space to host multimedia content creators and curators. Possible topics for talks, workshops and meetings are photography and photo editing, use of video in Wiki projects, curation of media with structured data, oral knowledge collection and many more.
Relationship to the Sustainable Development Goals
[edit | edit source]Location and program
[edit | edit source]- Friday 13.00-14.30
- RoomEbadi (Södrahuset D315)
- Saturday 9.30-17.30
- RoomStrickland (Södra Huset B315)
- Sunday 9.30-15.30
- RoomStrickland (Södra Huset B315)
[edit | edit source]Topics
[edit | edit source]Topics proposer want
[edit | edit source]- Examples of topics that should be covered/discussed/solved within the time of the space.
- Oral knowledge recording
- Using video to build knowledge
- Photo walks
- Portrait photography photo booth (drawing resources and knowledge from Wiki Loves Parliament)
- Structured data for multimedia content
- Glam space cooperation
- Multisensorial content
- Learning from Wiki loves … competitions
- … Be creative!
Topics the community wants
[edit | edit source]- Opening the floor for community to propose topics
- …
Submissions and program
[edit | edit source]Submissions to the Multimedia Knowledge Space can be found at Category:2019:Multimedia submissions. Please express your interest in any of the program submissions by signing at the bottom of the submission page.
[edit | edit source]2019 talk:Multimedia knowledge
*Related workshop: 2019:Education/Wikidata for Wikimedia Commons users, Wikidata for begginers