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2019:Volunteer/Conference Heroes/Room angels

From Wikimania

Summary of role:

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The role of the Room Angel is to make sure that all the sessions in each room during Wikimania run smoothly: that speakers are starting and ending on time, that the technology works, that the session feedback review is filled in after each session, and to notify the coordinators if something unexpected or unwanted happens.

Essential duties and Responsibilities:

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  • Help speakers or session leaders connect laptops and other devices to the projector.
  • If necessary help rearrange the room according to the needs of the Space Leader.
  • Fill in the Session Feedback Review after each session, indicating how everything went.
  • Keep track of time; indicate to session leaders if they run out of time.
  • Notify managers if something happens so that help from the outside is needed; health-related issues, violations of the Friendly Space policy etc.
  • Notify the Logistics team if the room is either overcrowded or empty.


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If there is a space leader present in the space you are volunteering in, follow the lead of the space leader and do what they request.

If there is not a space leader present, follow the lead of the program timing and the needs of the current and following speaker.

Coordinate with Space Leader

  1. In some rooms, there will be a space leader present throughout the space, whereas in some spaces, there will not. If there is a space leader, coordinate with the space leader and make sure that you together arrange the room according to the needs, get the technology to work, that all sessions run on time and that each session leader ends when needed.

If the space leader is not present,

Ensure a smooth transfer between sessions

  1. When a session has ended, initiate an applause if no one else does it spontaneously.
  2. After the applause, go towards the center of the room, and invite the next session leader to come forward.
  3. If they indicate that they need to connect their computer to the projector, offer your help in how to do it.

Make sure sessions end on time

  1. If possible, bring a watch on your hand.
  2. If a session appears to run over time:
    1. With 1 minute left, try to take eye contact with the session leader, and point toward your watch.
    2. When the session is supposed to end, repeat the gesture, clearly indicating that it is time to end.
    3. If it runs 2 minutes over time, make some kind of noise such as clearing your throat. If it catches the attention of the space leader, indicate clearly again that the session is supposed to end.
    4. After 4 minutes, you may slowly start to break the session by standing up and walk towards the center of the room.

Requirements and Code of Conduct:

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As a Wikimania volunteer, you are an important factor in making the environment of the event welcoming and inclusive. In order to achieve that, you:

  • do your best to smile, keep positive and share positive feelings with the other participants
  • work according to the friendly space policy yourself, and make sure that everyone in your room fulfills it as well.
  • remain sober while volunteering, and don’t smoke outside of designated smoking areas

Unexpected absence should be noted at least one day in advance to your manager. If you get sick, communicate this as soon as possible.

Dress Code:

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All volunteers will be given two volunteer t-shirts. Volunteers are expected to wear those while volunteering on campus, but are free to dress as they like when not on schedule or not on campus or at the social events.

Training and Supervision:

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  • All Room Angels are expected to attend the mandatory training
  • All Room Angels are invited to take part in any of the CPR trainings.

Scheduling and Time Commitment:

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  • You will be scheduled according to the times you are available, and what roles are needed at that time.
  • You may wish to attend certain sessions, and we will try to schedule accordingly.
  • You are expected to volunteer for at least 8 hours, though we wish for all volunteers to commit to as many hours as is possible.
  • If you unexpectedly have to be absent, due to, for example, sudden illness, you are kindly requested to notify your coordinator as soon as possible.
  • If you wish to swap a time or role with someone else, you are also kindly requested to notify your coordinator as soon as possible.

Safety Guidelines

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  • If someone feels ill, if someone behaves badly or something else safe- or health related occurs that is not an emergency, notify your  coordinator and they will take appropriate action.
  • If there is a medical emergency, a life & death situation, or any such thing happens, call the emergency services first (112) and then alert your coordinator.

Evaluation and benefits:

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  • All volunteers are invited to the common social events and parties taking place throughout Wikimania.
  • Volunteers get a volunteer t-shirt and a water bottle.
  • All volunteers are offered CPR training and a CPR certificate.
  • All volunteers are offered a volunteering certificate, indicating their role(s) and their important contribution.
  • All volunteers will be invited to follow-up meetings and a celebration of their hard work.
  • Volunteers will be asked to fill out an evaluation, and whether they would be happy to volunteer for Wikimedia Sverige or the international movement again.
  • Volunteers will get lots of new friends, a strong network and the opportunity to meet impressive Wikimedians and free knowledge activists from across the world.
  • Parking is available close to the university, but to a cost of about 50sek per day.
  • There is Wi-Fi available for all attendees.
  • Toilets are available throughout the campus area.