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2021:Narrativa del proceso de diseño de eventos

From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2021:Event design process narrative and the translation is 29% complete.

La narrativa del proceso de diseño de eventos es un informe sobre una serie de sprints de diseño de eventos en los que participaron el Comité Directivo de Wikimanía y algunos miembros activos de la comunidad, iniciados y facilitados por la Fundación Wikimedia y apoyados por expertos en diseño de eventos. El objetivo de los sprints de diseño fue explorar de forma colaborativa diferentes formatos para una experiencia virtual de Wikimanía e iniciar el proceso de Wikimanía 2021 y preparar la convocatoria de participación.


Nuestra mayor reunión internacional en persona de la comunidad se canceló el año pasado debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Las restricciones a los viajes son todavía muy presentes y la organización de grandes eventos internacionales en persona es poco probable que ocurra en el futuro inmediato. Pero nuestra comunidad sigue necesitando un lugar para reencontrarse con viejas amistades, conocer a gente nueva, inspirarse en el trabajo de otros y celebrar el movimiento.

Esto significa que tenemos la oportunidad de experimentar con el formato de Wikimanía, dedicar tiempo a diseñar y considerar conscientemente cómo puede ser la virtualización del evento.

Para ayudar a diseñar una experiencia virtual de Wikimanía, el Comité Directivo de Wikimanía participó en una serie de sprints de diseño de eventos que fueron iniciados y facilitados por la Fundación Wikimedia y apoyados por expertos en diseño de eventos. El objetivo de nuestros sprints de diseño fue explorar de forma colaborativa diferentes formatos para una experiencia virtual de Wikimanía.

¿Quiénes participaron?

Necesitábamos tomarnos el tiempo necesario para diseñar conscientemente con un equipo comprometido, formado por una variedad de perspectivas y experiencias diversas. Además de trabajar con el Comité Directivo de Wikimania, también han participado en los esfuerzos de diseño algunos miembros activos de la comunidad con diversos antecedentes y que suelen estar activos en el espacio de Wikimania.

Metodología de diseño de evento

El enfoque de diseño utilizó elementos de la metodología del Pensamiento de diseño aplicada en el contexto de los eventos. El proceso de diseño de eventos se divide en 3 fases: Cambio, Marco y Diseño.

1. Definir el cambio de comportamiento

Utilizando elementos de mapeo de empatía, analizamos a un determinado grupo de interés en cómo entraría y saldría de una Wikimanía virtual haciendo preguntas como: ¿cuál es su nivel de conocimiento y cómo se ha visto afectado? ¿Cuáles son sus puntos de dolor? ¿Cuáles son sus obstáculos, miedos y frustraciones? ¿Qué beneficios buscan? ¿Cuáles son sus expectativas? ¿Y están satisfechos después del evento?

Durante nuestro sprint de diseño nos centramos en 4 grupos de interés: los participantes de la comunidad, el Comité Directivo de Wikimania, la Fundación Wikimedia y la comunidad técnica.

A continuación se presenta un breve resumen del análisis de un participante de la comunidad a una Wikimanía virtual.

Se han priorizado los 3 principales comportamientos de entrada de un participante en Wikimanía:

  1. Wanting to connect with like minded people and existing Wikimedian friends
  1. Wanting to showcase my work
  2. I have a desire to engage in and discover new endeavors to collaborate on

These map to the following exit behaviours:

  1. I’m proud that I showed something that helped someone else
  2. I found users who inspire me to do more
  3. I found exciting new ways to contribute, collaborate and execute

The design goal, or the envisioned change in behaviour we need to design for has been established. These will serve for event evaluation purposes and will inform the development of metrics. For this particular stakeholder the following envisioned changes have been articulated:

  1. Expanded my network by like minded people
  2. Identified tools and projects to support contribution
  3. Learned new wiki skills and approaches for success

2. Defining the frame

During this phase, design boundaries, or limitations are established and requirements are set. They form the constraints in which the event must deliver it’s intended value. We define the frame by looking at a set of criteria:

  • Commitment: What sacrifice does someone make to attend the event (time spent, compromise, opportunity cost),
  • Return: what does someone expect in return for going to this event?
  • Costs: What are the cost elements for the stakeholder?
  • Jobs to be done: what is the stakeholder trying to get done at/with the event? What are the tasks at hand, or the problems they are trying to solve?
  • Promise: how does this event create value for this stakeholder?

By answering the questions for each bucket, the design principles, requirements and limitations have been established. Design principles are a set of guidelines to support making decisions and serve as pillars for the project. These principles are to ensure we stay true to the values of the movement.

The following design principles were established by the design team for Wikimania: Safe and secure participation, a model for community members to submit sessions, international, multilingual, and diverse participation, community co-creation, assuring community leadership and involvement, A celebration of achievements and the movement, enabling community ownership, inclusive to newcomers, geekspace for experienced editors, space for experimentation and testing, free and open source, sense of belonging, learning.

3. Creating the prototype

During this part of the process, the design team started talking about the actual format of the event itself. The 2 previous steps have been making up the necessary ingredients for the design of the event. They represent the opportunity for prototype thinking, to iterate and reiterate within the frame to reach the ultimate goal: change of behavior in the desired direction. A change in behavior is realized when participants carry what they have learned into their communities. To enable this, we must look at the way people learn, this can be through the experience journey or learning by instruction. Ideally someone learns through a combination of the two, which is great since we can design for both.

From a total of 9 prototypes that were created, we consolidated the efforts and the following 3 formats have emerged:

Wikimania Prototype Sketch 1 - Fluid

“Wikimedia Fluid”

Span of time: TBD

Main features: duration of event is determined by the community, combining analog and digital forms of content delivery, Wikimania radio show digital/analog: interviewing speakers and participants alike, create your own calendar - choose from a variety of planned activities, 5 fixed themed tracks, with 5 slots, + 1 DIY unconference style track,,, submission of sessions, “hallway conversations” function.

Wikimania Prototype Sketch 2 - Around the World

“Around the world”

Span of time: A “sun chaser” format of 24 hours or 7 days.

Main features: A central studio being the center stage for the event, the stage of the event “traveling” around the world and passing the baton to the host of a section of the event (hence traveling the world). Hosts can be a thematic affiliate, chapter, or regional group.

Wikimania Prototype Sketch 3 - Citation Needed

“Citation needed”

Span of time: A “sun chaser” format of 24 hours OR, 1 week, OR 1 month (full moon cycle)

Main features: made by Wikimedians for Wikimedians, a program process where the community can “hack” or “edit” around a (pre-set) program frame, 15 years of Wikimania in 15 mins, an affiliate hosting and curating a track or slot, previous and future Wikimania organizers can fill a slot.

What will happen now?

A lot of preparatory work has been completed by the participants of the event design sprints. This work was mainly tackling the question of the “why” for a (virtual) Wikimania. The outcome of the sprints was a few workable options for a format of a virtual Wikimania.

The Core Organizing team will look into these options and will treat the “how” and “what” of the preparatory work that was done by the design team. It will be up to the Core Organizing Team to either work with one of the prototypes, or combine elements from them all into a workable format for a virtual Wikimania.

What about scholarships?

Since an in-person event scholarship cannot be awarded for a virtual event, there is an opportunity for us to look into repurposing the program to enable participation. The scope of the program would be to promote accessibility by facilitating accessibility in order to fully participate at a virtual event.

The Foundation, in collaboration with the Wikimania Scholarship Committee chair have started with performing a feasibility study on how to best enable event participation. There will be a proposal with a first pass of options for repurposing by the end of February. The Core Organizing Team will help decide on how to best apply these to the goal of enabling participation.