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A exibição da hackatona é uma reunião onde todos têm a oportunidade de apresentar seus projetos. Ela acontecerá no dia 5 da Wikimania, terça-feira, 17 de agosto, às 15:00 UTC.
- UTC: presentations, watch the replay on Youtube
- UTC: social gathering, Q&A and discussions on Jitsi (not recorded)
Projetos apresentados durante a exibição
Favor não adicionar nada aqui, os organizadores irão inserir os dados do formulário assim que as propostas forem analisadas e ordenadas.
Visualizing Wikipedia Link Gender Statistics
- Name(s) or username(s) of people who worked on the project: Isaac (WMF)
- Short summary of the project: User:Isaac_(WMF) built an API and User:TayIorRobinson built a corresponding user script to help people understand how linkage on Wikipedia varies by gender, a core aspect of the gender gap. The user script shows a summary of the gender identities of biographies linked to by any Wikipedia article (data via Wikidata). The user script also highlights all wikilinks of people in that article with corresponding colors to visually show where the links occur. Design inspiration from the Humaniki project (https://humaniki.wmcloud.org/). For more details, see: en:User:TayIorRobinson/wikigender
- Related Phabricator task: Phab:T288666
- Other links or resources:
- User Script: en:User:TayIorRobinson/wikigender.js
- Example of loading script globally: m:User:Isaac (WMF)/global.js
DataTrek - a specific Wikibase instance
- Name(s) or username(s) of people who worked on the project: lucamauri
- Short summary of the project: DataTrek is a custom Wikibase instance specific for information regarding Star Trek universe. It is the primary source of data for the project WikiTrek, but is open to anyone to contribute and to possibly consume data as well.
- Other links or resources: Main page https://data.wikitrek.org
- Name(s) or username(s) of people who worked on the project: Lucas Werkmeister
- Short summary of the project: minimal modern MediaWiki API client – a library to work with the MediaWiki API in JavaScript, from Node.js or the browser, using modern paradigms, without putting too many abstractions between you and MediaWiki
- Other links or resources: https://github.com/lucaswerkmeister/m3api
Developing a bot to add mass information from APIs to Wikidata: OpenCitations Bot
- Name(s) or username(s) of people who worked on the project: Houcemeddine Turki (Csisc)
- Short summary of the project: In this brief presentation, we demonstrate how to create a bot that extracts information from the REST API of a CC0 Semantic Database and automatically adds the obtained output to Wikidata. We will use Python 3.9 with freely available libraries like Requests as well as with several Wikidata tools like the Wikidata Hub and Wikibase Integrator for developing the bot. For the demonstration, we will apply this method to create the OpenCitations Bot that adds citation data from OpenCitations COCI API to Wikidata.
- Related Phabricator task: Phab:T287813
- Other links or resources: https://github.com/csisc/OpenCitations-Bot
Olympic datathon
- Name(s) or username(s) of people who worked on the project: Theklan (Galder Gonzalez)
- Short summary of the project: Trying to upload as much data as possible to Wikidata about Olympics.
- Related Phabricator task: Phab:T288171
- A demo of how this data can be used: eu:Ameriketako Estatu Batuak 2020ko Udako Olinpiar Jokoetan
Outros projetos da hackatona
Se você não pode, ou não quis, apresentar seu projeto durante a exibição, mas ainda quer que outros fiquem sabendo dele, adicione-o nesta seção. Favor copiar/colar o seguinte modelo no final desta lista:
Nome do projeto aqui
- Nome ou apelido das pessoas que trabalharam no projeto
- Resumo breve do projeto (máx. 200 palavras)
- Tarefa do Phabricator: Phab:TXXXXXX
- Ligação para vídeo de demonstração, se tiver
- Outras ligações ou recursos relevantes
Adding Hardware-based shutdown button in IIAB device
- username of people who worked on the project: Suyash Dwivedi
- Related Phabricator task: NA
- Link to demo video if any:
Adding Hardware-based shutdown button in IIAB device Presentation - Other links or resources if any:
- Github Link [1]
- Commons Category c:Category:Wikimania 2021 Hackathon
Mentee filters for RecentChanges
- Name(s) or username(s) of people who worked on the project: Tgr
- Short summary of the project (200 words max): Building on the mentor dashboard work by Martin Urbanec (see T278920 - not yet available in production), added a RecentChanges option for filtering to / highlighting edits by the mentees of the current user. The intent is that this could be used as a kind of alternative patrolling workflow, more focused on human relationships, where a given newbie's edits are always reviewed by the same user, who can provide support and tutoring.
- Related Phabricator task: T239241
- Link to demo video if any: none; the task contains some screenshots
Adding IIIF photoviewing to Ajapaik mobile app
- Username of people who worked on the project: Zache, Sirukisu, Puik
- Short summary of the project (200 words max): We working with mobile app for taking rephotographs and in Wikimania Hackathon we started to do IIIF support for viewing photos. Sirukisu code http 404 file not found handler which will download automatically missing images from Wikimedia Commons and converting them to pyramid TIFFS, Zache converted photos already in Ajapaik to pyramid TIFF-format and wrote basic IIIF presentation API descriptions for files. Puik participated in planning
- Related Phabricator task: Phab:T283142
- Link to demo video if any: None. Workflow: File:Siltavuorensatama N83 (hkm.HKMS000005-0000008b).jpg-> Ajapaik -> manifest.json -> Tify Viewer
- Other links or resources if any:
- Github: Ajapaik Flutter App
- Github: Ajapaik web