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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2022:Scholarships and the translation is 47% complete.

ويكيمانيا: موسم المهرجان! سيُعقد بين 11 إلى 14 أغسطس 2022.

Update: since Wikimania 2022 is the festival edition, the Core Organizing Team (COT) has decided to also consider application from Movement Groups that are not Wikimedia affiliates. Of course, these would only be considered if the organizations are eligible for funding. With this decision, the COT is optimizing for many events to take place during Wikimania 2022.

نظرة عامة

ويكيمانيا 2022

ويكيمانيا: موسم المهرجان! والذي سيعقد في الفترة بين 11-14 أغسطس 2022. ويكيمانيا هو المؤتمر السنوي لحركة ويكيميديا والذي يحتفل بجميع مشاريع المعرفة المجانية التي أتيحت بواسطة مجتمع المتطوعين. أكبر تجمع لحركة ويكيميديا حيث ستجمع ويكيمانيا هذا العام عدداً أكبر من أي وقت مضى افتراضياً و شخصياً للإبداع والاحتفال والتواصل.

موضوع ويكيمانيا الافتراضية لهذا العام هو "موسم المهرجان". سنجتمع معاً لتسليط الضوء على المشاريع ومجموعات الحركة والاحتفال بتنوع مجتمعنا الواسع.

ويكيمانيا: موسم المهرجان! يمكن تلخيصها في ثلاث كلمات: سيكون ممتعاً وحيوياً ونابض بالحياة؛ حيث سيكون هذا الموسم إقليمياً ويسلط الضوء على المجتمعات عبر الحركة من خلال الاحتفالات، كما أنه سيرحب بالقادمين الجدد مما سيخلق مساحة آمنة لهم تضيء لهم الطريق وتلهمهم.

المنح والدعم:

ويكيمانيا 2022: موسم المهرجان! ستستمر مع برنامج المنح للجهات الشقيقة لتنظيم حدث ويكيمانيا المحلي / التجمع / المشاهدة. حيث يمكن الآن لجهات الشقيقة لويكيميديا التقديم في هذه الصفحة أدناه.

Update: since Wikimania 2022 is a global festival edition, the Core Organizing Team (COT) has decided to also consider application from Movement Groups that are not Wikimedia affiliates. Of course, these would only be considered if the organizations are eligible for funding. With this decision, the COT is optimizing for many events to take place during Wikimania 2022.

وكترحيب بالمشاركين / الحاضرين لأول مرة في ويكيمانيا، هناك راتب مالي مُتاح للأفراد للتقديم عليه هنا أيضًا.

ماذا نمول؟

برنامج الجهات الشقيقة (منحة) برنامج فردي (راتب)
اللقاءات / الأحداث المحلية خلال ويكيمانيا رعاية الأطفال
رعاية الأطفال البيانات
البيانات أجهزة صغيرة (كاميرا وميكروفون وفأرة حاسوب وسماعات رأس / أذن)
أجهزة صغيرة (كاميرا وميكروفون وفأرة حاسوب وسماعات رأس / أذن) وجبات
تكاليف إدارية
خدمات الترجمة

مواعيد ومعلومات مهمة

المهمّة الموعد النهائي
بدء التقديم 09 مايو 2022
إغلاق التقديم 3 يونيو 2022
فترة التقديم المتاحة 4 أسابيع
مراجعة الاستمارة 16 May 2022 - 24 June 2022 (6 weeks)

احصل على المساعدة

ربما تركت قراءة كل هذه المعلومات لديك أسئلة. سيكون هناك ساعات عمل لنقدم لك الإجابات. سيّوفّر مزيدًا من المعلومات حول موعد وكيفية التعامل معنا الأسبوع المقبل ، يرجى المتابعة ... في غضون ذلك ، يمكنك ترك أسئلتك لفريق التنظيم الأساسي على wikimania@wikimedia.org

تقديم الطلب للحصول على منحة فردية

ستقدم مؤسسة ويكيميديا رواتب لدعم الأفراد الذين يحضرون ويكيمانيا 2022 لتغطية النفقات المتعلقة بويكيمانيا. جميع الرواتب هي بقيمة 200 دولار أمريكي. سيُطلب من متلقي المنح تقديم تقرير موجز عن مشاركتهم بعد الحدث.

يمكنك التقدم بطلب للحصول على منحة فردية عبر لايم سورفاي بحلول الثالث من يونيو 2022. يمكن العثور على بيان الخصوصية هُنا.

التقديم على منح الجهات الشقيقة

تقدم بطلب إلى MetaWiki للحصول على "منح Wikimania 2022 التابعة للمنح الدراسية" لدعم الوصول إلى Wikimania 2022 والمشاركة فيها في مجتمعك. يمكن استخدام المنح الدراسية لدعم عدد من الاحتياجات والأنشطة لدعم الوصول والمشاركة في Wikimania 2022 ، مثل تغطية تكاليف البيانات للمشاركين ، ودعم نفقات رعاية الأطفال ، واستضافة اللقاءات المتعلقة بـ Wikimania ، والمزيد. يمكن العثور على قائمة كاملة بالنفقات المؤهلة أدناه. "" الرجاء تذكر أنه يجب أن تكون شركة تابعة لحركة Wikimedia لتكون مؤهلاً لطلب التمويل. "

الموعد النهائي

الموعد النهائي لتقديم طلبات المنح هو 3 يونيو 2022.

الأنشطة والمصروفات المؤهلة

  • Childcare services (or similar family services) to support Wikimania participation
  • Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants
  • Administrative or operational costs to distribute funds to community members, such as transfer fees
  • Small hardware expenses to support access (such as webcams, microphones, head/earphones)
    Note: Requests for computers, laptops, tablets, and other personal devices are not eligible.
  • Translation services for a Wikimania session
  • Video production support for pre-recorded Wikimania sessions (such as equipment or space)
  • In-person meetups that coincide with Wikimania activities (food, beverage, meeting space)
  • Printed artwork, conference swag/merchandise for event participants

The application asked some of the following questions:

  • What Wikimedia movement affiliate do you represent?
  • How will the funding requested support your community’s participation at Wikimania?
  • What is the amount of funding you are requesting?

Funded applications

A list of funded applications is available on Meta-Wiki.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Wikimania scholarship?
  • Affiliates - A scholarship is a grant given to an affiliate to enable them to organize their local Wikimania 2022 event and/or run their local scholarship programs for virtual participation. This is achieved through the Wikimedia Foundation providing funds that will cover local events, childcare, data, small hardware, meals, administrative expenses, and translation services.
  • Individuals - A scholarship is a grant given to an individual to enable them to attend Wikimania 2022 virtually. This is achieved through the Wikimedia Foundation providing funds that will cover childcare, data, small hardware, and meals.
When will the Wikimania 2022 scholarship application open?

Applications opens on May 9th 2022

When will the Wikimania 2022 scholarship application end?

Applications closes on June 3rd 2022

Is the application timeline the same for both affiliates and individuals?

Yes, the application submission period is the same for both affiliates and individuals.

What is the submission process for the Wikimania scholarship?
Who reviews the submissions for the Wikimania Scholarship?

Both Individual and Affiliate submissions received during the application period will be reviewed by the Core Organizing Team on an ongoing basis.

How are the submissions reviewed for the Wikimania Scholarship and Grants?

In general, for both Individual and Affiliate applications, we expect the workflow for funding decisions to go through the following steps:

  • Step 1: Application submission
  • Step 2: Email confirmation sent
  • Step 3: Eligibility review by the Core Organizing Team - Grants Team
  • Step 4: Funding review and decision made by the Core Organizing Team - Grants Team
  • Step 5: Applicants notified of the decision
  • Step 6: Disbursement of grants
Where can I find support/help during the Wikimania application process?

The Core Organizing Team - Wikimania will provide support through office hours offered by region and scheduling one-on-one sessions with grantees to review these changes and to discuss both needs and concerns.

In general, for both questions around Individual and Affiliate applications, the office hours will cover:

  • Clarifying questions on the submissions and funds requested
  • The Dos and Don’ts of application submissions
  • Next steps after resubmissions
  • What if I don’t get funded
  • How long does it take to receive funds
  • What can I [affiliate/individual] use the funds for
  • What if I [individual] go over the amount received
I am not part of an affiliate. How do I apply for funding?

Individuals are able to apply for the individual scholarship, which would be USD$250 for each applicant, in order to cover childcare, data, small hardware(webcam/mouse/earphones), and meals.

Can I submit my application in a different language other than English?
  • Yes, applicants are allowed to submit the application in a different language other than English. The COT will try their best to review the application.
What are the requirements for reporting?

The applicant who receives the funding from the Wikimedia Foundation is required to submit a report after attending Wikimania.

What is the funding limit?
  • Individuals: The stipend available is a one-time remittance of 200 USD
  • Affiliates: The scholarship grant available for affiliates has a maximum of 5000 USD. There is some flexibility in the maximum amount awarded. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Can I submit applications for a scholarship after the deadline?

To ensure that final decision results are released on-time in fairness to other applicants, late applications will not be accepted. It is recommended that applications are submitted at least a few days before the deadline to avoid missing it.

How will applicants for scholarships be notified of the results?

The e-mail address provided on the application will be used to notify an individual of whether their application has been successful or not. All applicants will be contacted at some point, regardless of the result.

I have more questions and they are not in this FAQ.

We will be hosting office hours (open calls) for communities to come in and ask questions on: Programming, Grants, Logistics, how to get involved with Wikimania. The dates and times of these office hours can be found here.

Individual applications

Are the scholarships only for first time Wikimania participants?

The individual scholarships are not only for first time Wikimania participants but we will be prioritizing requests from people who have never attended Wikimania before.

Can applicants for individual scholarships edit their application after submission?

Unfortunately not. It is recommended that applicants draft their application carefully and ensure they say everything they need to say before submission. However, additional information can be submitted by applicants to wikimania@wikimedia.org where a member of the Core Organizing Team or Wikimedia Foundation staff will note the new information on the user's application. Please do not submit an application twice; this creates a lot of additional work for reviewers.

I applied for a scholarship but did not get it. What do I do now?

If you haven’t been selected to receive a scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with an affiliate in your region. They might be running their own scholarship program or hosting a local event! Have a look at the affiliates that are planning to host their event on this page. Also note that getting a scholarship is not a necessary prerequisite for attending Wikimania; you’ll be able to attend for free even if you don’t receive a scholarship.

I have received a scholarship. When do I need to submit my report?

If you have received a scholarship - there is a reporting requirement for this purpose. The due date for submitting your report is September 30th, 2022. Not submitting a report will impact any future funding opportunities with the Wikimedia Foundation.

How will Individual Scholarships be reviewed and awarded?

Once all surveys have successfully been completed and therefore all of the data has been collected, the Core Organizing Team (COT) will jointly determine which 200 people will be eligible as Individual Scholarship Recipients. The COT will give preference to people from Emerging Communities, first time Wikimania participants, those who are not able to attend without a scholarship, and female and non-binary applicants.

When will I receive feedback around my Individual Scholarship Application?

The Individual Scholarship Submission Process ended on 03 June 2022, was extended for a period of approximately one week and then officially closed on 14 June 2022. The COT and the Wikimania Grants and Scholarships Team are reviewing all 400+ completed Individual Applications. It's important to note that only 200 Individual Scholarships will be funded.

You can expect to receive a confirmation email from the Wikimania Team, of whether or not your application has been approved, approximately one month prior to Wikimania 2022.

It is significant to highlight that precisely 15 Individual Applications will be processed each week (due to the complexity of processing international transactions), until all selected applicants have successfully received financial support. This means that even after Wikimania 2022 has concluded, Scholarship Applicants that have received confirmation of funding will still receive their Scholarship remitted from the Wikimedia Foundation.

Affiliate applications

Can I include international travel as part of my event budget? Why not?

International travel is not an eligible expense for Wikimania grants and scholarships. The funding for Wikimania grants and scholarships are not intended for large events with an international profile. Those types of events have a large planning runway and include a multitude of expenses that the grant budget of Wikimania has not been designed for. These types of grants can be applied for through the Conference and Events grant fund.

Does the grant cover production and creation of SWAG or conference memorabilia?

Yes, printed artwork, conference swag/merchandise for event participants is one of the eligible expenses for affiliate grants! Wikimania 2022 artwork is being developed and more on this will be shared soon.

What type of events can be organized?

You may choose to organize a watch party, a local event with activities, or build your event around participation in Wikimania’s program.

In 2021, post-Wikimania meetups were an eligible expense. Is that also the case for 2022?

Post-Wikimania meetups and events are not an eligible expense for this edition of Wikimania. We want to encourage everyone to be with each other as much as possible during 11-14 August 2022.

Is there an example grant application I can use for reference?

You can find all funded affiliate Wikimania grant applications from 2021 at the link. Particularly, check the applications by Wikimedia UK (in English, applicationreport) and by Wikimedia Community User Group Côte d'Ivoire (in French, applicationreport)

What will the reporting process look like for funded applications? When is the reporting deadline?

Successful applicants will be asked to submit a report once their activities are completed. You can see the reporting template at the link. Reports should be submitted on Meta by 31st October 2022.