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From Wikimania
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This year, the Wikimania organizers are hoping to bring closer developers, editors, wiki-functionaries with advanced rights, and staff.

The Wikimania Hackathon will take place at the Wikimania venue, concurrently with the main program, from Friday, 8 August (the second day of the conference) to Saturday, 10 August.

Preparing for the Hackathon[edit | edit source]

  • Registration | If you've already registered for the main event, you're all set – no need for a separate registration.
  • Participants list | You may add yourself to the Hackathon participants list. Listing yourself is completely voluntary.
  • Projects | Feel free to add your own projects or browse and comment on others' Hackathon projects on our event's Phabricator work board. As the event date approaches, more projects will be added, so remember to check back regularly for updates and new opportunities. Let's collaborate and make this Hackathon a great success together!

Volunteering opportunities[edit | edit source]

The Wikimania Hackathon is an event run for and by its participants, and is therefore running its own volunteer program. Everyone attending the Hackathon can take as much personal responsibility to co-create the event and improve it as they like. Below you will find some pre-defined ways in which you can help make the event better for everyone. If none of these volunteer roles sound like a good fit for you, you can find small ways to help. A core principle of our Hackathons is that if you see a problem, be part of the solution to fix it. If someone has a question, help them answer it. If someone looks lost, help them find their way.

  • Event Blogging | Document your experience attending Wikimania Hackathon
  • Hackathon Help desk | Assist in welcoming and supporting participants
  • Mentoring | Help in matching developers with suitable projects and mentors.
  • Help us document the event | Be a note-taker or link finder during the opening and closing sessions.
  • Event Photography | Coordinate your efforts and upload your photos of the event to commons. Make sure you read the Wikimania photography policy
  • Logistics | Help with event logistics (e.g., moving things around, changing room setup between plenary and hacking, etc.)
  • Announcements | Share updates about the event in all Hackathon-related venues (updates such as: upcoming program session, someone looking for a help with a task, Lunch time, or social event)
  • Session Coordination | Help with welcoming the speaker, taking notes, facilitating and time checks during a session, etc.)

Communicate[edit | edit source]

The following channels are traditionally used to connect with other participants; some of them are more or less active throughout the year:

Media[edit | edit source]

  • Social media hashtag: #wmhack

Code of Conduct for technical spaces[edit | edit source]

To ensure a positive and inclusive environment, all Hackathon participants must adhere to the Code of Conduct for technical spaces. We prioritize respect and cooperation among attendees. Failure to comply with these policies may result in being asked to leave the event. Let's work together to create a welcoming and safe experience for everyone involved.