2024:Program/Wikimedia LEADS a Learning Ecosystem and Ameliorating Data Space
Session title: Wikimedia LEADS a Learning Ecosystem and Ameliorating Data Space
- Session type: Poster
- Track: Wild Ideas
- Language: en
To create a free ecosystem and data-space for learning in the Wikimedia Movement. Ecosystem will extends the Movement with new classes of knowledge and addressing sustainability needs. With:
- libraries of: - practices, modeled in Wikibase as Linked Open Data (LOD); - credentials, also modeled as LOD, based in ELM; - software extensions and services required for a working implementation in the Movement.
First will address the GLAM Wiki domain, producing incremental results ready to be adopted. This domain strongly intersects with the Wikimedia Movement.
Furthermore, the methodologies, tools and many of the specific contents will be applicable to any other knowledge areas.
[edit | edit source]- What
A linked open data «[data space](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q370685)» for learning for the Wikimedia Movement: - based in Wikibase, as linked open data (LOD) - modeling practices, how to handle a specific aspect of human endeavor, as LOD - modeling capacities, what is needed to know for adopting a practice, as LOD - modeling stackable credentials designs, what you need to learn to acquire a capacity, as LOD - offering courses specified by credentials - issuing earned digital signed certificates - to support the lifelong learning cycles of persons and communities.
- Who
- Funding: [NGI Zero Commons Fund](https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/), managed by the [NLnet foundaiton](https://nlnet.nl/foundation/), with [financial support](https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/acknowledgement.pdf) from the [European Commission](https://ec.europa.eu/)'s [Next Generation Internet](https://ngi.eu/) - Developed by: - [LaOficina Producciones Culturales](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q113320103) - with the support of [Metadev S.L.](https://metadev.pro/) - Target users: Wikimedia Movement contributors and collectives like: - GLAM Wiki - Wiki Learn - Capacity Exchange, Let's Connect... - [Wikimedia Foundation](https://wikimediafoundation.org/) - WM WMF affiliates - and no affiliates - And European Union actors.
- Why
- To create a new kind of knowledge, models, as a basis for future and unpredictable applications, - using LaOficina own **very small GLAM** digital archive project as driver, - while meeting [Wikimedia Movement 2030 strategy](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Movement_Strategy/Recommendations/) recommendations and - meeting European Union decisions and recommendations.
- How
- Funded by [NGI Zero Commons Fund](https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/), managed by the [NLnet foundation](https://nlnet.nl/foundation/), with [financial support](https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/acknowledgement.pdf) from the [European Commission](https://ec.europa.eu/)'s [Next Generation Internet](https://ngi.eu/) - Work packages: - WP1 Project management and coordination - WP2 Wikibase metamodeling - WP3 Modeling - WP4 very small GLAM Pilot - WP5 Software development - Addressing real world needs for: - Wikimedia Movement - European Union - through the GLAM Wiki and very small GLAM entities communities - Developing new kinds of knowledge: - types: - practices: generalization of the OMG Essence kernel - credentials designs: based in W3C Verifiable Credentials and ELM - methodology: - compiling a reference about how to handle a specific aspect of human endeavor, into a practice; - the writing of a practice includes identifying the competences required; - for each identified competence you can design a (learning) credential; - from credentials, learning courses are specified, written and taken; - with courses, people can learn and earn digitally verifiable certificates and - finally, with certificates people can match to work together.
- When
- 1 year after the project approval. - And, hopefully, renewed in the future.
- Where
- Teams based in Spain, - funding from Europe - and a worldwide base of users, hosted by the Wikimedia software and services ecosystem.
- How does your session relate to the event theme, Collaboration of the Open?
Let me use this describing user story:
- Alice incorporates to the Wikimedia Movement a new practical knowledge creating an Essence practice. She does it in the LEADS.wikibase.cloud service. - An Essence practice includes a «competences» package. So, Alice is identifying a set of competences required for the practice. Now, the LEADS service is hosting not only a new practice but a new set of competences. Alice is helping to describe the movement's competences map. - Bob now can design credentials to address the knowledge to be acquired to fulfill each competence. - With the credential, Bob compiles and sets up a new course in the MOOC service [Learn.wiki](https://learn.wiki/). - Cat is a new wikimedian. Cat wants to learn how a task of her interest is done and browse the LEADS knowledge base. Cat is exploring a map of Wikimedia knowledge and can understand what skills she has or hasn't. - So Cat can identifying the credentials she needs, enrolls a MOOC course and obtains the correspondent certificates. - Now Cat shares her certificates in a public pool, like [Capacity Exchange](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Capacity_Exchange). - David is a wikimedian looking for help. David can search the Capacity Exchange. Browsing competences identifies Cat as a skilled collaborator. - David reaches Cat and both agree to help and be helped. - Alice, Bob, Cat and David are populating the map of competences of the Wikimedia Movement. - Finally, new editors will contribute and expand LEADS to any other domain of human knowledge.
- What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?
Everyone can participate in this session
[edit | edit source]Speakers
[edit | edit source]- Ismael Olea
- Please check:
- - my [Wikidata item in Reasonator](https://reasonator.toolforge.org/?&q=Q87475754),
- - [my Wikimedia statistics](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth?target=olea);
- - and the writings in my blog, [per tags](https://olea.org/tag/).