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2024:Scholarship outcomes/fr

From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2024:Scholarship outcomes and the translation is 35% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
⧫ Collaboration of the Open ⧫

The scholarship application process has concluded. All the applicants were notified by e-mail about the outcome of their submission. Here you can find out more information about the scholarships and the distribution of scholars in diferrent regions. If you want to learn about the application process itself, please refer to a separate page.

What's covered

For both partial and full scholarships, Wikimedia Foundation covers accomodation, food and registration fees. Additionally, full scholarships also include flights, transport and limited medical insurance.

Meals in the time of lunch and dinner during pre-conference, conference days, and closing party will be provided at the venue. Breakfast will be covered by the hotel.


Quelles sont les exigences en matière de déclaration ?

Au lieu de faire rapport, nous demandons aux universitaires de nous soutenir en faisant du bénévolat lors de l'événement. Nous travaillerons avec vous pour trouver un poste qui correspond à vos besoins, vos compétences et votre expérience. Vous pouvez cependant rédiger un rapport !

Puis-je transmettre ma bourse à quelqu'un d'autre ?

Non. Pour assurer l’égalité, la bourse a été revue selon un certain ordre de mérite. Si un destinataire confirme son refus, nous la transmettrons à la personne suivante dans l'ordre de l'examen.

Si je refuse la bourse pour cette année, puis-je l'utiliser au Wikimania de l'année prochaine ?

Non. Chaque année, Wikimania était organisé sous différents thèmes, en fonction de la considération de chaque COT dans certaines régions. Nous vous encouragerons à postuler à nouveau pour l’année suivante, mais nous veillerons à prendre en compte votre précieuse contribution continue dans notre processus d’évaluation.

Si je n'ai pas reçu de bourse, puis-je demander au groupe de bourses de réexaminer ma candidature ?

Non. Notre processus d’examen comporte plusieurs étapes méticuleuses et, malheureusement, il ne peut être effectué qu’une seule fois.

J'ai postulé pour une bourse mais je ne l'ai pas obtenue. Qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant ?

Obtenir une bourse n'est pas nécessaire pour participer à Wikimania ; vous pouvez également vous inscrire pour y assister à condition de pouvoir couvrir vos propres frais.

Si vous ne pouvez pas couvrir vos propres frais, nous vous encourageons fortement à contacter un affilié dans votre région. Ils gèrent peut-être leur propre programme de bourses ou organisent un événement local !


Bourses individuelles

There were over 1400 scholarship applications graded by the Scholarship Review working group for this year's Wikimania. The Core Organizing Team recognizes that conferences are an important space of celebration and knowledge exchange in our Movement, and we wish we could have granted a scholarship to all deserving applicants. The vast majority of applications were compelling, and this year saw an increase in the number of applications that made it to final review by the Core Organizing Team.

While we were able to grow the scholarships budget and increase the total number of scholarships offered this year (up by 25% from 2023 and double the number given in 2019), the process was still highly competitive—roughly 1 in 7 participants was accepted. The numbers below show by region the applications and the number of scholars we aim to accept. Note that for 2024 we have shifted our resources to awarding more partial scholarships to the people physically closer to the in-person event (CEE, NWE and MENA). Along with covering partial and full in-person scholarships, the Wikimedia Foundation will continue to subsidize the in person ticket for all attendees. The Foundation will also cover all costs related to the virtual event, staffing and language translations which make our event inclusive—it will remain free to attend virtually.

Dans les semaines et mois à venir, nous publierons des données sur le processus d'attribution des bourses. Nous aimerions publier plusieurs "leçons apprises", à la fois pour la communauté et les futurs organisateurs, ainsi que des ressources utiles pour les futurs candidats (y compris quelques candidatures les mieux notées de cette année et des commentaires généraux qui devraient être utiles dans la préparation des candidatures pour les futures Wikimanias et autres conférences).

Applications et répartition des récompenses dans les régions
Région Applications % Applications
compared to total
Total scholars
we plan to accept
Regional %
compared to total
Afrique sub-saharienne 501 34.96% 29 13.36%
Asie centrale 79 5.51% 10 4.61%
Europe centrale et orientale (CEE) 128 8.93% 49 22.58%
Asie de l'Est, du Sud-Est et Pacifique 170 11.86% 31 14.29%
Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord 94 6.56% 18 8.29%
Amérique du Nord 65 4.54% 11 5.07%
Amérique latine et Caraïbes 85 5.93% 13 5.99%
Asie du Sud 182 12.70% 16 7.37%
Northern & Western Europe 129 9.00% 40 18.43%
Sous-total 1433 217
Other[1] 35
Total de bourses 252 [2]

Statistics for Wikimania 2023 are also available.

Hub and regional conferences scholarships [NEW IN 2024!]

In 2024, the Wikimania organizers decided to, for the first time in history, include regional communities, meetings and hubs in the process of directly naming their representatives to Wikimania. This new approach is being used on trial basis for 2024 to ensure that regional and expertise diversities are present at Wikimania 2024 in Katowice.

The Core Organizing Team decided to award around 14% of all available scholarship seats to:

In addition, three regions/hubs (ESEAP, EARTH and WikiFranca) will have auxiliary representatives due to their Wikimania Core Organizing Teams as representatives.

Division of hub and regional meeting scholarship seats
Hub/meeting Region # of seats Names of representatives
Wikimedia EARTH Hub Sub-Saharan Africa 1[3] Coming at the appropriate time
Wiki Indaba Meeting Sub-Saharan Africa + Middle East & North Africa 1[3]
WikiConference India South Asia 1
Wikimedia CEE Hub

Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia (CEE & CA)

Wikimedia CEE Meeting
Wikimedia Iberocoop Hub

Latin America & Caribbean (+ participation from Italy, Portugal and Spain)

Wikimedia Iberoconf
WikiArabia Conference Middle East & North Africa 1
Wikimedia ESEAP Hub East, Southeast Asia & Pacific 2[4]
Wikimedia ESEAP Conference 1[4]
WikiConference North America North America 1
Multi-regional + Themathic
WikiFranca Hub

Multi-regional (Africa + Canada + France)

1[5] Coming at the appropriate time
Wikiconvention francophone 1[5]
Wikimedia Europe Multi-regional[6] 1
Volunteer Supporters Network Thematic 1
Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub 1
Content Partnerships Network 1
Total 19 seats

Contact us!

If you have any questions regarding Wikimania, feel free to contact our team, writing to wikimania(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

If possible, we kindly request not to send us questions on social media – we use the profiles on Facebook, Twitter etc. to keep you updated, but we don't check their inboxes very often.


  1. WoTY, SC, COTs, organizers
  2. Up from 200 in 2023
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wikimedia EARTH Hub and Wiki Indaba will also be represented at Wikimania 2024 by representatives of the Wikimania 2025 (East Africa) Core Organizing Team
  4. 4.0 4.1 Wikimedia ESEAP Hub and Wikimedia ESEAP Conference will also be represented at Wikimania 2024 by representatives of the Wikimania 2023 (Singapore) Core Organizing Team
  5. 5.0 5.1 WikiFranca Hub and Wikiconvention francophone will also be represented at Wikimania 2024 by representatives of the Wikimania 2026 (Paris) Core Organizing Team
  6. Legal entities located in the Council of Europe member countries