2023:Editing Challenge/hu
2023. augusztus 16–19., Szingapúrban és online
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Home | Tasks | Join in! | Frequently Asked Questions |
Wikimania is a great celebration of our movement and mission. And what is the more natural way to celebrate for Wikimedians than through contributions and barnstars? This is why we invite everyone participating in Wikimania to the Wikimania Editing Challenge!
During Wikimania (15–19 August 2023) we invite you to fill different editing challenges. And everyone who fills 8 out of 16 tasks will receive a special and unique Wikimania barnstar. You don't have to be registered to Wikimania to participate.
The tasks invite you to explore different (maybe sometimes new to you?) ways to contribute to Wikimedia projects. And they are related to 2023 Wikimania theme: some of them aim to support diversity, others – invite you to collaborate with others, and some - to support our future readers.
- the challenge takes place 0:00 AM UTC 15 August till 11:59 PM 19 August UTC
- the challenge is open to every editor, not only to Wikimania participants
- during that time participants can work on the tasks from the list below; you can do the tasks in any language version of the respective Wikimedia projects
- to participate you need to sign up in the results table and report your edits there
- after Wikimania we will check your results and award you with a nice and shiny barnstar!
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Sign your name up for the Wikimania Editing Challenge | The most important thing is to show up! Sign your name in the results table, so that we know you are with us and we can track your results! |
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Rewrite a Lead Section | A lead section is the opening paragraph of any article. It's an introduction to an article and a summary of its most important contents. To re-write a lead section you should try to follow some basic guidelines:
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Add at least 2 new properties on a Wikidata item related to ESEAP | Diversity - Collaboration - Future is the theme of this year's Wikimania. Contribute to the diversity on Wikidata by adding 2 properties on an item related to ESEAP region.
You don't know how to add a property on a Wikidata item? Have a look at this help page. |
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Give someone a barnstar | There is a tradition in the Wikimedia Movement of expressing gratitude through awarding someone with a barnstar they can later put on their user page. This is your moment to show appreciation to a contributor you value!
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Add a citation to a women scholar on a Wikipedia article | Citations are at the core of Wikipedia editing helping ensure a Wikipedia content is verifiable.
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Upload a picture of a local sight (such as a monument, park or school) to Commons | A fairly simple way to contribute to Commons is to upload a photo of a monument in your city or region, to do so follow these steps:
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Illustrate a Wikipedia article with a picture from Wiki Loves Living Heritage Singapore Campaign | Wiki Loves Living Heritage campaign brought many amazing photos to Wikimedia Commons. Now it is time to make them useful for out readers!
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Adj hozzá egy infoboxot, amely segít a jövőbeli olvasóknak értelmezni egy oldalt | Néhány Wikipédia-ban egy Infobox egy alapvető támogatási eszköz a Wikipédia cikkének javításához. A cikkek jobb felső sarkán általában infoboxokat találunk. A következő lépéseket kell követni, hogy egy infoboxot adj hozzá:
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Make at least one edit each day of Wikimania | Whether it is a minor spelling correction, a big article work, a picture upload, or a Wikidata edit, or any other edit, try to make at least one contribution to a Wikimedia project each day of Wikimania (16-19 August). |
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Proofread 3 pages on Wikisource | Wikisource is an online digital library of free-content textual sources. To proofread an article, you can follow these basic guidelines
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Invite another editor to a Wikipedia article that you think they would be a good collaborator on | Wikipedia projects thrive in collaboration. If there is an article you would like to work on, but would enjoy some help, reach out to someone who you think would be great in working together and leave them a message on their talk page. |
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Welcome a new editor on your Home Wiki | Welcoming a new editor on Wikipedia is an important part of building a positive and collaborative community. To do so, find a new user that you have noticed and that has no messages on its discussion page. You can draft a message introducing yourself and adding editing guidelines you consider important, you can look for inspiration in welcoming templates like this one, but it's better to write something of your own, no matter if short. |
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Improve the caption and add alt text on at least one illustration on an existing Wikipedia page to make it more accessible, and descriptive | First identify the caption you want to improve, once you have done this, you can change its description through the Visual Editor by double-clicking on the illustration. Write a more descriptive caption that succinctly identifies the subject of the image and establishes its relevance to the article. Avoid detailing the obvious and instead focus on providing additional context or information that is not immediately apparent from the image itself. |
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Add a definition in your language Wiktionary | Support Wiktionary, a multilingual dictionary, by adding a definition. |
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Add the quote to an a woman or marginalized community on your WikiQuote | WikiQuote is a good way of sharing quotes from notable people and elevating important voices.
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Add structured data to three images on the WIki Loves Africa ISA campaign | Structured data are informations that help portray an image on Commons. ISA tool is a tool that helps easily add structure data on an image.
In order for us to track your results:
- add your Wikimedia username and a link to your account in the table
- each column marks a specific task (T1 = Task 1, T2 = Task 2 etc.)
- in that column add a link to an edit (or edits) that fill the task
- last column ("Checked") will be filled by campaign organizers
- What is the Wikimania Editing Challenge
The Wikimania Editing Challenge is an invitation to explore different/new ways to contribute to Wikimedia projects. From 15th to 19th August, you are invited to fill some tasks related to the 2023 Wikimania theme: diversity - collaboration - future.
- Who can participate?
Anyone can participate. New and experienced volunteers. Experienced volunteers are encouraged to mentor/support newcomers.
- How to participate?
It's simple. Each day, choose one of the 16 tasks and fill them. Then, in the "Results" section, add your username and the link to your edits.
- When does the challenge open and close?
The challenge starts on 0:00 AM UTC August 15th and closes on the 19th, of August at 11:59 PM UTC
- How many tasks are there in the challenge?
Összesen 16 feladat van
- El kell végeznem az összes feladatot?
No, you are encouraged to do what you can.
- Hány feladatot kell elvégeznem, hogy jutalmat kapjak?
We expect you to complete 50% of the tasks, meaning 8 of the 16 ones to be rewarded.
- Milyen jutalmak vannak?
Barnstars, Digital postcards and digital Certificates are some of the rewards.
- Can I continue after the challenge ends?
We will stop tracking and rewarding after the challenge closes. But, you are encouraged to continue contributing to any of the wiki projects
- How are my edits counted?
After you complete a task, add your username and a link to your edits. That how we can track your contributions.
- Can I mentor a newcomer?
If you are an experienced contributor to a project and want to mentor a newcomer to fill a task, you are welcome.
Do you have any other questions, or do you need to be matched with a mentor, please join our Telegram group.