2024:Program/Common(s) cause/Open Climate breakout session
This was the session in room F, 16.00 (starting late due to the longer session before it). There were five people in the session besides the facilitator, User:Ainali.
The session started with a round of introductions. To reach the goal of making connections, everyone was invited to tell why they joined the session and what they were either already doing on this topic or what they would like to help with.
Then we did three brainstorming rounds, taking notes on a flipboard. (Some of these ideas came up after we moved on, but were retroactively added back.)
[edit | edit source]What are the opportunities regarding advocacy for open climate?
- IPCC reports open access
- Collect and share best practices in convincing release of open data
- Reach out to the GLAM community, they already have experience
- Prioritizing what data is most important
- Create a Playbook for those who are new in the space
- Proactively make risk analysis of open data to counter arguments about not releasing it
- Can open source solutions enable "cleaner" storage of data?
- We should be good role models: have excellent reporting about our own climate impact
Threats / Risks
[edit | edit source]What are the threats regarding advocacy for open climate?
- Open washing → if we don't have good definitions (or if people use their own definition)
- open
- sustainability
- No way of enforcing the claim of "open"
- Can openness be challenged!?
- Usually, an argument for open data is that it will generate an increased economic activity → Tech solutions vs. degrowth
[edit | edit source]What can we be inspired by?
- Green computing foundation: Standardization of carbon impact for servers, making them comparable
- Open Education Global: had an excellent conference report, showing their impact clearly