“I understand that Wikimania attendees have different preferences when it comes to photography. If I do not want my image captured on photo or video, I can ask for a special “no photography” lanyard at registration. If I am wearing the regular “photography is okay” lanyard, I understand that photographs of me at Wikimania may appear online.
If I am taking photos or video at Wikimania, I should avoid capturing anyone wearing a “no photography” lanyard in my photos, and if someone does appear in the distance, I must blur them out. I also understand it is best practice to avoid taking photos where people generally do not want to be photographed, and to seek verbal consent from anyone identifiable in my photos before posting online.”
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What this means in practice
- If someone is wearing the “no photography” lanyard, they do not wish to appear in any photography or video. Intentionally photographing a person wearing this lanyard without their knowledge is against the friendly-space policy of the event.
- Photos of crowds. If anyone wearing a “no photography” lanyard appears in a photo of a crowd (e.g. a photo of the foyer area or of people in the distance) the photographer must blur out that person in the final rendering of the photograph.
- Mindful photographing. Please be careful of photographing those with “photography is okay” lanyards in situations where people are less likely to want to be photographed. This includes while eating food or drinking, or when having a private conversation.
- Consent. It is best practice to obtain consent from identifiable people in your photo before posting online.
- Context. The person is clearly indicating they are willing to be photographed. For example:
- 集合写真に自ら参加した人は誰でも、その写真に加わることと、(その写真が)無料のライセンスで公開されることを自ら選んだものと見なされます。
- 登壇して公開で語る講演者は、登壇中に自身を被写体とする写真や動画の撮影ならびにウィキメディアコモンズへの投稿に明示的に同意したものと見なされます。[例外として写真お断りのストラップを身につけた人は この限りではありません。]
- 許諾をもらう。個人またはグループが明瞭に判別できる写真であり、コモンズまたはその他のプラットフォームにアップロードする場合は、事前に写真の被写体で個人を特定できる相手に同意を求めるようお勧めします。口頭による承諾で十分であり – 署名のある同意書は必要ありません。同意を得る際には、写真をどこに掲載するつもりか、場所を明記しておくと有効です。
- これらの慣行は写真家とビデオ撮影者の責任において遵守してください。ウィキマニアに関してウィキメディア財団と契約を取り交わした写真家およびビデオ撮影者は、同一の規約に従うものとします。