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2024: Registro

From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2024:Registration and the translation is 64% complete.
⧫ Collaboration of the Open ⧫

¡Se abren las inscripciones a la Wikimania 2024!

Participantes en persona: por favor, inscribanse hasta el 26 de julio, 11:59 PM, UTC. Los participantes virtuales pueden registrarse en cualquier momento.

El registro se realiza en Eventyay.
(registration privacy policy)

Si recibió una beca de la Fundación Wikimedia o de un afiliado de Wikimedia, recibirá un correo electrónico con un código de registro e instrucciones.

Wikimania 2024 se organiza como una reunión híbrida, será posible asistir ya sea en persona o virtualmente.

In-person registration fee is USD 100. It's subsidized by Wikimedia Foundation and covers lunch as well as morning and afternoon snacks on every day of the event (7-10 August), dinner on 7 and 10 August, the opening party on 7 August and the closing party on 10 August, and event swag. The registration fee for scholarship recipients will be completely covered by the Foundation.

The costs of the virtual event are fully covered by the Foundation—virtual attendance will remain free.

If you want to, you can add yourself to the on-wiki list of attendees.