16–19 August 2023, Singapore and Online
Diversity. Collaboration. Future.
Dingindira reWikimania ra2023 iUpambaniswa, Rudyidzano, Ramangwana. Chinangwa chedingindira rachona kubatanidza zvingapesanisika, uye nokuriisa seriso kumazano ose pakuezachirongwa. Chiyisiswo renyu rinofanha kuva nezvinorakidza matingindira matatu ataurwa ayo. Ruzhinji rwe zvatinoita mazuva ose paWikimidhiya - pamwishumo kana munharaunda - zvinogarokidza zve dindingira nokuenderana kwazvo nekuzvizivisa uye kushanda kwe ubatapamwe weruchisini rwe MCMEP.
- Upambaniswa. Wikimania ichave mukana wekurakidza mapoka eruchisini ne erudingindiro senge MCMEP semienzaniso ye rusanganiso: mapoka akasiyana ehuzvipire, vahorera, uye vabatamwi, munguva dzekukura dzakasiyana uye kubva kutsika dzakasiyana dzinobatanidzirwa nekubatapamwe nenzira yakatendeka.
- Ubatapamwe. Sechiitiko chakagoveka, chepasirose, Wikimania ichave nzira yekudzidza kubva kuvamwe nekupanana ruzivo senge zvitangwe zvenharaunda, kushandiswa kwe maturusi, kuronga zviitiko, kuvusa, mishandirapamwe eparidandira uye magadziriso-gwikwi, kugadzirisa matambudziko eWiki, uye nezvimwe wo.
- Ramangwana. Wikimania ye 2023 ichave kukuru kuVawikimidhi vazhinji se foramu rekukurukura kushandisa 2030 Nyero ye Muendo we Wikimidhiya (#Wikimidhiya2030), uye nezvimwe zvarizvino ne zvichakosha muramangwana zve muendo vedu, kubva kuUnenarueza (tekinoroji) kusvika kumitemo pasirose.
To make the program submissions easier to organize and review, with the help of the programming subcommittee of volunteers, we have suggested 11 program tracks. Please see below for more information about the categories and their sub-categories. Think about which one best fits your program idea. If you think your submission applies to more than one track, you can specify a secondary track in the submission form.
Pato rechirongwa | Horokodzwa | Mapanguro-dzasi / ndaba dzakayambiswa |
Zvitangwe zvenharaunda | Pato rino rinogashira vabatamwi ne nharaunda kuti dziunze mishandirapamwe ne zvirongwa zve kugadzirwa kwe vonikwo. | ■ Mishandirapamwe
■ Gadzirisogwikwi |
Dzidzo | Pato rino rinowunza nzvimbo ye zvitangwe ne zvirongwa mudzidzo ne hufundo. | ■ Wikipidhiya mukirasi
■ Partnership with educational institutions or teachers' association |
Huringano, Hubatanidzwa, uye Hutano hwe Nharaunda. | Pato rino runowunza nzvimbo yekukurukura nezve huringano, hutabatanidzwa, uye huvavepo nenzira yemuchenjemekwa we hutano. | ■ Hurukuro dzinokoshesa upambaniswa ■ Huringano, Hubatanidzwa ne Huvavepo. ■ Huringano we ruzivo ■ User interface accessibility ■ Mitauro (& zvipirikiro) ■ Gwanza re ubare ne dzimwe ndaba dzeubare dzakapambanika. ■ IP address range blocks in countries with limited/ shared infrastructure ■ The Wikimedia Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) ■ Safety of volunteer contributors |
Chisi che (Mabvazuva, Chamhembe cheMabvazuva eEzhiya, uye Pasifiki) MCMEP. | This track is meant to highlight initiatives by affiliates, communities, and individual contributors in improving content or concerns related to the East, South East Asia and the Pacific region. | ■ Multicultural collaborations in ESEAP countries ■ Gadziriswo ye nharaunda ■ Capacity development in Small and Incubator language Wikimedia projects |
GLAM, Heritage, and Culture | This track provides a space for initiatives and programs in heritage and cultural conservation, collaborations with cultural institutions that include Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums. | ■ Digitalization programs ■ Open access advocacy ■ Working with Indigenous communities |
Kuvusa | This track supports community discussions focused on governance, structures and reform, key initiatives from the Movement Strategy. | ■ Charita ye Muendo ■ Mahabhu eruchisini ne rudingindiro ■ Roles and responsibilities in the movement ■ Decision-making processes ■ Kanzuru ye Wikimidhiya ye Pasirose ■ Administrative specific governance (projects, community, affiliates) |
Legal, Advocacy, and Risks | This track includes established topics of discussion, such as copyrights and digital accessibility, and newly emerged issues, such as rising censorship and misinformation in the world, as well as public policy and human rights. | ■ Kushoshwa kwe Wikipidhiya mudzimwe nyika ■ Kuudzazvisizvo ■ Ruindidzo ■ Legal threats, takedown requests ■ Wukama we Hurumende ■ Copyright reforms (Freedom of Panorama, free licenses, etc.) ■ Digital accessibility ■ Environmental sustainability and climate crisis |
Dhata yakazaruka | This track gives space for community initiatives in data use and reuse, linking different Wikimedia projects together and beyond. | ■ Publicly accessible statistical data ■ Kushandiswa / Kushandiswazve kwe Dhata ■ Dhata yakazaruka uye huitapachena ■ Kulingisanisa dhata yerutaranyika, dhata ye nzanga-rupanganhundu, dhata ye rutarabanze ■ Wikidhata ne Dhata Yakarongeka paZvinjee |
Tsvagurudzo, Sainzi, uye Umuti | This track welcomes works of research with topics relevant to Wikimedia and the theme of Wikimania. It is also a space to discuss various content initiatives in the fields of science, nature, and medicine. | ■ Zvidhomo zve mhotedzero ne nhambudziko ye hwehwera
■ Studies on behavioral patterns in contributing content |
Unenarueza | The classic track dedicated to discussing everything product and technology in the Wikimedia movement. | ■ Latest products and features ■ Rakidzo kana zvifundiswa ye maturusi ■ Maturusi achirikugadzirwa kana munguva yekuedzwa ■ Technological innovations |
Wild Ideas | A future-oriented open track for Wikimedians to discuss wild ideas and predictions of the future... for good or bad. | ■ Scenarios in the near or far future ■ Black Mirror scenarios ■ Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ■ The chatbot take over!!! |
Mhando dze Chiyisiswo
There will be several formats, including lectures, panel presentations, discussions, and workshops focused on skill development. There will also be sessions of lightning talks and social interaction. We are also open to new and original program format ideas, including combinations of types.
Hybrid, Satellite events, Video on Demand
Movement groups can think about self-organizing watch parties and other remote events with the possibility of connecting live with Singapore during dedicated times each day. Not everyone in the community can or wants to travel to connect with other Wikimedians. You and your colleagues can organize a satellite event during a specific day or time of Wikimania. For Wikimedia affiliates, satellite events can be scheduled and funded as part of General Support Funds. Even if not initially included as a proposal, moving funds around in your budget might be possible to create an event. Find out more and please use its talk page for discussing ideas in advance.
Takugadzirirai zanhi reMibvunzo Inowanzo Bvunzwa (MIB). Kana mune mimwe mibvunzo uye kana mibvunzo yenyu isimo muMIB, munokwanisa kuti tumira tsambambozha kudzasikomiti re chirongwa ku: wikimaniawikimedia.org kana futi munokwanisa kuwedzera mibvunzo yenyu kuzanhi rerubatsiro.