
- Mikä? – Wikimania 2019, Wikimania-liikkeen vuosittainen konferenssi
- Maa: Ruotsi
- Kaupunki: Tukholma
- Paikka: Aula Magna, Tukholman yliopisto
- Ajankohta:
- Esikonferenssipäivät: 14.–15. elokuuta
- Pääkonferenssipäivät: 16.–18. elokuuta
- Arvioidut osallistujat: kapasiteetti 1 000–1 200 osallistujalle
- Yhteyshenkilö Eric Luth, Wikimedia Sverigen konferenssimanageri, tai Isabel Cueva Wikimedia Foundationissa.
Suunnitteletko osallistuvasi Wikimaniaan?
What a great idea! You will be able to meet about a thousand of the most prominent, interesting and awesome people within the free knowledge movement; Wikimedians from across the world and our partners and friends here in Stockholm. Our aim with this page is to collect all information you may need in order to get to Stockholm, attend the conference and help make the conference a success! If you have any questions you don't find the answers to here, you may write a line on the talk page.
Ilmoittautuminen on nyt suljettu. Voit yhä ilmoittautua paikan päällä konferenssin aikana.
Wikimania 2019 follows a slightly different format as compared to previous Wikimanias. 19 Spaces will form the core of the program, revolving around the theme of "Stronger Together: Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and the Sustainable Development Goals." So far, Michael Peter Edson from the Museum of the United Nations - UN Live is confirmed as a keynote speaker! Calls for submissions closed on 9 June. More information on the submissions can be found here.
The Wikimania Organizing Team has secured some rooms offered at special discounted accommodation rates. The quantity is limited, so we advise you to book as early as possible, if you want to take part in those rates. In the travel guide, we advise those of you who wish to find your own accommodation where you should enquire.
The Wikimedia Foundation Scholarships Program is offering a limited number of scholarships to cover the cost of selected individuals' travel, conference registration fee, and accommodation to attend Wikimania using funding provided by the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF). Deadline for applying for scholarships was on 15 March 2019. Many chapters and user groups also provide scholarships – check with your national chapter or user group to see if they can assist you.