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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2021:Submissions/Guidelines and the translation is 44% complete.

Tinjauan umum


Wikimania virtual kita yang pertama akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 13-17 Agustus 2021. Wikimania adalam konferensi tahunan gerakan Wikimedia yang merayakan seluruh proyek pengetahuan bebas yang dimungkinkan oleh komunitas relawan. Pertemuan terbesar gerakan Wikimedia, Wikimania virtual tahun ini akan jadi jauh lebih besar dibanding sebelumnya dan memungkinkan lebih banyak Wikimediawan berkumpul bersama untuk membuat, merayakan, dan terhubung dengan satu sama lain!


Tema Wikimania virtual tahun ini adalah seputar Dirgahayu 20 tahun Wikipedia. Kita akan melihat kilas balik gerakan kita di masa lalu, merayakan masa kini, dan menatap jauh ke masa depan. Fokusnya adalah orang-orang yang menggerakkan proyek-proyek kita. Tema tahun ini adalah cara untuk menyoroti orang-orang lintas gerakan kita yang mengglobal dan beraneka ragam.


Wikimania virtual tahun ini akan menjadi peluang kunci untuk membuka partisipasi ke lebih banyak orang, dengan berbagai tingkatan pengetahuan dan keahlian. Isi acara ini diharapkan dapat diakses oleh pendatang baru, orang-orang dengan pengetahuan menengah, dan lebih banyak anggota komunitas yang ahli di antara kita.

Rancangan Program

Kami akan membagikan lagi perihal kerangka rancangan program Wikimania dalam beberapa pekan ke depan. Akan tetapi, kami sudah ingin membagi hal yang bisa diharapkan. Program acara akan disampaikan melalui campuran konten langsung dan atas permintaan. Kami akan mengarsipkan seluruh konten yang disampaikan ke Wikimedia Commons.

  • Panggung Utama: ruang berisi pembicaraan utama, penutup, hiburan, dan konten utama lainnya yang disampaikan.
  • Jalur Grup Gerakan dan Mitra: sebuah jalur yang diasuh pengelola komunitas. Pengajuan dalam jalur ini terbuka untuk semua mitra di komunitas Wikimedia.
  • Jalur Individual/Kolektif: sebuah jalur yang diasuh oleh COT, khususnya untuk individu atau himpunan individu-individu. Pengajuan pada jalur ini terbuka untuk semua.
  • Jalur 'Unconference': sesuai namanya, jalur ini adalah ruang bebas, komunitas yang lebih luas memiliki keleluasaan untuk mengelola jalur ini.
  • Hackathon: sebagaimana sebelumnya, Wikimania juga akan mendedikasikan 24 jam untuk mengadakan Hackathon.
  • Ruang Berjejarin: Wikimania akan memiliki beberapa ruang virtual yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peserta untuk bertemu dengan wikimediawan lainnya dari seluruh penjuru dunia dan saling terhubung untuk bekerja bersama untuk proyek baru atau yang sedang berjalan. Informasi lebih lanjut akan diumumkan kemudian.


Wikimania yang akan berjalan virtual tahun ini akan memberikan peluang untuk mempertimbangkan topik-topik dari berbagai sudut pergerakan. Tim Panitia Inti telah memikirkan bagaiman topik-topik ini dikelola dalam program tahun ini. Kami ingin memberikan keleluasaan yang cukup bagi peserta untuk memilih berbagai variasi topik, dan para pemohon untuk menemukan area yang sesuai dengan minat mereka. Di halaman ini kami ingin berbicara tentang bagaimana program akan dikelola.


Kami ingin memberikan keleluasaan yang cukup untuk memilih dari berbagai topik sesi, yang mungkin akan ada irisan satu sama lain yang berdampak pada komunitas kita. Sebagai contoh:

  • Pendidikan & GLAM: Inisiatif dan proyek dalam jangka waktu 20 tahun terakhir yang berfokus pada penggunaan dan akses proyek-proyek Wikimedia di ruang-ruang pendidikan dalam berbagai tingkatan dan bekerja dengan institusi GLAM.
  • Kemitraan: Kolaborasi dengan mitra pergerakan, institusi pemerintahan, mitra teknologi, dan organisasi kode terbuka. Pembelajaran, peluang, studi kasus, kiat-kiat dan ide-ide baru.
  • Advocacy, Safety & Community Health: Initiatives focused on Human Rights work, advocacy, misinformation + disinformation, building safer communities both online and offline, codes of conduct. Initiatives that address past, present and future challenges, learnings etc.
  • Strategy 2030: Initiatives, discussions, meetings, roundtables regarding the 2030 movement strategy, especially related to the implementation phase.
  • New Voices & Newcomers: Initiatives, ideas, projects etc to involve, identify, attract + retain incorporate new voices/voices currently underrepresented as part of the Wikimedia movement. Initiatives led by historically underrepresented groups. Initiatives led by emerging communities.
  • Topik Komunitas: Kebijakan, kiat, kakas dan pembelajaran yang mendukung pekerjaan di wiki + interwiki.
  • Cerita kita: Refleksi perjalanan pribadi dalam pergerakan. Refleksi tentang orang-orang yang mengajak kita sampai di sini. See this category for ideas.
  • Lab Inovasi & Riset: Lab untuk menampilkan proyek-proyek dan inisiatif inovatif. Sebagai contoh: apa proyek yang akan kamu suka untuk Wikimedia di masa depan?
  • Gender, Diversity & Inclusion: Gender, diversity and inclusion projects that contribute to the creation of a more diverse and inclusive movement and/or Internet, both online and offline.
  • Bahasa: Semua isu kebahasaan, asli atau lainnya. A few potential topics include Wikidata lexicography, outreach to underserved languages and wikis, sessions on re-use of material (templates, modules, etc.) across several language wikis etc.
  • Other: A space for any other topic that is deemed cross-cutting in our movement.

Ragam sesi

There is no single host for this year’s virtual Wikimania, but rather an experiment in which our whole community can be involved

: oleh dan untuk komunitas. We wanted to give the space for our communities and individuals to participate in the program, and have therefore created a few pathways in which you can curate a piece of the program by allocating 2 separate and concurrent tracks. The content in these tracks can be presented live, or you can submit pre-recorded content for us to include in the programming.

  1. Live Session: Your session would be hosted live, which would allow for live contributions, questions and dialogue from the attendees.
  2. Pre-Recorded Session: Your session can also be pre-recorded - it will be live streamed at Wikimania 2021. This option reduces the amount of attendee interaction you would have with your content but you can also host a live dialogue or Q&A after your recorded session. Our production team has been instructed to manage and support you in recording your session and making sure deadlines are met.

In case you are unable to meet the recording deadlines and requirements, your session will have to be live or withdrawn.

Aksesibilitas Bahasa

With Wikimania 2021 being a global virtual event we have a great opportunity to deeply consider the language and timezones of participants.

With in-person events we're limited to accommodating a single time-zone (and the jetlag that comes with it) and generally a small number of  languages. This year we will have sessions that are both live and pre-recorded and available with interpretation or translation.

Read on to learn about the approach we are taking and how the submissions will be supported.


Di masa lalu, Wikimania hanya untuk pemirsa berbahasa inggris. However, we want to enable more people from our movement to be able to access Wikimania in a language they feel comfortable in and we are experimenting with new approaches.

We recognize that we will not be able to accommodate every single person and community, and have learned from the Movement Strategy events how important language accessibility is.

  • For all sessions (live and pre-recorded) delivered in English, the Wikimedia Foundation will provide live translation in the form of simultaneous audio interpretation from English into Arabic, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin to enable a bigger audience to join and participate freely. We will be sharing more on how this will look like closer to the event.
  • For all sessions (live and pre-recorded) delivered in Arabic, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin, the Wikimedia Foundation will provide translation in the form of simultaneous audio interpretation into English.
  • Pre-recorded sessions: can be presented in any language you would like. As far as Closed Captions are concerned, we are looking into providing automated solutions for this purpose. More to come on this in the near future! Silakan merujuk ke tabel berikut untuk pendekatan visualisisasi yang kita gunakan.
Sesi langsung Sesi Pra-rekam
Dalam bahasa Inggris Dalam bahasa lain Dalam bahasa Inggris Dalam bahasa lain
Panitia menyediakan: Terjemah Audio ke:
  • Bahasa Inggris
  • Bahasa Perancis,
  • Bahasa Jerman,
  • Bahasa Rusia,
  • Bahasa Spanyol,
  • Bahasa Mandarin,
  • Bahasa Arab
  • Bahasa Perancis,
  • Bahasa Jerman,
  • Bahasa Rusia,
  • Bahasa Spanyol,
  • Bahasa Mandarin,
  • Bahasa Arab
Panitia menyediakan: Audio terjemahan ke:
  • Bahasa Perancis,
  • Bahasa Jerman,
  • Bahasa Rusia,
  • Bahasa Spanyol,
  • Bahasa Mandarin,
  • Bahasa Arab
Panitia menyediakan: takarir dalam bahasa Inggris YA TIDAK YA TIDAK
Penyaji menyediakan: Transkrip ke Bahasa Inggris TIDAK TIDAK PILIHAN PILIHAN

Bahasa pengajuan

In order for all session reviewers to be able to read through submissions, and accurately be able to review, we ask for all submissions to be in English.

However as mentioned above, sessions can be presented in any language to the audience.


The basis of the entire Wikimedia movement is around sharing and learning.

This couldn't be any more true of Wikimania, the Wikimedia movement's largest annual gathering.

We gather this year to celebrate the humans that make the projects possible and look forward to providing space for those who want to share their work through a session at Wikimania.

This year peer-reviewed submissions will be open to


  • Movement Groups & Affiliates: from the huge independent chapters to the small user groups.
  • Individuals or a collective of individuals: any person, duo, trio, quartet or larger group of individuals.

Both these tracks will run concurrently with each other.

Jalur Mitra dan Kelompok Pergerakan

This track is dedicated to sessions presented by movement groups & affiliates.

This will be open to all (new or established) affiliates in the Wikimedia Movement. Whether you are a regional grouping, a thematic affiliate, a small user group, or a local chapter -- we welcome all of the different organizational groupings within the Wikimedia movement. This track might be an excellent opportunity to highlight the people, the projects and the impact they have created in your community and beyond.

We highly encourage you to spotlight and celebrate new voices, faces, and projects in your community, in addition to the individuals in your community that receive more recognition in the movement.

Jalur Individual/Kolektif

This track is dedicated to sessions presented by individuals, or a collective of individuals i.e it will be open to anyone interested in participating in the program.

Whether you have been active in the movement for years, or just months. You are welcome even if this is your first time speaking to a large audience. Just like the other track, all session formats are welcomed. Traditionally we always have a large variety of people that are a part of the program for Wikimania.

With this approach we keep this same spirit of previous years.

Alokasi Waktu: Jalur vs Format

There is a difference in how time is being allocated per track.

Different formats will be receiving a difference in time allocation. We’ll explain the differences below.

  • Lecture-based session: 20 mins presentation + 10 mins of Question & Answer
  • Discussion (roundtable, panel): 45 mins
  • Lokakarya + Tutorial: 45 menit
  • Perayaan/Hiburan: 30 menit
  • Obrolan / wawancara: 30 menit
  • Pembicaraan singkat: 10 menit

Jalur Mitra & Kelompok Pergerakan

We wanted to give the Wikimedia movement groups and affiliates a chance to own a part of the program.

We are allocating a maximum 1.5 hours per group to curate. This would correspond with 3 lecture-based presentations. You can choose what formats you would like to present your content in.

Please refer to the section above for the time allocation for each format.

Jalur Individual/Kolektif

Time allocation will be based on the format chosen during submissions.

Please refer to the section above for the time allocation for each format.

Application Examples

You have the freedom to choose how to incorporate this lens to your topic of choice.

  • Example 1: Movement Groups & Affiliates (1.5 hour)
    • You want to submit a proposal for a lecture-based session with a series of lectures about the challenges you have experienced in the Education space within your community.
    • By applying PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE you could choose this format per session.
      • PAST: Explaining how this challenge emerged and how you got involved in the past. You could do a look back at your most pressing challenges.
      • PRESENT: What is the current state of your challenge? What progress have you made to date? Were there any blockers that prevented you from progressing?
      • FUTURE: sharing how your future plans and outcomes look like. How do you plan on progressing on the initial challenge, what is the road ahead? What are the successes and failures you can expect? Are you collaborating with anybody in the movement?
  • Example 2: Movement Groups & Affiliates/ Individuals and collective
    • You want to host a facilitated discussion session around common challenges and solutions in closing the gender gap on-wiki, with an international panel of community representatives and gender diversity activists.
    • By applying PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE you could choose this format:
      • PAST: N/A
      • PRESENT: Closing the Gender Gap is a relevant topic currently, how does the expansion of the concept of gender in western society affect the Wiki Community/humanity as a whole, and what have we done to address the challenges, concerns and barriers? What are we doing to disseminate the knowledge around the concept of gender across the globe? What has been your personal experience with the concept of gender and inclusion?
      • FUTURE: How will we continue to be pioneers in creating an open and safe space for everyone - indifferent of their gender. What will we do to bridge the gap and motivate gender diversity, among other categories?
  • Example 3: Movement Groups & Affiliates/ Individuals and collective
    • You want to host a workshop session on how to incorporate safe space policies in any organization and will host this workshop with different individuals across different organizations leading the way.
    • By applying PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE you could choose this format
    • FUTURE:  A workshop on how to implement Friendly Space Policies: What will future organizations and workplaces look like? How can we help accelerate and embrace change? What initiatives are leading the way in re-imagining organization and society itself?

Dos and Don'ts


  • DO feature a case study that highlights cross-regional collaboration.
  • DO invite a local or international activist you or your grouping have worked with to speak during your session.
  • DO submit sessions as a collective of people that have been working together on a project.
  • DO focus on global approach with regional case studies.
  • DO consider the wide range of your audience that might vary from new to well known members of the community.
  • DO work with different types of media during your session: video, illustrations, voice clips etc.
  • DO celebrate your community’s achievements.


  • DON’T make your session a show-and-tell but rather think of ways in which you can make the content engaging.
  • DON’T use highly technical language if you are catering your session to newcomers, preferably define your technical concepts, regardless of who your audience is - you could always have someone who is not on the same page as you.
  • DON’T assume that everyone has the historical background that you do around the community or topic at large.
  • DON’T fill your presentation slides with a lot of information and small text. Use your slides as a tool to highlight important information and have a visual representation of what you are speaking of.

Important Dates and Information

Submissions Timeline
Task Deadline
Submission open 28 May 2021
Submission close 20 Juni 2021
Periode pengajuan dibuka 3 pekan
Peninjauan 21 Juni 2021 - 2 Juli 2021 (2 pekan)
Acceptance to submitter 5 July 2021 - 9 July 2021

Get help

Reading all of this information could leave you with questions.

We therefore will be making ourselves available for office hours.

More information on when and how to engage with us will be provided next week.

In the meantime you can leave your questions for the Core Organizing Team at our help_desk.

Seri Pelatihan Pembicara

In the past, and most recently in 2019, Wikimania had offered “Learning Days” as part of the pre-conference activities of the in-person event.

For the virtual edition of Wikimania, the Community Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation has conducted Speaker Training program that all speakers were invited to. It was not mandatory to participate in the speaker training to speak at Wikimania.

The materials from the training are available for anyone to use:

Speaker Guidebook

Ingredients of Great Public Speaking (24 minute video, English)

Ingredients of Great Public Speaking (Wikimania 2021 Speaker Onboarding)