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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2023:Ideas and the translation is 60% complete.

Una página para colocar ideas para Wikimanía

Wikimania 2023 será la primera Wikimania presencial desde 2019. Se diseñará como una conferencia híbrida para permitir la participación individual remota, así como el apoyo para reuniones regionales locales.

Esta página está pensada para recopilar ideas para Wikimania 2023, ¡tanto prácticas como originales! Por favor, ¡añade!

Programa público

¿Cuáles son algunas ideas para la programación pública de Wikimania 2023?

  • Enseñanza de la edición en Wikipedia en los cuatro idiomas de Singapur: inglés, malayo, chino y tamil.
  • Exposición de fotografías de Wiki Commons
  • Exposición de carteles para explicar Wikipedia a los novatos, algo así como Espacio Wikipedia: (:en:WP:WPSPACE). Ver foto.
    • "+1 Una exposición de carteles con el idioma de elección. Entonces podemos tener un Código QR con un enlace al resumen traducido del cartel".
  • Con suficiente espacio, podríamos crear un Selfie studio o Selfie museo con temas y accesorios de Wikipedia/Wikimedia, para que las personas interesadas en hacer las "selfies" de Instagram pueden crear sus propias publicaciones en las redes sociales. Las ideas que podrían atraer al público y hacer que las bases compartan el contenido de Wikipedia podrían ser:
    • Un gran globo terráqueo como el que tuvimos en Taiwán en 2007.
    • Una piscina de bolas llena de globos de rompecabezas de Wikipedia (los protocolos de salud de COVID no permiten esto).
    • Accesorios para cosas en el mundo de Wikipedia, como una "bomba pueblo" física real de Wikipedia en inglés y Wikimedia Commons con la que se podría fotografiar a la gente. Otros equivalentes: Enfriador de agua, Le Bistro (fr.wp), Café (es.wp), Taverna (ca.wp), Cervecería (en.wt)
    • Señaladores de utilería con frases famosas de Wikipedia en varios idiomas, como: cita requerida, sé valiente (SV), punto de vista neutral (PVN), etc.
    • Prop signs for weird Wikipedia things: cetacean needed (with a stuffed orca)
    • Asociación Cuteness ¿con peluches?
  • A field trip for Wikimedians to the Singapore Botanic Gardens, where everybody will try plant photography for Commons, with an indoor session straight afterwards to upload the photos and deploy them in Wikidata and multiple-language Wikipedias. We could also reach out to amateur photographers in Singapore, encourage them to join us, and teach them how to upload to Commons. No copyright issues with plants! The Botanic Gardens probably has a volunteer group of guides who may be interested in this too. I would be happy to lead if able to attend.Giantflightlessbirds (talk) 22:47, 26 February 2023 (UTC)


  • Las sesiones de carteles deberían ser una parte importante de la conferencia: han sido una forma exitosa de mostrar muchos proyectos diferentes de manera eficiente y en un entorno social (generalmente durante 1 hora de cóctel o un momento social). También permiten que los hablantes no nativos de inglés presenten sus proyectos en un entorno más solidario, al mismo tiempo que se conectan en conversaciones individuales. Los carteles pueden ser como presentaciones para sesiones de conferencias, o pueden ser específicos para afiliados.
    • Deberíamos proporcionar plantillas fáciles de usar para hacer carteles, como el uso de dibujos de Google.

  • Atención médica similar a Suecia, Montreal, Italia y Sudáfrica.
  • What does neutrality mean? Neutrality is in the core of Wikimedia, but there are very different views on what the concept itself means. This can be a good topic to cover with wikimedians, phylosophers, activists and scientists. We can cover a full morning with keynotes, discussions and specialiced presentations.

EXPO / Villa comunitaria

Con un gran espacio tipo exposición disponible, donde las personas pueden colaborar para enfocarse en proyectos.

  • áreas con un enfoque en cada uno de los proyectos donde
    • las comunidades pueden realizar demostraciones y debates.
    • where individuals can give short lightning talks on a local project, example WMID on building Wikis in the Incubator, or a wikiksource project in Indonesia.
    • Wikimedia Commons workshop on how the basics to take, edit, upload photos, or use the Commons App
    • Wikiwomen: comparte detalles sobre los esfuerzos para mejorar el contenido.
    • Affcom: explica lo que se debe hacer para convertirse en afiliado, así como promover afiliados.
  • Área sobre WLE, WLM u otros proyectos globales.


  • Try creating programming for different age groups - how can we have "youth-oriented programming" that is both interesting and engaging?
    • "An example - Singapore Writers Festival 2022 has different pathways for age group - younger children (I.e SWF playground), young people (youth fringe), literary pioneer, country focus etc"
  • Try including some kind of side events to commemorate International Youth Day since this coincides with the Conference in the same month and time (12th August). For example WikiVibrance had a session in this year's Wikimania to celebrate International Youth Day 2022 and showcased youth diversity in the movement. Maybe a tale or show space to spotlight innovative wikimedia projects led/co-led or implemented by young wikimedians from diverse communities particularly those not known beyond some communities but meaningful to the growth of such communities.

Wikipedia temas y creación de contenido

Algunos artículos o áreas de mejora relacionados con Singapur podrían beneficiarse de la atención de Wikimania.

  • Robotics in Singapore could be a great one, as it is the number two user of robots globally behind South Korea. They are perhaps more high profiled because of Singapore's smaller size and for it being used for subway cleaning, coffee making, library tasks, etc. News article. WorldRobotics2020 Robot Report
  • Terminology and phenomenon unique to Singapore. The foodie culture would be good, and the culture of "choping" or marking a held seat with a tissue pack at restaurants. Maybe good for video making.
  • Organice una visita al Museo Nacional de Singapur y examine las posibilidades de creación de contenido, proyecto GLAM y examine formas implícitas y explícitas de colonialismo, prejuicio, dominación y poder.
  • It's 500 years since the first world circumnavigation, an event that touched (in very different ways) Europe, South America and Sout-East Asia. We could organize an edit-a-thon about this topic, taking care of different views on the event itself. There can be a collaboration with interested user groups to organize this.


  • Hackathon: hacerlos más inclusivos adoptando la ciencia de datos, la producción de vídeos u otras actividades de "creación". Datathons, vídeo retos, documentación, etc.
    • Social media/marketing challenge? Bring in social media influencers or makers to challenge them to make social media content around Wikimedia content such as Depths of Wikipedia.
  • "We could also try visual facilitation for a change. Moving away from text heavy, PowerPoint heavy, towards more visually appealing and succinct conference content."
  • "Would it also be possible to feature South East Asia languages and Indian languages all together? Since we’re in the region..."
  • Wikimania mobile app that contains program/speaker details, participant list, chat function with participants, venue map and other useful information. Netha Hussain (talk) 13:20, 14 October 2022 (UTC)


  • Premio Wikimania (por contribuciones al conocimiento y los proyectos, fotocaminatas previas al evento, etc.)
  • Photo scav hunt: including y'allfies with portable photo frames that you have to use to frame a group with a combination of properties
  • Physical scav hunt across the campus / city
    • Fotografía de naturaleza.
    • Urban landscape photography (don't worry there is Freedom of Panorama in Singapore)
  • "Loyalty card" style system, conference attendees get a stamp for each completed sessions (only for those sessions who be willing to participate) and those who completed a pattern or the whole grid gets a prize, maybe first 100.


  • Comida
    • Gira gastronómica con influencers de las redes sociales de Singapur
    • Comida vegetariana
  • Pollo frito
    • Salida a Jollibee para degustar la cadena de comida rápida número uno de Filipinas.
    • Fried chicken showdown/tasting - Arnold's Fried Chicken (SG), Kenny Rogers Roasters (MY), Jollibee (PH), et al.
  • Dedicated space for displaying plush toys and other members of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association. Netha Hussain (talk) 13:21, 14 October 2022 (UTC)
  • Breakout rooms can be built in order to establish communication between cultures and languages. Even cross-wiki collaborations can arise from these breakout rooms. -Kurmanbek (talk) 17:54, 14 October 2022 (UTC)
  • Provide possibilities to get in conversations with online participants through some kind of communication possibility through a platform and maybe also with some devices positioned at corners with lower noise level quiet enough for communication. At the WikiCON 2022 in Stralsund in Germany Venueless was used for that. How much it was used is something I do not know, but I really liked the possibility. --Hogü-456 (talk) 16:26, 22 October 2022 (UTC)


¿Posibles alianzas o invitados institucionales?

  • Internet Archive: siempre un aliado nuestro, ¿encontrar una manera significativa de hacer algo?
  • Open Streetmaps - they are not doing a big 2023 global State of the Map conference at this point (announced October 2022), so maybe invite them to do something? They are in close contact with Wikimedia Italia.
  • Creative Commons - something related to license education for the masses? Not just about CC on Wikiverse but beyond that, like licensing your video with CC on Youtube, etc.


  • Proporcionar certificado de participación para voluntarios.
    • Trabajar en la sala de TIC para garantizar presentaciones efectivas.
    • Documentación de actividades.
    • Conocimiento de Wikimania a través de plataformas de redes sociales y grupos de usuarios.
    • Dar la bienvenida a los participantes en persona, con dirección a diferentes salas para actividades.
    • Configurar tableros y recursos para carteles. -Ngostary2k (talk) 00:42, 15 October

Viaje y visa

  • Proporcione un sistema de planificación similar a un viaje compartido para los participantes que desean coordinar y viajar con otros.
    • idealmente ya antes de reservar el viaje, pero también después
    • ideally just dependent on Wikimedia User accounts, but optionally with more info
    • ideally use the opportunity of shared time for informing, inspiring, skill share or similar, but maybe also just getting to know about each other
  • Provide for stay-together/near planning system for participants who are flexible with stay
    • ideally so participants can share both costs and interests
    • ideally for participants who have limited EN language understanding or need other assistance to get it from a peer

Optimización de la participación en línea

Someone suggested I relocate here a comment I made at Facebook's Wikipedia Weekly. Wikimania, I think, is a good opportunity to continue the WM movement's history of creativity and innovation by finding how to make the online experience better. It so might well result in stronger international impact, and is in the interests of the cultural and linguistic equality that the WM movement has been pioneering for two decades. Why don't show, by example, how the academics and medics can arrange better online conferences?

Aquí está el comentario que hice en Wikipedia semanalmente en Facebook, modificado y ampliado un poco:

Very glad the coming Wikimania will also be online. Is there space for some creative designing of the schedule so that participants can pre-organise themselves into online "coffee tables" – say, 30 minutes between two panels/talks, perhaps with a pre-appointed facilitator and note-taker, and a question posed that could be brainstormed, possibly related to themes of the panels/talks? It could be great way for people to network – the difficulty of forging new collaborations with each other has always been a complaint about online conferences.
There are also ways of making video the interpersonal factor more rewarding and dynamic. Eye contact is very important in video conferencing (specifically, making and breaking eye contact, we've known since the results of 2018 research). So guidelines for setting up your Zoom would be great: level with camera, pretty close to it so your portrait fills the screen, and as good a connectivity as possible. A good thing about Zoom is that people's names are displayed, and it can be set up so they can text to each other and to all, as they wish, through the chatbot.
I know it's fiddly and hard work, but could bookings be made with the help of local chapters at a place like a central library internet room, in a few countries where connectivity is not always good. I'm thinking of a cities in Africa, for example, and the Subcontinent (Nepal, for example). We need to make participation easier for WMians in the developing world!
It could be achieved by volunteers who are good with people in a cross-linguistic environment; and probably an overall manager responsible to the Wikimania organisers.

Regrettably my volunteer load is already so great that I can't be involved directly. My ideas owe a lot to Dr Richard Parncutt, a friend who is an academic at Graz University in Austria and has organised pilots of conferences that aim to do the online stuff really well.)

Tony1 (talk) 11:08, 1 December 2022 (UTC)

Additional checklists to improve GDPR, inclusion, data protection, copyright, online anonymity; and avoid user tracking, fix digital barriers, etc.: