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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2023:Scholarships/FAQ and the translation is 27% complete.


  • 個人の皆さん – 旅費支援とはウィキマニア2023の現地参加が実現するように、支給される助成金のこと。ウィキメニア財団が資金をご用意し、航空券代金や旅費交通費、宿泊費、参加登録料に充当されます。
  • また全額支給と別に、宿泊費と登録料それぞれの補助金も設けました。




  • 申請期間は、世界中どこでも2023年1月12日木曜から2月5日日曜です。
  • 結果は2023年5月までに公表され、受給者リストはこの旅費支援のページに掲載されます。

What is the submission process for the Wikimania scholarship?

  • Applications via LimeSurvey, hosted on a Wikimedia Foundation server.


Submissions received during the application period will be reviewed by the Scholarships Committee.

How are the submissions reviewed for the Wikimania Scholarship?

  • Assessed by merit in response to the questions asked
  • Distributed across regions – there will be a waitlist for each region should someone decline their offer.

In general, we expect the workflow for final decisions to go through the following steps:

Step 1: Application submission
Step 2: Email confirmation sent via Limesurvey
Step 3: Eligibility review by the Scholarships Committee
Step 4: Funding review and decision made by the Scholarship Committee
Step 5: Applicants notified of the decision and will be asked for information to enable us to book transport and accommodation
Step 6: Booking and confirmation of transport and accommodation


The Core Organizing Team for Wikimania will provide support through office hours offered by region and through answering questions coming in to wikimaniascholarships(_AT_)wikimedia.org In general, this support will cover:

  • Clarifying questions on the submissions and funds requested
  • The Dos and Don’ts of application submissions
  • Next steps after resubmissions
  • What if I don’t get funded

Note: Successful applicants travel, accommodation will be organised and paid for. You will be provided with a registration link


Are the scholarships only for first time Wikimania participants?

  • We will be prioritizing applications from those who best fulfill the criteria of contributing to the Wikimania experience and for enhancing their region afterwards.

I am not part of an affiliate. Can I apply for a scholarship?

  • Individuals are able to apply for the individual scholarship, for both full and partial scholarships.

Can I submit my application in a different language other than English?

  • Yes, applicants are allowed to submit the application in a different language other than English although English is preferred. The scholarship reviewers will try their best to review the application.

What is the funding limit?

  • There is no dollar amount or value for individual scholarships, there will a balanced selection process across all regions

Can I submit applications for a scholarship after the deadline?

  • To ensure that final decision results are released on-time in fairness to other applicants, late applications will not be accepted. It is recommended that applications are submitted at least a few days before the deadline to avoid missing it.

How will applicants for scholarships be notified of the results?

  • The email address provided on the application will be used to notify an individual of whether their application has been successful or not. All applicants will be contacted at some point, regardless of the result.

Can applicants for individual scholarships edit their application after submission?

  • It is recommended that applicants draft their application carefully and ensure they say everything they need to say before submission.

How will Individual Scholarships be reviewed and awarded?

  • Once all surveys have successfully been completed and therefore all of the data has been collected, the Scholarship Committee will jointly determine which people will be eligible recipients

Note: The COT recommends some level of English for travellers and volunteering at the event. Please do not submit an application twice; this creates a lot of additional work for reviewers


What are the requirements for reporting?

  • This year, in lieu of reporting, we are asking scholars to support by volunteering at the event. We will work with you on finding a volunteer role that suits your needs, skills and experience. Reporting on a volunteer basis is encouraged.

I applied for a scholarship but did not get it. What do I do now?

  • If you haven’t been selected to receive a scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with an affiliate in your region. They might be running their own scholarship program or hosting a local event!

When will I receive feedback around my Individual Scholarship Application?

  • Offers will start going out in April, this may take a couple of weeks as some people's circumstances may prevent them from accepting. Other applicants will be referred to their local affiliates if you choose that option. All applicants will be notified of their outcome as quickly as possible.

If I can’t attend Singapore in person, how can I participate?

  • There will be an option to join virtually as it will have elements of being a hybrid event.
  • 皆さんもローカルで企画を実行しませんか、「ウォッチパーティー」なら、他の人たちと集まって、リモートでつないだシンガポール現地会場の様子を見るとか、ウィキマニアのプログラムにリモートでグループ参加するとか。今年の場合、そういう分科会に支給する財政補助枠はウィキマニアの運営費にはないのですが、ご希望の場合は、各自、財団の助成金受付を介して申請してはどうでしょう。
  • ウィキマニア参加の経費を自分で払える皆さんは、ぜひ参加登録してください。補助金を受けるかどうかは参加の条件ではありません。



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