
Толук программа аяктагандан кийин жарыяланат.
Төмөнкү маалымат жалпы күн тартиби, тил концепциясы жана тандоо тууралуу.
Тема, сессиянын критерийлери жана сессияны баалоо
In order to promote transparency on how the review committee made programming decisions, we are now publishing the criteria that we used to evaluate program proposals. This year, as stated in the call for proposals, we wanted to focus on making the program regional, fun and welcoming of newcomers. We prioritized sessions that best responded to that criteria, while also being mindful to try to include sessions on a wide range of topics.
Keeping our core goals in mind, we used this specific criteria for evaluating the proposals:
- To what extent does the proposal make clear what outcomes the participants should be able to get out of the session?
- To what extent does the proposal, the matters being discussed, and/or the presenters incorporate diversity in gender, geographic location, underrepresented communities, etc.?
- To what extent does the proposal offer something fun, useful, innovative or important to the event?
We had five reviewing groups of 3-4 reviewers each. Reviewers were presented with a list of sessions to review without speaker names or contact information attached. Reviewers evaluated each proposal on a scale from 1-5, with 1 being low and 5 being very high. Overall, most proposals received very high scores, and we selected the top 20 of every group. This means that some proposals that received very high scores didn’t make the cut due to a small difference in points. In total, we worked hard to accept more than half of all submissions.
We acknowledge that some people might experience frustration with the way in which we organized sessions and the program this year. However, we want to highlight the points that made the COT this year take these decisions: We learned from last year that the number of tracks resulted in sessions where there were very few people participating or watching them, which can cause frustration to presenters. We also learned that people needed more breaks. We had to work those in, which removed time from the program. This year we are experimenting with a hybrid format, with some sessions taking place in-person in different parts of the world. We wanted to give rooms for these experiments, even if they don’t necessarily compete with the online program.
Негизги программанын бөлүгү болбогон сессияны пландаштыруу
Pheedloop (the platform that we will be using for this years’ Wikimania) allows for anyone to organize their own social networking space (up to 25 people). These spaces won’t have simultaneous interpretation or receive staff support. These spaces will work as self-organized spaces. We encourage people who are not part of the main program to make use of these spaces, scheduling talks, meetups and discussions. We also have a Commons category to house on-demand content for attendees to stream during Wikimania at their leisure. We encourage you to submit content there.
Программа дизайны
Бул фестиваль программасында жандуу фестивалындай эле онлайн "чатырларда" жайгаштырылган жандуу жана өтүнүчтөр боюнча мазмундарынын айкалышын үмүттөп жатабыз.
- Tent 1: the space where keynotes, endnotes, entertainment, meet and greet, and other key content will be delivered. We will be having rotational regional segments here to spotlight various projects, individuals and affiliates by region.
- Tent 2: a programming track with sessions from Wikimedia movement organizations (chapters, user groups, thematic organizations, and other recognized movement groups). Submissions to this tent are open to all affiliates in the Wikimedia community.
- Tent 3: a programming track with sessions from individual Wikimedians or a collective of individuals. Submissions to this tent are open to everyone–submit to present alone or with a group of co-presenters.
- Хакатон: адаттагы, бирок жаңыча - үзгүлтүксүз кызматташуу жана биргелешип иштөө үчүн Викимания фестиваль бүтөөрү чейин өз чатырына ээ болот.
- Мамиле түзүү чатыры: Викимания бир нече виртуалдык мейкиндиктерге ээ болот, анда катышуучулар дүйнө жүзүндөгү башка викимедиачылар менен таанышып жана баарлаша алышат. Ошондой эле жаңы же иш көргөн долбоорлордо чогуу иштөө максатында байланыша алышат.
Викимания 2022 аяктагандан кийин бардык мазмун мурунку жылдардагыдай архивделет.
Күн тартиби
Викимания 2022ге арналган онлайн программа бардык убакыт алкактардагы катышуучуларды камтыйт. Бул ыкма ошол күнү көңүл бурулуп жаткан алкакка оптималдаштырылган, ошол эле учурда ар кандай алкактарды ыңгайлуу иш убактысы менен камсыздай алат.
Программадагы көп тилдүүлүк
In the past, Wikimania programs catered to an English speaking audience only. However, we want the festival to welcome participants in the languages they feel most comfortable. Language accessibility at the festival will work as follows:
- For all sessions (live and pre-recorded) delivered in English, the Wikimedia Foundation will provide live interpretation into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish to enable a bigger audience to join and participate freely. We will be sharing more on how this will look like closer to the event.
- For all sessions (live and pre-recorded) delivered in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, the Wikimedia Foundation will provide live interpretation into English.
- In addition to these languages, there will be 1-2 additional supported languages that will rotate on a daily basis. Sessions delivered in English will receive interpretation into the 1-2 rotating languages for that day, and sessions delivered in the rotating languages will receive interpretation into English on those days. More information to come about rotating language support, including which languages will be offered.
- Speakers are free to deliver sessions in other languages, but we can’t offer interpretation support at this moment.
We recognize that we will not be able to accommodate every single person and community, but we have learned from the Movement Strategy process how important multilingualism is and we want to keep improving our language approach. Thanks to all who provided their feedback in the community survey.
Жардам алуу
Бул маалыматтын баары менен таанышуу сизде жоопсуз суроолорду калтырса керек. Суроолоруңузга жооп бериш үчүн убакыт бөлөбүз. Биз менен качан жана кантип байланышуу жөнүндө кеңирээк маалымат кийинки аптада берилет.
Азырынча негизги уюштуруучулар командасына суроолоруңузду талкуу барагына же wikimaniawikimedia.org эл. почтасына калтырсаңыз болот.