
See the full schedule.
Below is information about the general program, language approach, and selection process.
In order to promote transparency on how the review committee made programming decisions, we are now publishing the criteria that we used to evaluate program proposals. This year, as stated in the call for proposals, we wanted to focus on making the program regional, fun and welcoming of newcomers. We prioritized sessions that best responded to that criteria, while also being mindful to try to include sessions on a wide range of topics.
Keeping our core goals in mind, we used this specific criteria for evaluating the proposals:
- To what extent does the proposal make clear what outcomes the participants should be able to get out of the session?
- To what extent does the proposal, the matters being discussed, and/or the presenters incorporate diversity in gender, geographic location, underrepresented communities, etc.?
- To what extent does the proposal offer something fun, useful, innovative or important to the event?
We had five reviewing groups of 3-4 reviewers each. Reviewers were presented with a list of sessions to review without speaker names or contact information attached. Reviewers evaluated each proposal on a scale from 1-5, with 1 being low and 5 being very high. Overall, most proposals received very high scores, and we selected the top 20 of every group. This means that some proposals that received very high scores didn’t make the cut due to a small difference in points. In total, we worked hard to accept more than half of all submissions.
We acknowledge that some people might experience frustration with the way in which we organized sessions and the program this year. However, we want to highlight the points that made the COT this year take these decisions: We learned from last year that the number of tracks resulted in sessions where there were very few people participating or watching them, which can cause frustration to presenters. We also learned that people needed more breaks. We had to work those in, which removed time from the program. This year we are experimenting with a hybrid format, with some sessions taking place in-person in different parts of the world. We wanted to give rooms for these experiments, even if they don’t necessarily compete with the online program.
Planning your session if it is not part of the main program
Pheedloop (the platform that we will be using for this years’ Wikimania) allows for anyone to organize their own social networking space (up to 25 people). These spaces won’t have simultaneous interpretation or receive staff support. These spaces will work as self-organized spaces. We encourage people who are not part of the main program to make use of these spaces, scheduling talks, meetups and discussions. We also have a Commons category to house on-demand content for attendees to stream during Wikimania at their leisure. We encourage you to submit content there.
- 主舞台(帳篷1):主題演講、結尾演講、表演會、見面會,以及其他關鍵內容的展示空間。我們將在這裡設置輪換區域部分,以按地區突出各種專案,個人和附屬分支機構。
- 維基媒體運動團體和附屬分支機構帳篷(帳篷2):一個包含來自維基媒體運動組織(分會,用戶組,主題組織和其他公認的運動團體)的會議議程軌道。維基媒體社群的所有附屬分支機構均可向這個帳篷提交內容。
- 個人/集體帳篷(帳篷3):一個包含來自獨立維基媒體誠意或集體成員的會議議程軌道。這個帳篷的提交內容對所有人開放——可單獨提交,或與一組共同演示者一起提交提案。
- 黑客松:與傳統做法一樣——但有一個新的變化——黑客松將在整個維基媒體國際會議期間設有一個帳篷,用於持續的協作和共同工作。
- 社交帳篷:維基媒體國際會議將提供幾個虛擬空間,與會者可以在其中社交和結識來自全球的其他維基媒體成員,並在新的或已建立的專案上進行合作。 更多信息將很快提供。
The virtual programming for Wikimania 2022 will cater to participants across all timezones. The approach is to optimize for the zone being spotlighted on that day, while also providing times that work in different zones. We wanted to plan with the global whole in mind, building a schedule that spans many hours to allow for each region to connect with every other region.
- 對於以英語進行的所有會議議程(現場直播和預錄),維基媒體基金會將提供阿拉伯語,中文,法語,俄語和西班牙語的現場口譯,以使更多的觀眾能夠自由加入和參與。我們將於稍後更多地分享這將如何進行。
- 對於以阿拉伯語、中文、法語、俄語、西班牙語進行的所有會議議程(現場直播和預錄),維基媒體基金會將提供英語的現場口譯服務。
- 除了這些語言之外,會議同時會有1至2種額外支援的語言每天輪換使用。以英語進行的議程將在當天獲得1至2種額外支援語言的口譯,以輪流語言進行的議程將在當天獲得英語口譯。我們將提供更多關於輪換語言支援的信息——包括將提供哪些語言的口譯。
- 演講者可以自由地以其他語言進行會議,但我們目前無法提供口譯支援。
閱讀這些資訊可能會讓您提出疑問。 我們將安排辦公時間為您解答。 我們將於下週提供有關的時間,以及如何與我們互動的更多信息。
同時,您可以在此討論頁面上或發送電子郵件至 wikimaniawikimedia.org 向核心組織團隊提出問題。