16–19 August 2023, Singapore and Online
Diversity. Collaboration. Future.
Il-paġna li jmiss tfisser il-proċess għal scolarships dwar Il-Fondazzjoni Wikimedia (WMF). Hemm xi kapitli u organizzazzjonijiet oħra joffru scholarships:
Wikimania 2023 ħa tbiddel il-mod kif ħafna attivitajiet ħa jkunu mħaddma, il-proċess ta' scholarships hu parti minn din il-bidla. Fl-2023 it-tim Organizzatur Ewlieni ħa jkun qed joffri scholarships differenti:
- Żur Singapor : scholarships sħaħ u parzjali. Kif kien seħħ fl-2020 ħa jkun hemm limitazzjonijiet u kundizzjonijiet;
- Scholarship sħiħ jipprovdi vjaġġar, akkomodazzjoni, u reġistrazzjoni.
- Scholarship parzjali jipprovdi akkomodazzjoni u reġistrazzjoni.
- Attivitajiet oħra:Affiljati u gruppi ta' proġetti japplikaw għall-fondi mill-proċess tal-grant WMF, COT jridu jsostnu l-applikazzjonijiet u ħtiġijiet tekniċi tagħhom għal ħoloq ħajjin tal-Wikimania.
All full and partial scholars will have the option to do volunteer tasks during Wikimania, as volunteers scholars will also be covered by WMF Travel Insurance policy. The volunteers could include 2 hours on an Expo table, room angel (etherpad notes, share online questions to speakers), or uploading session videos to Commons. Volunteering for 2 or more hours will also be considered as sufficient to not require a written report, and will be subject to verification by the Scholarship team during Wikimania.
Dati importanti
Il-programm tal-WMF Scholarship u kif ġej:
Applikazzjonijiet għal scolarships tal-ivvjaġġar
Done Miftuħ: il-Ħamis, 12 Jannar 2023
Done L-aħħar li tista' tapplika: Il-Ħadd, 5 Frar sal-.
Done Phase 1 eligibility assessment by the WMF Trust & Safety: mid-February (no notification about the outcome)
Done Phase 2 in-depth evaluations by the Scholarship Committee: March
Done Offers are being sent on a rolling basis to successful applicants: April 21 – May
Done All applicants are notified about final decisions: end of May
Done The full list of recipients published on Wikimania Wiki: June
For further details on the application requirements, evaluation, and to apply see: 2023:Scholarships/Travel Scholarship application
Satellite Events
Satellite events can be scheduled and funded as part of the affiliate General Support Fund (GSF).
Wikimedia Affiliates may use funds already obtained through the Wikimedia Foundation General Support Fund to run a satellite event, even if a satellite event was not initially included in their GSF proposal. General Support Fund grantees have the ability to move funds around their budget as needed, and, per the General Support Fund agreement, the Foundation only requests that Program Officers be informed if that variance is more than 20% from the original proposal. We encourage all affiliates interested in hosting a satellite event to list their event details on the satellite event subpage, so that affiliates may coordinate between themselves, encouraging collaboration and connection amongst Wikimedians and to better promote their events.
- List of events should be completed by 5 July.
- Affiliates wanting to livestream into Wikimania should get in touch with the programming subcommittee of the Core Organizing Team at wikimania
wikimedia.org as soon as they have the details of their event.
- The Core Organizing Team will provide technical support for groups wanting to livestream into Wikimania.
Please use the talk page for discussing ideas.
For more information about the Wikimedia Foundation Scholarships Program, please visit the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
If you have any questions, please contact: wikimania-scholarships@wikimedia.org or leave a message at: 2023 talk:Scholarships.