2023: Iskolarship
16–19 August 2023, Singapore and Online
Diversity. Collaboration. Future.
Sayan pahina et mangipaliwawa na prosesofor iskolarship na Wikimedia Foundation (WMF). Say arom ya chapter tan organisasyon et mangiooprisi na scholarship met lamlamang:
Ire-imagine na Wikimania 2023 so paraan no panon ya say dakel ya aktibidad et manmaliw aya unwala, say proseso na iskolaship et kabyangan na satan ya reimahinasyon. Parad Core Organizing Team na 2023, mangioprisi ira na nanduruman klase na iskolarship;
- "Byahe ed Singapore" : tibukel o apag ya iskolaship. Sinag agawa nen 2020, nawalaan na pigaran limitasyon tan kundisyones;
- Say buon iskolarship et mangiter na kumpleton gastos ed byahe, panayaman tan bayar na rehistro
- Say apag ya iskolarship et mangiter na kantidad para ed panayaman tan panrehistro
- Satellite events: Saray affiliates o grupon manpaproject et maka apply ed grant process na WMF para ed gastos, saray COT so mansuporta na nibagan application tan arom ni ran pangkailangan para ed live links na Wikimania.
Amin ya buon iskolarship et walay pangkanawnawa da ya maboluntaryon mansalita no Wikimania, bilang volunteer scholars lapud gastusan met na WMF so travel insurance policy da. Saray volunteers et mangiter na dwaran oras ed samay Expo table, room angel ( etherpad notes, mangiapag na tepet online ed saray speakers),o man upload na session videos ed Commons. Amay panvolunteer na duaran oras o mas mabayag ni et sarag to met lan ikonsidera ya written report, tan isubject ed beripikasyon na saray Scholarship team no mismon Wikimania.
Importanten Petsa
Say timeline parad Scholarship Program et:
Aplikasyon Para ed Travel Scholarship
Done Open: Huwebes, 12 January 2023.
Done Deadline parad manaplay parad ischolarship: Simba, 5 February 2023 ed Template:23:59 AoE.
Done Eligibility ed Phase 1 assessment na WMF Trust & Safety: mamegley ed Pebrero ( anggapo ni notipikasyon na resulta).
- Phase 2 mas aralem ya panagevaluate na Scholarship committee: Marso
Done Offers are being sent on a rolling basis to successful applicants: April 21 – May
- Inotify iray aplikante tungkol ed pinal ya desisyon: Mayo
- Say kumpleton listaan na akapasa ed scholarship et nabasa ed Wikimani Wiki: Mayo
Parad mas dakel ya detalye na requirements na aplikasyon, ebalwasyon, tan no panon so manapply et nanengneng ed: 2023:Schlarship/ Travel Scholarship application
Satellite Events
Saray Satellite event CNN ki VK necə birtual events na Wikimania et iniskedyulan tan pondoan na affiliates o project ه به این ترتیب به محک تک ه ه ه GoWMF. Manrequest na live link ed Wikimania
Wikimedia Affiliates may use funds already obtained through the Wikimedia Foundation General Support Fund to run a satellite event, even if a satellite event was not initially included in their GSF proposal. General Support Fund grantees have the ability to move funds around their budget as needed, and, per the General Support Fund agreement, the Foundation only requests that Program Officers be informed if that variance is more than 20% from the original proposal. We encourage all affiliates interested in hosting a satellite event to list their event details on the satellite event subpage, so that affiliates may coordinate between themselves, encouraging collaboration and connection amongst Wikimedians and to better promote their events.
- Say sampot ya listaan na events et iyanunsyo no June
- Affiliates wanting to livestream into Wikimania should get in touch with the programming subcommittee of the Core Organizing Team at wikimania
wikimedia.org as soon as they have the details of their event.
- Say COT et mansuporta na event connections para ed Singapore
Please use the talk page for discussing ideas.
Parad arom ni ran impormasyon tungkol ed Wikimedia Foundation SCholarship Program, bisita yo la may pahina na frequently asked questions ( FAQ).
No wal ni ray tepet, pikontak yo la: wikimania-scholarships@wikimedia.org o mangitilak na mensahe ed: 2023 talk:Scholarships