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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page 2023:Program and the translation is 0% complete.
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Bolikan nopo diti nga popokito do kouludan kopoindalanan ababayan Wikimania 2023. Pointarad po iti do kosimbanon.
Montok kapanahakan do kouludan ababayan, ongoi id pautan diti.

Program schedule

Program di kagayat ginawo milo intangan id Eventyay, hinonggo milo ko momoruhang sesi nu id suang tadauwulan om mogintong lobi ogumu kopoilaan kokomoi manahak booboroson. Toud pomodolinan program milo intangan id Pretalx

Milo kou nogi mogintong do format legasi ababayan do hiti (grid program koubasanan Wikimania).

Program content

This section contain all program activities and sessions given permission to be recorded. For the non-recorded sessions, you may download their presentations at the presentations commons category. For submission details, go to the submissions category. For the images, go to photographs Commons category.

Main events

Basic workshops


Community initiatives


Equity and Community health

The 1st WikiWomen Summit at Wikimania

East, South East Asia and the Pacific (ESEAP) Regional Collaboration

Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums (GLAM), Heritage and Culture


Learning clinic (Soft skills)

Lightning talk showcase